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Its not “what you see is what you get,” but

“what you don’t see will get you”

(Martin and Heaulme,1998)

 Projects are said to be the building blocks in
the design and implementation of strategies.
Within the sphere of PLANNING, the project
cycle is recognized as an crucial tool that
guides the project systematically from its
conception to the termination phase.
 The stage of the project cycle that can help in
arriving at judgments on a projects fate, its
success or failures, merits or weaknesses, is
the stage of evaluation.
 As such the stage of the project cycle that
can help arriving at judgments on a projects
fate, its success or failures, merits or
weaknesses, is the stage of evaluation.
 Evaluation is a tool used to assess how far the project objectives
have been achieved and whether the initial assumptions about
what would happen were right.
 It also helps in arriving at judgements about the effectiveness,
efficiency, impact and sustainability of the project and whether
the project could be replicabe in future.
 The Project Cycle by Rubins, 1995 puts evaluation as the last stage
of the project cycle. The cycle mentions assessment, appraisal and
monitoring activities as being carried out periodically and these
activities feed into the evaluation stage.
 The results of evaluation can be input into newer projects and
policies. Interms of the inputs for the same project from the cycle
it seems that the project would be more dependent upon
assessment, appraisal and monitoring activities to realign or
improve itself .
 Evaluation involves collecting baseline information primarily
quantitative data against which the progress and the intended and
the achieved benefits can be measured
 According to World Bank (1996p.1),
“Evaluation is the periodic assessment of a
projects relevance, performance, efficiency
and impact (both expected and unexpected)
in relation to stated objectives”.
 As such, interim evaluations (formative) are
conducted during implementation as a first
review of progress and terminal evaluation
(summative) at the end of the project.
 Whether an evaluation is formative or summative, the
purpose is primarily to judge upon the project achieving its
 The idea is also to identify risks and deviations and
accordingly realign the present or future course of action.
In order to be able to do this, evaluation involves a set of
 At the outset, the objectives of evaluation have to be
specified followed by formulation of potential evaluation
questions such as who is the information for, who will use
the findings, what kind of information is required, etc .
 Also important is the identification of either stakeholders
in the project as different stakeholders might have
different information needs
Evaluation Activities to Data Population Data Responsibility Data Audience
Question observe source sample Collection analysis
 Impact Evaluations are an important tool for
an institution to learn and make adjustments
and reorient its policies and projects and
hence impact evaluations are a true measure
of project sustainability.
 Besides increasing the knowledge base about
sustainability of the project, impact
evaluations are valued as they contribute to
establishing conditions under which urban
improvement initiatives
 Thanks..

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