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Action Plan

I imagined myself working for AMG Petronas Formula 1 Team. This is the

motorsport that I really love and pursued engineering for. I imagine myself working with

diverse people and enjoying it while doing so. The position that I desired is the Chief

Aerodynamicist and because of that I have freedom of whatever I do. I would still live in

the Philippines, preferably close to my parents as I want to spend time with them. My

job can be work from home as I only need to design the car’s chassis, but I can also go

to the factory for further testing. My salary would be more than $100,000 including some

bonuses if the car wins. I still imagine myself still single as I want to spend my time

more with my family. Relationship will come later or maybe sooner if God wills it. I would

own a house and only 1 car, but I would spoil my parents or loved ones with their own

houses, their own cars, and some items that they like. I would also fund my older

brother to take business course and invest or give him money to start a business. I do
not see myself pursuing material or doctoral since I don’t know if I will like it, however if

it is related to my passion, then I probably will.


 Graduate my course

 Perfect my skill on Fusion 360

 Make a connection with the Formula 1 teams


 Research more on about F1 paddock

 Master my skills

 Learn more about aerodynamics

 Apply for a job in F1 team (preferably AMG)

Target Dates:

 Graduation in 2023

 Job experience in 2024

 Work in Formula 1 in 2025

Persons Involved

 My Parents

 My Brother

 My Grandmother

 Tito/Titas/Cousins

 Money that I earned during my 1st year of work

 My skills that I honed during the years

 My knowledge regarding Aerodynamics

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