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Dimensions Of Health:-


According to WHO "HEALTH " is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing
and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity. But still "HEALTH" is such a term which
is difficult to define, there are lot of criticisms such as absence of measurable terms, cancill
measure ,mental well being or social wellbing" of a persong Another criticism is that " Heath
" cannot be defined as a "state" Instead it must be seen as a process of continuous
adjustment of people changing environment and demands offfe fuer ignare all the criticisms
and saying in our oven weards, Heath is the holistic measure of our body and mind's
condition, myflecting our well being In our various dimensions such as physical mented,
emotional, social and spiritual facets. Understanding these dimension is bey - to achievi I
and maintaining optimal health.

(Resource:- Deen Dayal Upad haya Gorakhpur university. >epathsala attachment, Direct
Concept of Health.)

Following are the four major dimensions of health :-

Physical Dimension:-

(i) Physical dimension refers to the ability of the human body to function properly. It involves
excercises, healthy habit balanced diet, bone health and body mow index.

(References:- National, Council of Educational Research and Training

Clay X1-Neout Textbook - Understanding health 3" direct link- Kehp 102.pdf.)

(ii) Physical wellness is the ability to maintain the quality of life that allows one to get through
daily activities without fundue fatigue are physical stess..

(Reference: Neert Textbook - Understanding Health. Claus ?

a direct link - Kehip 102.pdf.)

(iii) Intake of healthy diet and getting an adequate amount of excercise to build carolivascular
health endurance and flexibility.
(Reference :- Sociology of health, Author - Suvashree Behera MA sociology, Paper-21, direct
link - Paper-11-pl)

(iv) Physicalhealth enhances, determination, self control and "Self esteem. Sufficient amount
of sleep, no addictions of harmful substances such on tobacco & and up to date annual
exams ar heath checkups are some tips to maintain good physical health.

(Reference:- Sociology of health) Aether - Suvashree Behera MA socidogy, paper-II,

direct-link paper-11° pik)

(v) Physical activity lowers risk of many chronic disease diabetes, hat heart disease, obesity,
bone and joint prostems, and cancer), improves moody boosts energy etc.

( vi ) Monitor warning signs to understand when the body needs nutrition and treatment

(Resources- Sociology of Health, Author=

Suvashree Bohra, MA sociology, paper- Direct link- Paper-11.pdf.)

⚫ Debangi Sen CNDV Sem 1 ⚫

Mental Dimension:-

⚫Mental health is a vital component of health

(Ref: introduction to nutrition & health)

⚫Mental health can be defined as" a state of balance between the individual and the
surrounding world a state of harmony between oneself and others, a co-existence between the
realities of the self and that of other people and that of the environment"

(Ref: concept of health

Research-analysis-innovation/implementation (RAI) Foundation)

⚫It comes under cognitive aspect of health that includes thinking reasoning remembering
imaging and learning.

(Ref: Class XI health and physical education )

⚫Cognitive Aspect is related to the process of perception memory judgement and reasoning as
contrasted with emotional process

(Ref: Class XI health and physical education )

⚫It is the ability of individual to use their brain and think process information and act properly
(Ref : Class XI health and physical education )

⚫Only a mentally healthy person is able to meet their life problems in such a way as to provide
her a her with a feeling of personal satisfaction and to contribute satisfactory to the welfare of
the society.

(Ref: introduction to nutrition )

⚫A person who is mentally healthy is one

Is free from unsolvable internal conflicts and is able to arrive at

⚫Is confident about their own abilities but recognises their faults
⚫Has High self esteem
⚫Assumes responsibilities according to their capacity and find satisfaction in their
⚫Able to handle any situation without getting two upset or tense that is coping up with stress &

⚫Has good control over her emotion and does not give in frequently to strong feelings of fear
jealousy anger and guilt

⚫Adapts to situation and people

⚫Sensitive to the emotional needs of others
(Ref: introduction to nutrition)

⚫Mental health is directly entering with other dimension of health such as physical emotional
social and spiritual does other dimension of health is hampered if mental health is not taken
care of.

(Ref: by me)

How can we have good mental health:-

Eat healthy:
There is strong link between what we eat and how we feel. Healthy diet consist of essential
nutrients which help to maintain healthy weight

Express your feelings:

Whenever we are feeling stressed then talking about our feeling helps to come our mind does
maintaining good mental health

Play games and sports:

Playing games like chase cricket etc helps to boost our self esteem. It improves our
concentration sleep look and feeling better by beating stress.

Get enough sleep:

Today our body needs time to heal and rest. Sleeping 8 hours everyday is must for all

Spend time with friends and families:

Friends and families are important part of our life spending time with them boosts happy
hormone in our in our body which helps in good mental health

Ask for help:

If anyone feel that they cannot cope up with the stressful situation and things are getting too
much then one shoot not hesitate to ask for professional help.

Avoid consuming tobacco and alcohol:

Tobacco and alcohol result in illness in proportion to the consumption. Learn to say no to your
friends in such situation.

(Ref: class XI health & physical education book)

Stigma related to mental health:-

Stigma attach to mental illness means that people are hesitate to consult a doctor or
psychologist because they are ashamed of their problems basically the importance of mental
health is less privatised than physical health any psychological disorder which indicates a failure
in adaptation should be viewed as any other illness.

(Ref: class XII ncert psychology book)

⚫ Madhurima Bose CNDV Sem 1 ⚫

3. Social Dimension :-

A person's health is not just her physical and mental well-being. A healthy person should be
well adjusted in the community of which she is a part and should be able to function for the
betterment of her community.

The social dimension of health includes the person's ability to see herself as a member of a
larger community, the quantity and quality of her interpersonal relationships with others and
the extent of her involvement with the community. She should fulfil her social obligations.
These include obligations to the family as well as the community

(Ref :- Introduction to Nutrition and health)

● Aspects:-

⚫ Building and maintaining satisfying relationships comes naturally to us as we are social

Being socially accepted is also connected to our emotional well-being.

⚫ The ability to make and maintain healthy relationships with other people. eg. being able
relate to parents, friends, teachers in a way that your community finds acceptable.

⚫ It also includes accepting social standards/ norms of behavior, for instance, waiting in
behaving appropriately with others.

⚫ This dimension of health focuses on the process of

Making time for positive experiences with friends and family can build emotional reserves
and strengthen social connections for times of need.

⚫ Social wellness is an ability to interact with people, respect yourself and others, develop
meaningful relationships and develop quality communication skills. This allows you to
establish a support system of family and friends.

⚫Those with high social wellness believe that it is important to

1. Live in harmony with the environment and others.

2. Consider the common welfare of the community over their own.

3. Develop interdependent healthy relationships while developing healthy behavior.

4. Create a balance between their community and the environment.

⚫ In 2003, the World Health Organization (WHO) Europe suggested that the social
determinants of health included:
1. Social gradients (life expectancy is shorter and disease is more common further down the
social ladder)

2. Stress (including stress in the workplace)

3. Early childhood development

4. Social exclusion

5. Unemployment

6. Social support networks

7. Addiction

8. Availability of healthy food

9. Availability of healthy transportation

(Ref :- Sociology of health author - Suvasree behera)

4. Spiritual Dimension :-

There are different belief systems that exist all around the world. The spiritual beliefs will
help the individuals discover and pursue their own value and belief and a sense of overall
purpose in life. Generally, people often find their purpose from a belief or faith system while
others create their own school of worship. A person who has a purpose in life is said to be
healthier than those who do not have it.
Spiritual health easily affects emotional and mental health as having a purpose in life can
help you to apply yourself to achieving goals. Having a purpose in life can also help people
to maintain a proper perspective of life and overcome adversity. Often people who are
spiritual, meet together regularly around their spiritual purpose, which helps to improve their
social health also.

(Ref :- Health and Physical education XI; understanding health)

Spiritual wellness involves discovering a set of beliefs and values that brings purpose to your
life. While different groups and individuals have a variety of beliefs regarding spiritualism but
the general search for meaning for our existence is considered essential to creating harmony
with yourself and others regardless of the path to spirituality you choose to follow.
It is considered healthier to find your own path to the meaning of life that allows you to
be tolerant of the beliefs of others and life a life that is consistent with your beliefs.

● Spiritual wellness:-

⚫ Explore your spiritual core

⚫ Spend time alone/meditate regularly
⚫ Be inquisitive and curious
⚫Be fully present in everything you do
⚫Listen with your heart and live by your principles
⚫Allow yourself and those around you the freedom to be who they are
⚫See opportunities for growth in the challenges life brings you
( Ref :- Sociology of health author - Suvasree behera)

⚫Kalpakanya Ghosh CNDV Sem 1⚫

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