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1. Class Division: Divide students into groups of 3-4. Each group is given a marker and a large sheet
of paper.

2. Setting the Scene: At the top of each sheet, write down a specific environmental impact related
to welding. For instance:

 “Emissions from welding”

 “Waste materials like slag and electrodes”

 “Energy consumption during welding”

3. Brainstorming Session: Each group starts with one of the topics. They have 5 minutes to jot
down ideas about:

 The specifics of that impact.

 Potential ways to mitigate it.

4. Carousel Movement: After 5 minutes, each group rotates to the next sheet, building on the
previous group's ideas. They can add new ideas or expand on existing ones.

5. Discussion and Review: After two rotations (15 minutes of brainstorming in total), gather the
students back and discuss the findings as a class. Hang up the sheets on the walls. Have a
representative from each group (or the teacher) summarize the main points discussed on each

6. Reflection: In the last 10 minutes, have an open discussion where students can share their
thoughts, add any additional points, or ask questions.

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