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INGLÉS IBAS300 Composición 4 de la Unidad 4

Read the following paragraph. There are 8 things that Susanna did when she made her interesting
dessert. Write them in the following lines. The first one is already done for you.

Lea el siguiente párrafo. Son 8 cosas que hizo Susanna cuando preparó su interesante postre.
Escríbelos en las siguientes líneas. El primero ya está hecho para ti.

(1) Susana is a newlywed (2) she doesn´t cook very well, but she likes to make interesting
desserts for her husband. (3) Her favorite dessert is brailed pineapple (4) It´s very
economical, (5) In her country fresh pineapple costs very little. (6) This is her recipe. (7) she
splits a ripe pineapple into long pieces. (8) she cuts out the hard center part. (9) she puts
the piece in a shallow frying pan. (10) she spreads honey over each piece. (11) she sets the
oven at “loroil”. (12) after a few minutes, she puts the pan in the oven. (13) she shuts the
oven door carefully. (14) she beats cream and serves in on top of the pineapple after
removing it from the oven. (15) she and her husband agreed that it´s a good dessert and
fits their budget.

(1) Susana es una recién casada (2) no cocina muy bien, pero le gusta preparar postres
interesantes para su marido. (3) Su postre favorito es la piña braseada (4) Es muy económica,
(5) En su país la piña fresca cuesta muy poco. (6) Esta es su receta. (7) parte una piña madura
en trozos largos. (8) corta la parte central dura. (9) pone el trozo en una sartén poco profunda.
(10) unta miel sobre cada trozo. (11) pone el horno en “loroil”. (12) después de unos minutos,
mete la sartén en el horno. (13) cierra la puerta del horno con cuidado. (14) bate la nata y la
sirve encima de la piña después de sacarla del horno. (15) ella y su esposo coincidieron en que
es un buen postre y se ajusta a su presupuesto.

1.-She split a ripe pineapple into long pieces.

2.-she cuts out the hard center part.
3.-She puts the piece in a shallow frying pan.
4.-She spreads honey over each piece.
5.-She sets the oven at “broil”.
6.- After a few minutes, she puts the pan in the oven.
7.-She shuts the oven door carefully.
8.-She beats cream and serves in on top of the pineapple after removing it from the oven.

1.-Partió una piña madura en trozos largos.

2.-corta la parte dura del centro.
3.-Pone la pieza en una sartén poco profunda.
4.-Unta miel sobre cada pieza.
5.-Pone el horno en “broil”.
6.- Después de unos minutos, mete el molde al horno.
7.-Cierra la puerta del horno con cuidado.
8.-Bate la nata y sirve encima de la piña después de sacarla del horno.
2.- Now, by using the sequency abverbs (first, second, next, after that) Write about 50 to 60 words
about describe the process of broiled pineapple.

2.- Ahora, usando la secuencia de abverbios (primero, segundo, siguiente, después de eso) Escribe
entre 50 y 60 palabras para describir el proceso de la piña asada.

When Susanna was a newlywed, she didn´t cook very well, but she liked to make interesting
desserts for her husband. First, she would split a ripe pineapple into long pieces and cut out the
hard center part. Then she would put the piece in a shallow frying pan. Then she spread the honey
over each piece. After that, she sets the oven on to broil and after a few minutes, she put the pan
in the oven and shuts the oven door carefully. Finally, she would beat the cream and serves in on
top of the pineapple after removing it from the oven.

When Susanna was a newlywed, she didn´t cook very well, but she liked to make interesting
desserts for her husband. First, she would split a ripe pineapple into long pieces and cut the hard
part out of the center. Then she would put the piece in a shallow frying pan. Then she spread the
honey over each piece. After that she sets the oven on to broil and after a few minutes, she put the
pan in the oven and closed the door carefully. Finally, she would beats the cream and serves in on
top of the pineapple after removing it fromthe oven.

Cuando Susanna estaba recién casada, no cocinaba muy bien, pero le gustaba preparar postres
interesantes para su marido. Primero, ella partía una piña madura en trozos largos y cortaba la
parte dura del centro. Luego ella ponía la pieza en una sartén poco profunda. Después, ella untaba
la miel sobre cada pieza. Después de eso ella ponía el horno a asar y después de unos minutos, ella
metía el molde al horno y cerraba la puerta con cuidado. Finalmente, ella batía la nata y servía
después de sacarla del horno.

3.- Now, by using the sequency adverbs (first, second, next, after that, etc.,) Write about your
favorite meal. Write between 50 to 60 words. Think about the question.

3.- Ahora, usando los adverbios de secuencia (primero, segundo, siguiente, después de eso, etc.,)
Escribe sobre tu comida favorita. Escribe entre 50 y 60 palabras. Piensa en la pregunta.

What is your favorite meal?

When do you eat it?
When was the last time you ate it?
How do you prepare it?
Why do you like this meal so much?
Have you ever tried this food in a restaurant?

¿Cuál es tu comida favorita?

¿Cuándo lo comes?
¿Cuándo fue la última vez que lo comiste?
¿Cómo lo preparas?
¿Por qué te gusta tanto esta comida?
¿Has probado alguna vez esta comida en un restaurante?

My favorite food is shrimp. They are not difficult to make. First, I clean and wash the shrimp well.
Second, I chop the onion and garlic.
Then I put butter in a pan, then add the vegetables and shrimp.
After that, I chopped some chili and cream in the blender. I add the mix to the shrimp.
Finally, I seasoned with salt and pepper.

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