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Middle School Level :1MS

Teacher :…………………………. Annual Learning Plan School Year :2023/2024

Exit Profile: At the end of level 1 ( 1st year middle school), the learner will be able to interact, interpret and produce short oral and written
messages texts of descriptive type, using written, visual or oral supports, in meaningful situations of communication related to his environment and
Resources Estim


Learning objectives ated

Lexis Grammar Pronunciation Time

4 Lexis related -verb ‘to be’ (present simple tense)

- greet people to: a- Affirmative/negative forms.
1 -greeting
-introduce myself b- Interrogative forms: Yes/No questions/Wh questions
Me and my Friends

2 (hello, hi /aɪ/-/ei /
-give information and (What? Where? How old?)
3 etc.).- the -/i/- /i:/
respond to questions -use of simple sentence pattern (- memorized/modelled ones:
4 learner’s
about me: my age, my affirmative and interrogative )

personal life: (To be integrated as

class, and my -personal pronouns [ I – you- it]
(name, age, a skill and not as an
hometown. -possessive adjectives [ my – your ]
school, isolated lesson).
-ask about a new -prepositions of location:
friend’s name. hometown, - in+ hometown/ - at + School
etc.) -numbers from 1 to 13

13 weeks
1 - Ask and give -Present simple tense with the verbs: to liveto love – to like(only / θ/ / δ /

2 information about me affirmative form) (To be integrated as

3 and my family -verbs ‘to have’ / ‘to be’ (present simple tense) a
a- Affirmative/negative forms.
4 (Parents, brothers, skill and not as an
b- Interrogative forms:
Me and my Family

and sisters) and pets. isolated lesson).

-basic lexis -Yes/No questions
-Wh questions (who? , what ?, where ? )
related to:
-Use of simple sentence pattern (-memorized/ modelled ones: affirmative
1 family, pets and interrogative )

and jobs.
2 -demonstratives: this / that
3 - cardinal numbers from 14 to 100.
-ordinal numbers.
4 -articles a/ an
- possessive adjectives (his –her- its)
-personal pronouns (he- she- it)

Pre -requisites: Use of question words (What?-Where ?)/verb to be (the present simple tense )

End of Term 1 Winter Holidays (December 21st to January 7th ,2024 .)

First Term Exam (one week)
-lexis related -pronunciation

Me and my Daily Activities

1 to daily of
-discourse markers: today, every…

2 activities, the final ‘s’ :
-the present simple tense with concrete, routine actions:
3 -tell the time digital time, /s/ , /z/ ,/ɪz

9 weeks
-positive, negative, and interrogative form (‘Wh’ questions &
4 -talk about daily and leisure leisure
yes / no questions)
activities. activities. (To be
-prepositions of time: in (the morning / afternoon…); at
integrated as a

( time); on (day
1 skill and not as
isolated lesson).
Pre-requisites :Use of question words (who -what-where……?)
-lexis related to
Me and my School

school and
3 /ŋ /
- describe my school. leisure
4 -the present continuous with now. (To be
- talk about rights and duties activities.
- ‘what’ and ‘where’ with ‘to be’ to ask about location. integrated as a
at school. (classroom, lab,

1 - talk about leisure activities school yard, -prepositions and adverbs of location: (in, between, next to, skill and not as
behind, opposite, in the middle, etc.). an isolated
at school. plant, trees,
decorate the :Prepositions of place in /to be /what and where . lesson).
classroom, etc.).
End of Term 2 Second Term Exam (one week) Spring Holidays (March21st to April 7th ,2024 .)
-lexis related -‘to be’ in the present simple with cardinal points
Me, my Country, and the World

1 -ask and give information to the -‘to have’ in the present simple
2 about: //ʃ/ /tʃ/

topic :Continen - personal pronoun (we - they)

3 -my country ts/ -the possessive adjectives (our - their)

4 (currency/flag/national and (To be

5 weeks
Nationalities/ -‘What’ and ‘Where’ with ‘to be’ to ask about location.
religious days) Flags / -preposition of location (in). integrated as a
-other countries currencies/ skill and not as
1 (nationalities/ Flags / celebration an isolated

2 currencies/ celebration lesson).


Pre-requisites :Prepositions of place in /to be /what and where with to be

End of Term 3 Third Term Exam (two weeks)

Teacher : ‫االستاذ‬ Headmaster ‫ المدير‬: Inspector: ‫المفتش‬

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