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TEST 3 – VII одделение

Name : _______________________________________________________

1. Пополни ги речениците со “will “ / “ won’t “ :

1. They ____________________ let you come with him because they hate him.
2. I ___________ cross the ocean for you.
3. But I ___________ do it because I am curious.
4. __________ he come with us?
5. You ____________ get a new dress tomorrow.
6. I ___________ go to South Africa. I want to go to China.
7. _________ you be at home this afternoon?
8. No, I _________ . I have a meeting at 4 o'clock.
9. Jim ___________ go to school tomorrow. He's ill.
10. If my parents give me some money, I __________ buy clothes.
10 p. /
2. Пополни ги речениците со глаголот во Present Continuous :

1. __________ Alba _____________ to Australia tonight? ( travel )

2. My classmates ________________ to the sports centre after school (go)
3. Francisco ____________________ his bicycle this afternoon ( not ride)
4. Pedro ________________________ his English test tomorrow afternoon (study)
5. ____________ Christian ______________ his brother to the shops soon? (take)
6. Delia ________________________ the plants this evening (water)
7. Pablo______________________ TV this afternoon (not watch)
8. Verónica _______________ the dishes after lunch ( wash)
16 p. /
3. Пополни ги речениците со a / an / some:

1. I have ___________ good idea.

2. That's ___________ interesting job!
3. They have found____________ gold in that old mine.
4. Do the Smiths have _________ yellow car?
5. Look! He's having_______________ sandwiches.
6. He always likes ____________ piece of chocolate.
7. I have ___________ homework to do for tomorrow.
8. There's __________ nice girl in the red car.
9. Would you like __________ milk with your cookies?
10. How about _________ grapes?
10 p. /
4. Пополни ги речениците со much / many / a lot of :
1. I don't have _________ time.
2. We have __________ problems.
3. I don't have ____________ to say. I know very little.
4. I didn't sleep very ________ .
5. There aren't ____________ days left before the meeting. I hope you are well-prepared.
6. I don't like him very ___________ .
12 p. /
5. Одбери : How much?или How many ?
1. ____________ bottles of milk have we got?
2. ______________ tomatoes do you need for your salad?
3. _____________ water do you drink every day?
4. _______________ food is there in the bag?
5. _______________brothers or sisters have you got?
5 p. /

6. Употреби : SHOULD / SHOULDN’T или MUSTN’T :

1. We ___________ invite the Nortons to our party. They are nice people.
2. Young children _____________ stay at home on their own.
3. Before you go to the dentist's, you _____________ brush your teeth.
4. You _____________ smoke in bed!
5. You __________________ forget her birthday again.
6. You __________________ go to the theatre when you are in Vienna. It's great.
7. You ________________ cross the street when the traffic lights are red.
8. My mum thinks I ______________ spend so much money on clothes.
9. “Twilight" is a really great book. You ___________ read it soon.
10.You _____________ drive the car. You are only thirteen!
20 p. /
7. Преведи ги зборовите :

Leave school - , pass exams -

Get a job - , go abroad - , grapes –
Baked potato - ,beefburger -
7 p. /

Вкупно : 80 поени Оценка :

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