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Тест 3 ( 8 одд.

Име и презиме : ____________________________________________

1. Пополни ги речениците со : HAVE TO / HAS TO , DON’T’ HAVE TO /DOESN’T HAVE TO:

1. We __________ get up early on Mondays.

2. Mary ____________ go to school on Saturdays.
3. She _____________ wear glasses because she can’t see very well.
4. John _______________ tidy his bedroom before going to bed.
5. You ______________ take your math book to school today, you don’t have math class.
6. My father is a policeman. He ____________ wear a uniform.
7. He _____________ work in the evening.
8. We ____________ go shopping.
9. The friends ___________ get up early.
10.Mandy ____________ read the instructions.
11.You ___________ do the project.
12.Frank and Joel ____________ draw a picture.
12п. /
2. Одбери : SHOULD / SHOULDN’T :

1. If it´s rainy you ___________ take an umbrella.

2. ____________ I drink hot tea if I have a sore throat?
3. They have a test tomorrow. They ____________ go to the cinema . They __________ stay
at home and study!
4. Children ___________ eat lots of vegetables but they _____________ eat lots of sweets.
5. I have a party tonight. What ___________ I wear? A dress or a pair of trousers?
6. The doctor said: "You __________ eat healthy food. You __________ eat fast food. You
_________ watch so much TV. You ____________ walk 1 hour a day. You _________
drink fruit juice and water. You ____________ drink wine or beer.
12п. /
3. Најди ја придавката во секоја реченица и пополни го празното место со соодветниот
предлог :
1. James is careful. He drives ______________ .
2. The girl is slow. She walks _________________ .
3. Our teacher is angry. She shouts ______________ .
4. My neighbor is a loud speaker. He speaks ______________ .
5. He is a bad writer . He writes ________________ .
6. He is a good painter . He paints _______________ . 12п. /

4. Напиши го другиот збор што има исто значење како дадениот :

1. Pants – 5. Petrol -
2. Sidewalk – 6. Lift -
3. Biscuits – 7. Trainers -
4. Holiday - 8. Closet -
8п. /

5.Пополни ги речениците со соодветната повратна заменка :

1. Robert made this T-shirt ______________ .

2. Lisa did the homework __________________ .

3. We helped ____________ to some cola at the party.

4. Emma, did you take the photo by ______________ .

5. I wrote this poem ________________ .

6. The lion can defend _______________ .

6п. /

6.Состави реченици со : USED TO :

1. You / live in a flat / when you were a child ?

_____________________________________________________________________________ ?

2. He / love eating chocolate / but now he hates it.

_____________________________________________________________________________ .

3. She / be able to speak French/but she has forgotten it all.

______________________________________________________________________________ .

4. I / not hate / school. ____________________________________________________________ .

5. Julie / study / Portuguese ? _______________________________________________________ ?

10 п. /
Бодовна скала :

0 – 19 = (1) ; 20 – 29 =( 2 ) ; 30 – 39 = ( 3 ) ; 40 – 51 = ( 4 ) ; 52 – 60 = ( 5 )

Вкупно поени :

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