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TEST 3 – 9th grade

Name : ______________________________________________________

1. Дополни ги речениците со употреба на соодветните Question tags :

1. She’s from a small town in China ______________________ ?
2. They aren’t on their way , _____________________ ?
3. I’m not the person with the tickets, ________________ ?
4. I like chocolate very much ___________________ ?
5. They need some new clothes ___________________ ?
6. We didn’t watch much TV, __________________ ?
7. She played very well, __________________ ?
8. She doesn’t cook very often,____________________ ?
9. You don’t like spicy food, ____________________ ?
10. He won’t buy that jacket , _________________ ? 20п. /

2. Пополни ги празните места со would , should , could , might :

1. _____________ you like to see a movie this weekend ?
2. You _____________ not eat too much chocolate !
3. ____________ you speak when you were a child ?
4. I _______________ go to John’s party , but I’m not sure yet.
5. Which one _____________ I buy? The red or the yellow one ?
6. I ____________ to go on a cruise .
7. Sally ________________ run really fast when she was at school .
7п. /
3. Состави условни реченици во првиот и вториот вид:
1. If I (go) out tonight, I (go) to the cinema.

2) If you (get) back late, I (be) angry.


3) If we (not/see) each other tomorrow, we (see) each other next week.

4) If you (have) a better job, we (be) able to buy a new car.

5) If she (not/be) always so late, she (be) promoted.

6) If she (pass) the exam, she (be) able to enter university.
12п. /
4. Состави пасивни реченици :
1. Italy makes the best shoes in the world.
2. They washed the car.
3. They sold their house last year.
4. John paints the ceiling.
5. They watch TV every weekend.
6. The tsunami destroyed lots of houses.
12п. /
5. Поврзи ги зборовите со соодветните дефиниции :
1. In confidence - a. a large shop stocking many varieties of goods
2. Toddlers- b. success
3. Joy – c. walk slowly
4. Premise – d. look like
5. Edited – e. everywhere at the same time
6. Omnipresent – f. idea
7. Confined – g. modified or cut before broadcasting
8. Resemble – h. true
9. Stroll – i. made to stay within a restricted area
10. Undeniable – j. great happiness
11. Triumph – k. young children who are just learning to walk
12. Department store - l. in secret
24p. /

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