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After hearing the discussion, I learned that there is a written book about the first voyage
around the world which was written by Antonio Pigaffeta, a famous Italian traveler also
known as Antonio Lombardo or Francisco Antonio Pigaffeta, he accompanied Magellan
with his crew. Based on my prior knowledge that Spaniards were directly influencing
Filipinos' Christian conduct by force, the idea that native Filipinos would be easily
persuaded was never something I expected to happen.
According to Pigaffeta, the Philippines was a primitive land where indigenous people
lived. When Magellan arrived, the native Filipinos were welcoming and gave him gold
jewelry and food. However, because of cultural differences, Magellan's expedition was
intended to explore westward across the Atlantic Ocean in search of gems and spices to
be sold when he returned. At the time, globalization was still relatively new. After the
King was baptized in 1521, Humabon, later known as Don Carlos, celebrated the first
mass in the Philippines. Magellan then ordered that the cross be brought, complete with
nails and a crown. From that point on, their previous beliefs were erased as a result of
the Spanish influence that the Spaniards had brought with them.
While the majority of people were persuaded because of a miracle that once happened
when one of the king's close friends was subsequently baptized and healed of a
disease, it is never the case for other people to simply believe. Idols and statues were
ordered to be destroyed, and they were only allowed to believe in Jesus. The village
head who disobeyed the monarch is known as Lapu lapu or the Mactan.

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