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Person1: Hey, I’m here, I’m here

Person2: What’s happened to you?

Person3: why did you call us out there?

Person1: hmm. My teacher assigned me the task of making unusual art. But I don’t know how to do it.

Help me, plsss..

Person2: oh. I see. Don’t worry, we will find a way together.

Person3: Making unusual art? Like something completely out of the box?

Person2: yeah. That’s correct.

Person1: what kind of unusual art are you thinking of?

person2: I don’t know. Maybe using unconventional materials or creating art in unique ways.

We making art with recycled materials.

Person1: That sounds really interesting! I love this idea.

Person3: it’s amazing how discarded items can be turned into excellent works of art, right?

Person2: yeah. Okay. So we will sculpt a piece entirely from plastic bottles and plastic caps.

Person1: waoo. It could make a powerful statement about enviromenal issue.

Person3: Can we add watercolor drops and oddly shaped things?

Person2: of course. We can do it. Unusual art allows us to be creative and express our individuality.

Person1: so, we will create a flower garden from plastic waste, a colorful flower garden.


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