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Planning Form

Name of Activity: Jug Houses

Originating Idea: We will use recycled plastic jugs and decorate them as houses for our animal figurines to
live in.

Curriculum Area
F. Creative Arts

One plastic jug per small group or child, paint, and animal figurines.

Appropriate Age group: 2

Beginning of Activity
I will introduce the activity by grabbing our classroom container full of animal figurines. “Today we will make our
own houses for the animals that live in our classroom! Each table will get their own jug that you and a couple
friends will help paint for our animals.” I will set up each table with the materials and help children get into their
paint smocks. The children will be divided into small groups at each table and be monitored with the paint.
They will use their hands to paint the jugs and can use other art materials from our art center to add if they
wish. Once the children are done with their jugs, we will place them up high to dry. After enough time has
passed, we will introduce the animal figurines to the jugs.

Middle of Activity

Early: Children in earlier developmental ability can share a jug with other classmates and an adult. They will
use strictly the paint to decorate the jug and apply the paint with their hands.

Middle: Children at the middle developmental ability will share a jug with a small group and decorate
their jug with paint using their hands or paint brushes from the art center. They may have a specific
type of animal they plan to inhabit their jug house.

Later: Children at a later developmental ability will have the opportunity to decorate their own jug without the
help of others. They can use the paint and other materials from our art center to make the jug how they wish.

End of Activity
“Today we made houses for our class animals using plastic jugs and paint! I think our animals really like their
new houses. Reusing materials such as plastic jugs from food or drinks to create something new is a fun and
creative way to give something a new life. Let’s all wash our hands because we’re going to read a book about
recycling on the carpet together.

Follow-up Ideas
This activity can be continued by having children do pretend play with the animals in their new
houses. The jugs can be made into instruments such as drums or maracas within the physical
development and health kdi.

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