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Planning Form

Name of Activity: Window Drawing

Originating Idea: Children will draw using crayons on paper that is taped to the window. This allows
them to explore art materials on a new surface.

Curriculum Area
F. Creative Arts

Paper, tape, and crayons

Appropriate Age group: 1-2

Beginning of Activity
"We’re going to color today with crayons! Usually, we color our papers on the table but today we’re
going to put our papers on the window!” I will tape up as many papers that can fit on the window. Then I
will provide a large bin of crayons near the window for the children to use.

Middle of Activity

Early: Children in earlier developmental ability can scribble on the paper on the window.

Middle: Children at the middle developmental ability can draw on the paper on the window and
identify what it is they have just drawn.

Later: Children at a later developmental ability can draw something they are able to see outside on their paper
on the window using the crayons.

End of Activity
“We all used crayons on the paper taped to the window. We are now going to pull our papers off so we can
hang them up on the walls for everyone to see. Once our papers are hung up, we are going to go outside!’

Follow-up Ideas
This activity can be continued by having children share one large sheet of paper for playing with
others while drawing. This would relate to the social and emotional development kdi.

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