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Out of Line in Love

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: SK8 the Infinity (Anime)
Relationship: Kyan Reki/Shindo Ainosuke | Adam
Character: Kyan Reki, Shindo Ainosuke | Adam, Hasegawa Langa, Kikuchi
Tadashi, Kyan Reki's Family, Nanjo Kojiro | Joe
Additional Tags: Omega Verse, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Alpha
Shindo Ainosuke | Adam, Omega Kyan Reki, Falling In Love, Attraction,
Claiming, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Mating, Mating Bond, True Mates,
Explicit Sexual Content, Explicit Consent, Enthusiastic Consent, Angst,
Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Fluff and Smut,
Humor, Angst and Humor, Angst and Romance, Romance, Drama &
Romance, Angst with a Happy Ending, Arguing, Temper Tantrums,
Biting, Dom/sub Undertones, Anal Sex, Knotting, Body Worship, Porn
with Feelings, Porn With Plot, Protective Shindo Ainosuke | Adam,
Possessive Shindo Ainosuke | Adam, Shindo Ainosuke | Adam In Love,
Smart Kyan Reki, Age Difference, Power Dynamics, Power Imbalance,
Top Shindo Ainosuke | Adam, Bottom Kyan Reki, Bottom Kyan
Reki/Top Shindo Ainosuke | Adam, Scents & Smells, Rough Sex, Wet &
Messy, Getting Together, Soft Shindo Ainosuke | Adam, Jealous Shindo
Ainosuke | Adam, Aged-Up Character(s), No beta we die like my heart
did while writing some of these scenes
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-10-03 Updated: 2023-10-07 Words: 26,410 Chapters:

Out of Line in Love

by Solipsis


"I believe I made it clear that I intend to spend this heat with you."

Reki turns to stare at the pretentious asshat on the other side of the seat, finding the
movement slightly taxing due to his heavy head and burning skin.

"I never said that I want you to do that."

Adam's striking eyes meet his. They flash bright red with every passing streetlight.

"You do, though," he says simply, and it's obvious that he knows that he's right.

After yet another beef against Adam, Reki finds himself in a surprising position; in heat and
in bed together with the alpha of "S". As if that wasn't shocking enough, Adam makes it
blatantly clear that it's not just a spur of the moment type-of-thing for him - he has desired
Reki for well over a year, and now, finally, he has his chance to make the brazen young
omega his.

While initially wary of Adam's intentions, Reki quickly gets swept up in the excitement, the
attraction, and the budding affection. Curious to see if the sizzling sparks can turn into a
steady flame, he agrees to give Adam a fair chance, but unequal gender dynamics, their
fierce tempers, and the nine years between them prove to be greater challenges than either
of them ever expected.


Look at that; this thing has plot and purpose. I never expected to write Porn With Plot, but
here we are. It's set almost three years after Season 1 (Adam has recently turned 29 and
Reki is a few months away from 20), and while you're thrown right into the heat of things,
some of what has changed since will be revealed as we go.

While I believe it to be pretty obvious, Adam has put in some work regarding his issues in
canon and calmed down quite a lot, but finally getting his chance with Reki, and the
challenges they will encounter, aren't easy for him to handle...

And yes, it’s also yet another fic where Reki goes into heat during a race, but can there
really be too many of those?

So far I have only tagged the characters that will play a major part at some point, but I’ll
add others if they turn out to get a bigger role than planned. While the plot is outlined from
start to finish and most of the major scenes are written, these two have a way of grabbing
me by the throat and dragging me into conversations that flow so naturally that I have no
other choice than to let it happen, which in turn sparks new ideas regarding both scenes and
themes (and this thing is shock full of themes already, help).

I hope to keep this to a few, long chapters since I so far have written well over 50k words
and 30k are just their first night together and the morning after HAH.

Anyway - enjoy the smut, the drama, and the ~romance~

Some info about this Omegaverse:

The main thing is that once a mating bite is placed it is permanent. Breaking up with
someone after a bite is basically impossible and an excruciating experience, so you better be
certain before making that choice.

Secondly, the dom/sub tag is quite literal and not just about the dynamic that will develop
between Adam and Reki (and lord, am I having fun with that), but also because omegas
have an instinctive response to obey alphas, especially alphas they are close to.

An alpha parent has a lot more power over their omega children than other parents do, a
pack leader's word is basically law, and a mate's? Well.
Now, Reki isn't the type of omega to take that shit, which is why I love him in this setting -
and in part why Adam gets quite obsessed with him, hehe.

I also have no idea if this gender dynamic is a common trope or not since I barely read
Omegaverse and prefer to make shit up myself which I absolutely have done for this
universe, but as I said; I have no fucking clue about common Omegaverse tropes so take it
for what it is, and if it turns out to be tropey as hell it's because I accidentally invented the
wheel, haha.

(The above is repeated before ch 2 since I forgot to write it here when I posted ch 1).
The Starting Line
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

It's been over a year since he last went into heat unexpectedly. Then, they had surprised him
because they came so irregularly, but that had sorted itself out eventually, and ever since, Reki has
had no incidents with quickly oncoming heats.

This one came on extremely quickly, though.

He wishes that he didn't know why. Everything would have been fine if only he didn't
know why. He knows that his friends would get him home safely without being weird about it.
Langa might go tense and become unnecessarily protective, but that's about it. It's silly, but Reki
figures he can't help it - just as Reki can't help this fucking heat.

Still, he can't let Langa or anyone else know about it. It's just way too embarrassing. It will be too
obvious what triggered it and he won't be able to deny it, not in a believable way. Not when it
happened during a race against Adam. Not when it happened right after the tall alpha pulled Reki
close to press him flush against his chest, his hands settled on his hips, and his hot breath swept
across Reki's neck.

"Your scent is enchanting when you race," he had whispered darkly - and heat had flared to life so
suddenly in Reki's gut that he almost fell over.

Adam's firm grip prevented that from happening, and as soon as Reki realized
what was happening, he slipped out of his hands and took the lead.

What if he noticed? Adam definitely said that to try and get Reki to lose focus, and ended up
getting a lot more than what he bargained for. He will never let Reki live it down, and he
especially won't refrain from doing it again if he deems it effective enough of a dirty trick to get
Reki off-balance.

Reki can never race against him again. That much is certain. To his surprise, the thought makes
him feel disappointed - almost sad.

They might have been somewhat comfortable around each other for the last year and a half or so,
but Reki wouldn't call Adam a friend. More like a rival. Adam probably doesn't feel the same way
about him since Reki has yet to beat him, but it's always so freaking close. Reki is always just
inches away when they pass the finish line. He's been so close to winning so many times - has even
made Adam frustrated enough to bare his fangs and snarl at him like a wild beast - and today Reki
believed that he had a great chance at finally doing it. He had been in the lead after having made
Adam take a tumble in the final curve (which was just as satisfying as always), and he really
believed that this was it - this was when he'd finally win.

Until Adam as if by a miracle caught up right before the factory. Until his warm hands and deep
voice sent Reki into a heat that has him panting before they've even reached the finish line.

So he rushes it. No tricks. No finesse. He skates as simply as possible, just to get it over with. He
doesn't care who wins - he just needs to get away.

He shoots past the finish line and doesn't care to stop. The crowd (luckily used to getting out of the
way fast) parts like the Red Sea for him, and he's out of the factory before he even realizes that the
race is over.

No one can know. Reki will rather skate all the way back home than let anyone know that Adam
made him like this. If someone realized, he hopes with all his heart that at least no one
he knows did, but hopefully, his blockers should have no problem with dampening the scent of a
heat in such an early stage.

It's quickly becoming worse, though, and he's struck by the realization that skating home doesn't
sound safe. Alone, in heat, in the middle of the night. He'll make it, though. He's never had any
problems with standing up to alphas before. His height and build make most of them a little wary
of him, anyway, especially if he has to hiss at them. The fact that he has slightly sharp canines
usually makes them back off. It isn't very omega, so any budding attraction usually dies instantly.

Reki is, in general, not very omega. If not for his scent, no one would guess it at first glance. It will
be undeniable while in heat, though. Reki isn't sure if size and sharp teeth will be enough if he
crosses paths with some real beast of an alpha.

He barely finishes that thought before the scent of one hits his senses. Not just any alpha either -
it's Adam.

Holy shit, he's chasing after him!?

Reki kicks off harder to pick up speed, distantly aware of the fact that he just won over Adam.
Perhaps he's pissed. He does have a rather short fuse. And some violent tendencies.

That used to scare him. Now it sort of excites him. Especially since he started to give back almost
as good as he gets. Adam has eaten dirt more than a few times since Reki started to challenge him
head-on at the track, but now he's freaking chasing him down the trail through the woods, and if
he's determined to catch up, Reki most likely has no chance of staying ahead, despite his surprising
win. Especially not while dealing with a heat. He suspects that Adam will charge down the road at
full speed if he's pissed enough to actually want to fight.

Reki doesn't think he'll be violent off-track, not anymore, but he might want to argue. He seems to
enjoy pushing Reki's buttons even outside of beefs - outside of "S" even. Then again, Reki enjoys
pushing his buttons, too.

Honestly, they just like arguing with each other in general. It's pretty much the only way in which
they interact directly with each other, be it on the mountain or off it. Otherwise, Adam mostly
ignores him, and Reki returns the favor - unless he sees a chance to piss the alpha of "S" off.

There's no way that Reki will risk letting him know that he's fighting an oncoming heat, though.
The scent might be hard to mask if he catches up, but Adam probably believes that Reki will
continue down the trail, so to shake him, he slides to a stop, kicks up and grabs his board, and takes
off running as fast as he can - straight into the woods.

Shit, this is just getting more and more out of hand. What the hell is he doing, fleeing into the
damn forest? He regrets it instantly, but he can't return to the trail now. Adam will most definitely
be upon him if he turns back, so he keeps running, adrenaline making him able to keep up the
speed for far longer than expected in spite of the overwhelming waves of heat rolling through his

When he has to stop, he has no idea where he is, but that's a later problem; first, he has to bow
forward with his hands on his knees and just breathe for a while.
He hasn't run like that in years. It makes his chest hurt and his legs burn, but so does everything
else so perhaps that's mostly because of the heat. It has never felt quite like this before; as if a fire
has been lit in his chest, in his gut, in his groin.

Holy shit, he needs to get home fast or he'll end up spending the night delirious with heat in the
middle of the fucking woods.

His nostrils are full of the scent of nature - of dirt and moss and small animals - so perhaps that's
why he doesn't notice Adam's scent again until he's only feet away.

Reki whips around, spotting red flickering between the trees, and then Adam pushes the branches
of a bush to the side, coming into full view.

He stops in his tracks with his hand still holding the leafy branches to the side, seemingly staring
right at Reki as if shocked by seeing him despite having chased him - and then he comes forward.
Wordlessly, he rips the mask off his face and discards it without care. Reki watches it hit the
ground in surprise before looking back up at the approaching alpha, and is stunned by his blazing
red eyes.

Adam says nothing, just comes closer with purpose, not rushing but not approaching carefully
either. His hands go to his jacket. When it joins the mask on the moss, realization dawns on Reki.
The shock leaves him speechless at first, but the spike of panic that follows amends that.

"Stop," he hisses - and Adam does just that.

He stands as if frozen in time, staring at Reki with wide eyes, breathing hard. He's seemingly still
completely out of it despite doing as told. As if he's actually overtaken by the scent of an omega in
heat (of Reki in heat) like some freshly presented alpha pup.

This can't be real.

"Don't come any closer," Reki tells him, his voice hard and demanding despite how weak he feels.
Skating and running while trying to fight off a heat did quite a number on him and he's practically
exhausted. Nevertheless, he won't let this happen. No matter how enticing Adam's scent is right
now. No matter how good it would probably feel to just give in and let him deal with this heat as
alphas do best. It's clearly what his heat-ridden body wants, but that is no reason to do something
that he knows only will lead to regret. Both of them will regret it forever. The still somewhat brittle
amicability between them will be extinguished if he lets Adam take him just because he's too
affected by Reki's heat to resist.

"Adam," he says as sharply as he can manage, without getting a reaction. "Adam - snap out of it.
You don't really want this, so get a grip."

Adam blinks, obviously becoming more aware, but he still stares at Reki with slightly wide eyes
and flaring nostrils.

"You know nothing about what I want," he says, his voice so low and dark that Reki feels the
words rather than hears them.

They send a thrill right through him. It sparks in his chest like a firework in the sky before the
feeling starts to creep lower, and as if it wasn't enough to soon be leaking slick into his boxers, he's
starting to get hard.

This just keeps getting crazier.

He doesn't want Adam. That's what he's telling himself despite his response to the alpha's voice,
his scent - not to mention his hands on his hips while they raced - because there's no chance that
this will end well.

Adam doesn't want him and Reki absolutely doesn't want Adam.

It's just the heat that makes him feel as if he's helplessly urged forward, so he fights it, just barely
managing to stay in place. He has to ride it out. Keep a clear head and remember that the only
reason that either of them is feeling this way is because of hormones and pheromones. It's all just
chemical. The heat is the reason why there's a pull in his chest - a downright gravitational pull
towards the man who once was his greatest fear, turned into his most challenging adversary.

Though… he has never suddenly wanted someone during a heat whom he never had any interest in

"You don't want me," Reki repeats, "and I don't want you." Perhaps hearing it said out loud will
convince himself of that, too.

Adam stares him down for a moment, and then he moves again.

Reki barely has time to take a couple of steps back before the alpha is on him, his hands coming up
to cradle Reki's face, his eyes burning as he crowds him back against a thick tree trunk.

Their faces are only inches apart when Adam runs one of his hands back around Reki's neck, his
fingers curling into the hair on his nape.

He doesn't pull, only threads his gloved hand through it and takes it in a firm yet gentle grip, and
still, it sends another sharp flare of heat through Reki's core. His breath hitches and Adam's eyes
flick down to his lips, which only causes another thrilling surge of arousal.

"You don't know what I want," Adam says again, his voice thick with exactly that; with what
sounds like the same type of want that is flowing through Reki's veins.

He can't be serious.

"What about what I want, then?" Reki asks, hating that he sounds so breathless, and even more that
he's starting to feel as if he doesn't quite know what he wants himself.

Adam's eyes meet his again. There's a beat of silence, and then he takes half a step forward, his
fingers curling a little tighter in Reki's hair.

"Did I not cause this?" he asks in the same low tone of voice.

Reki knows there's no use in denying it. Especially not since the question makes the heat burn even

"That doesn't mean that I want you," he says, trying to glare at Adam, but his eyelids feel heavy,
just like the rest of his body.

Adam's scent intensifies - as if Reki's rejection only makes him more determined. That should
probably scare him, but instead, he feels a flicker of satisfaction. He liked that, for some reason;
that Adam seems to want him enough to be willing to fight for it.

Holy shit.
It's a heat thing. It's just a heat thing.

His gaze roams over Adam's face. Is he even real? Perhaps this is just a heat-induced fever dream.
His eyes come to a stop at Adam's mouth. It's slightly ajar, his breath coming slow and deep in a
way that makes Reki believe that he's trying to refrain from outright panting.

"Doesn't it?" he asks, idly stroking Reki's cheek with his thumb.

He should deny it again. He really should. He just can't seem to get another word out. His eyes are
still locked onto Adam's mouth, only straying to glance at the quick pulse in his throat.

He wants to press his face to it. Rub his nose and cheeks against the scent gland that runs along the
sharp jaw.

His eyelids flutter slightly as he manages to tear his gaze away and look up at the alpha towering
over him. The alpha who made this happen. Who challenges Reki more than anyone else ever
have. Who pushes him to his limits on the track. Who sometimes makes him tumble down it like a
ragdoll. Whose hands grab at him or teasingly brush against his sides, his hair, his face, every
touch sending excited thrills throughout Reki's body while they're flying down the mountainside.

Shit. Perhaps he does want Adam outside of heat. At least a little bit. Maybe he has just confused
the surges of desire with the adrenaline of the race. That sounds crazy, even as he realizes that it's

It doesn't change anything, though, not really - he doesn't want an alpha who only wants him back
because he's affected by his heat.

He slowly shakes his head. "You don't want me," he whispers again.

Adam's eyes flash. "Why else would I be here?"

Another tantalizing thrill skitters up Reki's back.

"It's just a heat thing," he says, both to Adam and himself.

It doesn't help.

"Don't deny us this, Red," Adam growls and leans closer, their lips all but brushing against each

Reki reels back. "Stop," he hisses, trying to ignore the way his heart thunders - how each throbbing
beat spreads waves of mindless desire through his entire body.

Something that sounds like a rumbling groan vibrates in Adam's chest, and it makes Reki draw a
sharp breath as the heat flares again. The sound of his shivering inhale makes Adam's scent
intensify a little again, but this time Reki is only embarrassed. He tucks his chin in against his chest
and closes his eyes, too ashamed to keep looking at him. He had basically gasped just because
Adam made a sound.

Adam takes Reki's jaw in his hand and gently but decisively forces his head back.

"You went into heat merely because I whispered in your ear," he says, his voice low enough to
almost be another whisper - and dark enough to make Reki's dick strain against his clothes.

"You go into heat because of me," Adam continues, once again coming closer. "That happening is
not a damn heat thing - and still, you look at me with such contempt despite wanting nothing more
than to give in and let me have you."

"That's just your wishful, heat-drunk thinking," Reki whispers back with some edge.

Adam would probably love to hold Reki's apparent (embarrassing) attraction against him - to tease
and taunt him with it in front of the others if nothing else. Or at least use it against him when they
race, which Reki will never dare to do again.

Adam grins, and his fangs glinting in the dark sparks yet another surge of arousal.

Fuck. He hasn't wanted anything (or anyone) like this before. He has wanted someone during his
heats, but that has only been fantasies, most often alphas that he's met that might have made
something heat-like flare within him. It just doesn't happen very often so to actually go into heat
because of someone is… odd.

For a while, he had spent his heats thinking about Langa. He believed he had a crush on him and
figured he should. It would have made sense that he and Langa considered to mate eventually since
they presented as they did. He's at least objectively attractive, but Reki never felt like this about
him; like he'll be in absolute agony unless he can have him. As if he needs this alpha, specifically.

As if he must have Adam or he'll burn until he dies.

Adam obviously knows that's how he feels, too. He can most likely smell it. That's probably what
makes him smile like that, the smug jerk.

He takes half a step closer, his hand sliding down Reki's jaw to settle over his collarbones, curl
around the base of his neck, and slip a few fingers inside the collar of his hoodie. He is once again
close enough to kiss, but instead of trying for one this time, he veers to the side, the tip of his nose
skirting across Reki's cheek until it's pressing into the spot right beneath his ear, and then he
breathes in softly. Slowly. Purposefully.

A low whine escapes from Reki's throat, brought on by another searing wave of heat in his core.

Adam releases a breath laced with a growl. "Let me have you," he whispers against Reki's skin.
"Let me take care of you."

Reki is starting to feel almost faint. He has never been this hot. He has never been this hard.

He has never been this absolutely sopping wet.

Still, he shakes his head weakly. He's no longer completely against the idea of letting Adam have
his way with him - only too stubborn to give in so easily.

If Adam truly wants him he better prove it.

"Why would I want to be taken care of by you?" he asks, still finding it in him to sound openly

When Adam pulls back, their eyes meet, and Reki is instantly mesmerized by the obvious desire in
his crimson eyes.

Even among alphas, red eyes are uncommon. The rare occurrence is surrounded by myths and
prejudice about the dangerous nature of those who have them, and quite a lot of people still believe
in the superstitions. It's surprising that Adam has managed to build trust as a politician despite
them. It seems to be his thing, to go against every preconception about him. To go far past every

"Because you do want me to," Adam says, his voice barely more than a caress against Reki's lips.
"Let me take care of you - as only your own alpha could."

Oh, hell no - what? He can't be serious. He can't mean that he wants to mate with Reki, that
is not possible. He must have lost his mind.

"It's the heat that's making you feel like that," he says breathlessly. "You barely even like me."

Adam pulls back slightly. "Do you truly believe I'd hunt you through the woods simply because
you're in heat?"

Reki's eyes widen slightly. "Yes?"

Adam's upper lip twitches, and then he leans closer, once again towering over him - all lean muscle
and lust - with a deep frown on his face.

"If I went after every omega that goes into heat on this mountain I would have abandoned so many
beefs that I'd never even come close to holding the position that I do, founder or not," he says

Reki manages a disdainful little grin. "What - you want praise for not hunting us like prey? Well,
except for now, I guess."

Adam's lips curl, revealing another flash of sharp teeth. "While you do have a certain knack for
making me feel feral, I am no animal, Reki," he says, his voice laced with a hint of a growl (which
rather defies the point he's trying to make). "I wouldn't hunt just any omega down only because of a
heat. Not even one I caused."

Reki has no idea what to say. Adam honestly sounds a little irritated that Reki believes that he
might do that. Can he really blame him, though? It's not as if Adam comes off as the type to
seriously court someone. More like the type who takes what he wants - and he really is watching
Reki as if he wants him.

"I have been fascinated by you since our duel in the rain," he says, his voice still lightly grazed by
a growl. "I might not have been very fond of you at the time, but I was… intrigued." He's drawing
dangerously close to Reki's temple with his lips. "When you finally presented…"

He trails off, merely breathing deeply into Reki's hair before he continues.

"The first time I felt your scent it was done. It was over for me." Adam's hand slides up Reki's
throat, his fingers curling slightly around it right beneath the jaw. "I have wanted you ever since. I
just know you detest me so I have practiced silence and restraint, hoping that with enough time
you'd come closer to me until I could finally show you exactly how feral you make me feel. I have
kept my desire under wraps to not risk scaring you off for the last year and a half. Until now, that

Reki can barely believe what he's hearing. Perhaps it's just something Adam is saying to convince
him to give in. It might all be lies to make Reki believe that he cares about more than just the
chance to fuck an omega in heat.

"When we race," Adam all but whispers, "you're so at ease. You used to be skittish and fearful, but
now all you do is grin and glare while trying to toy with me. It has threatened to drive me off the
ledge for months, so having you in my hands, surrounded by your scent, and feeling it change
into this apparently proved too much to take. I can't pretend to be unaffected when you do that
because of me. That should mean that I'm not completely chanceless, so I have to at least try. I
won't just give up my chance to claim you now."

"Claim?" Reki whispers, his voice trembling slightly.

"Don't worry, little spark," Adam murmurs into his ear. "I won't force a bite on you… but I can't
promise I won't try my teeth at other - safe - spots."

The teeth in question brush down past Reki's ear, Adam's fingers sliding down his throat to
uncover the space by the sharpest point of his jaw, and then canines gently dig into his skin.

The sound that slips from Reki's mouth is downright humiliating, but Adam only breathes out
through his nose with force, his breath obviously coming quicker.

"Let me have you," he whispers again. "Let me take care of you - I'll make this heat feel like
a dream."

Reki has no chance to respond (and thank every god in existence for that) because a shout rings out
in the distance.

Both of them turn in the direction of it, which soon is joined by another one, and Reki clearly hears
his own name.

"They're looking for us."

He can't be found like this with Adam - especially not when he is acting like this!

The alpha has yet to turn back around, listening for something for another few seconds before
breathing in deeply through his nose. There's a low growl at the back of his throat, and he moves
closer, cradling Reki between his arms against the tree.

"What?" Reki whispers.

"It's not just friends who are looking," Adam says grimly.

Reki's heart starts to beat faster. "What does that mean?"

The calls come closer but pass them by in no time, and Reki feels like releasing the breath he's
holding in relief, but he can't do that with Adam being so on edge. It's impossible to even try to
relax with a high-strung alpha and his agitated goddamn pheromones right in front of him.

"Would you stop?" he hisses. "Or at least tell me what's going on."

Red eyes flash in his direction. "There are alphas. In the woods, not on the trail."

Reki was already rather worried, but that doesn't sound good. Honestly, it's kind of scary.

"Tracking us?" he asks, not quite stomaching to say "me".

Adam turns back to look at him and the deep frown on his face fades somewhat. He leans forward
slightly, crowding in on Reki against the tree, but it doesn't at all feel as it did earlier. A low,
rumbling sound starts to resonate in his chest, right beneath the base of his throat, and then he
strokes the side of his face against Reki's hair. It's shockingly gentle (even more so since it's Adam)
and it makes his shoulders sink as some of the tension lifts. To his mild surprise, Reki can feel
himself calm down a little overall.

"Don't be alarmed, Little Red," Adam says. "This is my mountain - I'll get you off it."

A soft swirl of relief washes away some of the fear. It makes the heat more apparent again, but it
doesn't feel as taxing as it did before - not with the jaw (or rather the scent gland) of an obviously
protective alpha pressed to his temple and that nice sound filling his ears.

Reki doesn't think when he leans his forehead on Adam's chest. Doesn't stop to consider anything
at all when he turns his head to rest the side of his face against him. He just wants to be close to the
sound. To this scent. The warmth and beating heart of the only alpha who has ever truly scared
him. At least before this moment, since there are apparently seriously threatening ones drawing in
on them.

One of Adam's hands comes up to cradle his head. It is gloveless, and his bare fingers thread into
his hair. He is scenting him. Lightly, but he is. Scenting and soothing. Reki is reminded about how
crazy this whole situation is. The race and everything after feels like a fever dream. He also sort of
feels as if he's having a fever so the heat is moving along alarmingly quickly.

Just scenting someone without permission is incredibly rude, but just as with Adam being gentle
made the act seem even kinder than if it had come from someone else, the scenting doesn't feel
that rude, either. It almost feels as if it should have been expected. The reason is obvious; if he's
scented by Adam another alpha might think twice before daring to get too close. At least if they've
ever been close enough to catch his scent, but even if they have, a scent dampened by patching
lacks its nuance - its personality. Unless you've been as up close and personal with him as Reki has,
it might be hard to recognize his scent, so it would be a strike of luck if someone recognized it as
specifically Adam's despite the direct touch of his fingertips against Reki's scalp. At least it will be
clear that another alpha has marked him as his.

That's a weird thought.


For a split second, Reki thinks Adam is referring to him, but before he can decide whether or not to
get pissed, he realizes that he's called Tadashi without him noticing. He didn't notice him taking his
glove off or getting his phone out either. All Reki has heard is the rumbling, all he has felt a strong
heartbeat and the hand in his hair.

Adam's tone is short and demanding on the phone, and for some reason that is rather comforting,

"I'm in the middle of the woods on the East mountainside with an omega in heat and unknown
alphas tracking him," he growls into the receiver. "Find us."

The call seems to be over after that because he doesn't say anything else, and it only takes another
few seconds before he suggests that they move to make it harder for the trackers to catch up - and
because they might back off if they realize that another alpha got there first and that the omega
went with him. He drags his bare hand against the tree, effectively mixing their scents together to
make it clear to the pursuers that someone beat them to it.

Adam retrieves his things and their boards while Reki remains by the tree, leaning back against it
with a strange mix of simmering arousal and concern coursing through him. It's exhausting, and
still, he can't stop thinking about the feeling of sharp teeth against his skin and the soft sound in
Adam's chest. It feels as if it takes him forever before he steps back in front of Reki again.
"We should try and find the trail," he says, his tone hard and leaving no room for protest.

Reki nods in response, leaning in close enough to bump his forehead against Adam's shoulder.

He feels as if he might be getting faint. As if he's exhausted by exertion and fear. It doesn't get any
better when mixed together with the rolling waves of heat.

"Make that sound again," he whispers, too worried and hot to care about how embarrassing it
should be.

Adam seems stunned for a second, but then he bows down to nose at Reki's hair, and the soothing
rumble starts up again.

Reki exhales slowly, once again feeling a little calmer as the worst edge to the heat and fear is
dulled somewhat.

"I get the feeling we should hurry," Adam says, his voice low and somewhat dry. "I can't fathom
why the hell you had to take off into the woods."

"To get away from you," Reki admits with a faint smile.

Adam lets out an amused huff. "Luckily, you didn't succeed in shaking me or you'd be all alone out
here with those beasts on your trail."

Reki would rather not think about that - or that the beast who actually caught up is making him
feel safe.

"Either way," Adam says, "we need to move. Can you walk or will I have to carry you?"

His tone is still dry and slightly taunting, but his free hand cards through the hair at the back of
Reki's head, and as soon as he's not talking that soft sound starts up again.

He's seriously tempted to allow Adam to carry him, as mortifying as it is to admit even to himself.
He feels drained. The thought of walking all the way back is daunting, and if he's carried he could
continue to listen to this. He's not going to give Adam the satisfaction of admitting that, though.

"I can walk," he murmurs.

"Then let's get moving."

It feels as if they walk for a small eternity (especially with an alpha on high alert by his side), but it
most likely only takes a few minutes before a whirring sound catches their attention. Both of them
look up to spot one of the drones that film the beefs.

"Good doggy," Adam mumbles, and Reki barely refrains from cringing.

He had sort of believed that there was something between Snake and Adam because of how he's
referring to him. Perhaps there is and Adam just picks up people on the side sometimes. Maybe
one person isn't enough for him and Tadashi just has to go along with it.

The idea makes Reki extremely uncomfortable, especially once the drone leads them back to the
trail and a familiar black car is waiting for them just a short distance away. Tadashi really is here
to pick up Adam and the "omega in heat" who he outright hunted down the mountainside.

The solemn man says nothing once Adam has put their boards in the trunk and ushers Reki into the
car. He only looks straight ahead as Reki scoots to the other side of the seat so that Adam can
follow him inside.

"Drive," Adam commands darkly and Tadashi wordlessly complies.

Finally safe from the threat of violent and/or potentially heat-crazed alphas (one was more than
enough, thank you), Reki sinks into the seat with a shaky sigh. The simmering heat slowly
becomes more palpable again once he's no longer scared. They were probably really lucky to not
be found.

Adam might be considered the top alpha at "S" but there's no guarantee that others (especially with
potentially oncoming heat-triggered ruts) wouldn't challenge him if he's alone in the middle of
nowhere and the only existing obstacle between them and the omega that they have been chasing.
While Adam is merciless when he wants to, strong, fanged, and definitely has a violent streak, he
could have still been hurt. Even if the two of them together most likely would have been able to
fight someone off, it sounded as if there were more than just one following them, too.

That could have become a real shitshow.

As much as Reki hates to admit it, "S" maybe can be dangerous for omegas. He makes a mental
note to never leave his pack family behind again - not while on Crazy Rock.

That thought reminds him of the others, and he quickly fishes his phone out of his pocket. The
screen is littered with missed calls and a bunch of messages in their group chat. They seem to have
split up to look for him, reporting back to each other about being unsuccessful in their search.

Before Reki has time to tell them that he's fine, Langa starts to write something.

"I'll go to his house" pops up on the screen, and Reki's stomach flips.

He absolutely doesn't want his parents to find out that he snuck out, and even less that he went and
outright disappeared in the middle of the night. That would make them beyond worried and Reki
really doesn't want to do that to them. Without really thinking, he calls Langa, desperate to stop him
from going there and potentially risk alerting his family about his unknown whereabouts.

Adam arches a quizzical brow, so Reki murmurs, "They're looking for me," before turning away to
stare out the window. Adam looked kind of content which is irritating as hell.


He almost jumps when Langa's voice comes through the phone. He didn't even hear him answer
the call.

"Hi," Reki says quietly, realizing that he has no idea what to say to explain his sudden departure.

"Where are you? Are you okay? Why did you just leave?" Then, his tone turns slightly astonished.
"You won! You beat Adam!"

Reki glances at the man in question, finding him looking out the window, obviously pretending
that he didn't hear that.

"Yeah, that was crazy," Reki says apprehensively.

"Why didn't you stop? Why did you leave like that?"

He glances at Adam and this time their eyes meet. He quirks a brow again, looking a tad smug, as
if he's looking forward to hearing Reki try and explain this. Almost as if he has already gotten what
he wants. Perhaps he believes that Reki will accept his request to spend the night together since he
helped him out of a bad situation.

"We sorta continued the race, I guess," Reki carefully tells Langa. "I wanted to see for how long I
could hold the lead without him catching up. We ended up going all the way down the mountain.
And then Tadashi picked us up."

Adam looks mildly amused, so Reki glares at him. He's trying his best to keep his breathing calm
and quiet so that Langa won't hear him panting through the phone since it's been too long to play it
off as being exhausted after the race.

The alpha next to him isn't exactly making it easy. Quite the opposite; that he's so obviously
pleased about the current situation only makes the heat worse.

Langa releases an amused and obviously relieved breath into the receiver. "So you beat him to the
foot of the mountain, too?"

"I did," Reki says, still meeting Adam's eyes. The little lie makes his jaw go kind of tense, which is
rather satisfying to see.

"Are you home soon?" Langa asks. "I was on my way there, but everyone probably wants to
celebrate your win now that you're found."

It does warm Reki's heart and any other night he'd gladly join them, but absolutely not now.

"I'm completely beat," he says. "I just want to get home and go to sleep, honestly. Tell everyone
I'm sorry for just taking off. I got too caught up in the race."

The other end is silent for a moment. "Okay," Langa says eventually and once again there's a hint
of concern in his voice. "Are you sure that you're fine? You sound kinda down."

Reki really can't keep talking to him right now - especially not since the heat is making his head
too fuzzy to figure out a good excuse.

"I'm fine," he tells Langa, trying his best to sound a little less winded and bleak. "It was just
intense, and I was too exhausted to walk all the way back uphill so when Adam offered me a ride I
went with him. And Tadashi."

Okay, that was an unnecessary addition. He just didn't want it to sound as if he and Adam took off
alone. Which Langa already knew.


Adam's smirk turns openly complacent and Reki glares at him again.

"Alright. How come you didn't pick up or respond to our messages, though? We got kind of
worried. Especially since you won." His voice drops a little. "Adam is so rough with you

The smile on Adam's lips fades slightly, but he doesn't look particularly upset. Mostly serious. He
watches Reki as if he's as curious about his response as Langa must be.

"He was a little rough," Reki says, still meeting Adam's gaze, "and kinda pissed, but he couldn't
deny that I beat him, so he was mostly just rude and tried to come off as if he didn't care. He's
sulking right now, though."

Adam's eyebrows fly toward his hairline. "Cocky brat," he whispers under his breath and Reki
grins in response.

"I'm really okay, Langa," he says, relieved to hear that he sounds a lot more reassuring than what
he managed before. "I'm just tired. I might honestly fall asleep before I'm even home."

"Should I meet you there?"

"Thanks, but I'm going straight to sleep anyway so there's no use in coming over. Meet up with the
others. Have some fun for me, too. I'll gladly let you celebrate my glorious victory when my body
and brain aren't feeling like jelly. "

Adam bares a fang at him at "glorious victory" which is exactly the type of reaction Reki was
hoping for.

"We don't have to stay up. We can go straight to sleep, that's fine," Langa says.

"You know that my parents will freak out if they find out that you spent the night in my room."

Before they both presented, Langa had stayed over quite often. After, Reki's parents made it clear
that they prefer him not to. If he for some reason does anyway, Mom rolls out a sleeping mat in the
living room for him, so they can't even talk before they fall asleep which sort of takes the fun out
of having him there overnight.

Reki frankly doesn't want to oppose them regarding that particular rule. He might technically be an
adult, but Mom still worries as if he was a kid. Plus, he doesn't like the idea of having someone
sleep that close to his nest, anyway.

"Okay," Langa says, sounding slightly unsure. " Talk to you tomorrow, then?"

"Yeah. Tell the others sorry for me, would you?"

"Sure. Sleep tight."

"Uh, yeah, thanks. Bye."

When he ends the call, Reki slumps in his seat, closes his eyes, and allows himself to breathe just
as deeply as he needs to.

"Would he be jealous?" Adam asks quietly.

"About what?" Reki murmurs even though the answer probably should be apparent.

"That another alpha made you like this with only a touch and a whisper," Adam says, his voice
hushed and unusually pleasant. "Not to mention scented you, if barely. That you were alone with
him in the woods - in heat - and then got into his car."

Reki shakes his head a little. "I don't think so."

"You don't seem to believe that I want you, either."

"Can you really blame me for that?"

There's a brief silence. "I suppose not," he relents. "Though I believe it's a fair assumption that the
snowflake is all but melting for you by now."

"He has had plenty of opportunities to tell me if he did," Reki mumbles in response, thwarting the
faint wave of unease that always follows the notion of mating his best friend.

He's forever grateful that the old crush has faded into nothing but a memory. Especially since he
realized that Langa is more or less completely uninterested, not only in Reki but in anything having
to do with finding a mate. He just doesn't care about it. Nothing really seems to make him feel
those types of emotions. It wasn't even disappointing to learn that, and surprisingly easy to let the
crush go.

In all honesty, Reki sort of believes that he only ever felt that way because Langa turned out to be
an alpha and him an omega. It would have made sense if they had chosen each other. A lot of
people probably still believe that they will, so they'll probably be surprised once Reki finds another
mate (or if Langa ends up doing that first, despite the obvious disinterest).

He is eternally grateful to have realized that the love he has for Langa - and he does love him - isn't
at all romantic before he ever acted on it. It would have sucked to realize that after he had revealed
his confused emotions. Especially if Langa had gone along with it just because he felt like he
should. It's not that unusual that friends get together once they present, though Reki suspects that
many do that just because they think it's for the best. At least friends already know that they like
and can trust each other, but personally, he believes it would have felt really weird to be together
with Langa.

Not that the current situation is any less weird.

Adam hums. It's almost reminiscent of that soothing sound.

"Well, since he's the type who goes for what he wants without hesitation I guess that's as clear a
sign as any."

"Yeah," Reki agrees.

There's a beat of silence. "Does that disappoint you?"

Adam's voice is more muted than before which makes Reki glance over at him. He is still
watching him with the same simmering intensity, but he seems more serious than before.

"No," Reki says easily.

They watch each other in rather strange tension until Adam smiles slightly and turns away, leaving
Reki a little surprised and confused.

Choosing to not waste time thinking about whatever that was, he looks out the window and sees a
neighborhood he doesn't recognize. It's suspiciously upscale. Where the hell are they? Wait - are
they not taking him home?

"Do you need my address?" he asks, immediately on edge.

"I believe I made it clear that I intend to spend this heat with you."

Reki turns to stare at the pretentious asshat on the other side of the seat, finding the movement
slightly taxing due to his heavy head and burning skin.
"I never said that I want you to do that."

Adam's striking eyes meet his. They flash bright red with every passing streetlight.

"You do, though," he says simply, and it's obvious that he knows that he's right.

This is not a topic Reki wants to discuss in front of someone else (he'd rather not have to discuss it
at all), so he glances towards the front seat, once again finding Tadashi looking ahead, seemingly

"Don't worry," Adam says. "He's a loyal dog. He won't talk about what transpires between us with
anyone else. Right, puppy?"

"Yes, sir."


Reki refrains from saying that even one other person knowing is embarrassing enough, but the way
Adam smirks at him makes him believe that he already knows how he feels regarding that, too.

Reki looks at the rear-view mirror, just as Tadashi glances at it and they hold eye contact for a split
second before he looks straight ahead again.

"Red," Adam says, sounding more serious again, "there's no need for concern."

"I'm feeling kinda concerned anyway," Reki mutters.

"An unnecessary emotion."

"There are no unnecessary emotions. You feel a certain way for a reason."

Silence follows.

"And what's the reason for your concern?"

Reki glances at him again. "I just… I don't know, I sorta thought there was something between the
two of you."

"No," comes Tadashi's instant reply.

Both Reki and Adam look towards the front seat seemingly equally as surprised. Reki throws a
careful look to the side. Adam does look a little stunned, and then his wide-eyed expression turns
into a scowl.

"You didn't have to sound that repulsed," he says, sounding kind of grouchy himself.

Tadashi sounded repulsed? Reki really didn't hear that. Apart from having responded surprisingly
fast (responded at all), he didn't sound any different than usual.

"You're a very handsome man," Tadashi says, just as flatly.

Reki sort of expects him to continue, but he doesn't.

"It's too late," Adam says. "I will never forgive you."

"You've said that many times before, yet here we are."

"I'm just too used to having you around not to keep you around."

"Thank you, sir."

Adam rolls his eyes. "You're no fun."

"Then stop disturbing me while I'm driving," Tadashi says simply.

Reki has never heard him talk to Adam like that before. Then again, he has never been alone with
just the two of them before. Perhaps their relationship is something else entirely than master and
assistant behind closed doors, but it most certainly doesn't sound romantic.

Reki lets out a rush of air through his nose, and when he breathes in he's once again struck by
Adam's scent. Why does he have to smell like this? Every breath draws it in, and the heat flares a
little every time. It's starting to become nearly impossible to keep resisting it. It surges through him
again and again, making his heart race and his body do all the things it usually does during a heat -
only ten times worse. He shouldn't be burning like this already. Not this soon. Usually, it takes a
couple of hours before he's even remotely close to this.

Damn alpha pheromones. Reki can't think of any other reason for it to progress this fast, so perhaps
only an alpha can make it better. Perhaps even only the very one who is the reason for why it's

Perhaps that's just superstitious bullshit (or made up by alphas to easier get their way) and he
should just forget about ever having heard things like that. It would be wiser to go home and curl
up in his nest to deal with this shit on his own.

Only… he really doesn't want his parents to know that he went into heat again only a week after
his last one. That would probably make them worried, too. It would definitely make them question
what brought it on, most likely out of fear that the reason is precisely this type of situation, and
Reki is absolutely shit at lying to them. He knows they only fuss out of concern like most omega
parents do, so lying gives him one hell of a bad conscience and they always notice.

Most of all he just doesn't want to give them any reason to worry, though. They never disturb him
before he gets out of bed on his own on Sundays, so as long as he's back home before noon, they'll
never know. And the alpha who caused it is right here, offering to quell it for him. He knows that
he's absolutely doing the opposite of what they would want him to do, but he is a grown-up and he
can do whatever the hell he wants. At least in theory.

"Why so worried?" Adam asks, his voice still low and rumbling in a way that makes Reki breathe
easier. "Do I scare you that badly?"

Reki thinks about it for a couple of seconds before slowly shaking his head. It takes some effort,
but it still felt easier than talking.

"But spending the night with me does?"

"I don't know," he admits quietly.

"Do you expect me to do something unseemly to you?"

Reki looks over to the other side of the seat, unable to hide how nervous that question made him.

"I have no idea what to expect at all."

Adam frowns slightly, watching him thoughtfully for a moment before leaning a little closer. "Red
- have you never spent a heat with someone?"

It should be embarrassing to talk about this, but apart from Tadashi overhearing, Reki doesn't really
care at the moment. He slowly shakes his heavy head again, watching Adam through his lashes,
and almost taking pleasure in the surprise on his face.

"Is it really that shocking?" Reki asks.

Adam watches him thoughtfully for a moment. "I guess I just assumed."

Reki shrugs, distantly aware that he's being far too open about this. Especially in this situation.
Perhaps because he's in this situation.

"Well, I haven't," he admits.

Adam looks a little uncertain, which is… interesting.

"Not outside of heat either?"

Reki shakes his head a little again.

"Is there a certain reason?"

Reki considers it even though he's pretty sure there isn't. "Not really," he says. "Apart from during
heats, I just don't really think about it."

Adam blinks a few times, looking as if he has something to say but is reluctant to do it. As if he's
considering whether or not to say it - or perhaps how to.

"About sex?" he asks eventually.

Reki frowns slightly at him, though mostly for effect. "That was a lot of thinking for such a
straightforward question."

Adam seems briefly stunned before he provides a slightly apologetic smile and a pointed look.
"Those are often the hardest ones to ask."

Reki squints at him. "Yeah, okay," he agrees. "I guess there's something to that."

Adam's smile turns a little pleased, and Reki kind of smiles back before he's forced to inhale
sharply. Cramps. It took him completely by surprise. It's too early, just like everything else.

"Fuck," he wheezes with his eyes screwed shut. "This is going to suck."

He sends Adam a glare (it's his damn fault, after all), but it most likely came off more as pained
than anything else.

Adam's expression turns slightly concerned. He sends a purposeful look towards the front seat and
Tadashi starts to speed up without a word.

Reki lets out a trembling breath, wishing that the heat would calm down just a little. "You're not
bringing me to a love hotel again, are you?"

The question is mostly aimed at Tadashi - he's the one driving, and he seems comfortably familiar
with them - but it makes Adam frown. He's almost looking a little bewildered before his expression
shifts into haughty.

"Do you really believe that I am the type of person who frequents love hotels?"

Reki meets his flat look with his own. "Honestly - yes."

That very obviously offends him, which is a little funny. Reki needed something funny.

"I am not bringing you someplace that looks like the set from a tacky porno," Adam says, surly and
a little short. "I'm taking you with me home."


"Were you that certain that I would take you to a hotel?"

"I… don't know what I thought," Reki admits and sinks back into his seat, staring out the window
and wondering how the hell he got into this situation. Or well, he knows how he got here -
everything just keeps being so surprising.

"Since you seemed to have come to your senses I sorta believed that you'd drop me off at home,
but I guess that was rather stupid of me," he tells Adam, somehow managing to sound at least
a little bitter.

"Not stupid," Adam says. "A little naive, perhaps."

Reki doesn't have it in him to respond; another cramp is creeping up on him. When it hits, he leans
his cheek on his own shoulder and screws his eyes shut, trying and failing to suppress a whine.

Adam slide across the seat, but he doesn't do anything other than hover beside him, close enough
for his breath to wash across the side of Reki's throat.

"If you want me to," he whispers, "I'll make it stop."

"I thought you had already decided to do that," Reki replies, his voice muted and slightly

"I did not say that - only that I'll spend it with you," Adam says. "It's up to you if you want me to
make it go away, or if all I can do is ease it. You seem less agonized whenever I am close, so my
intention is to at the very least give you that. Though I will not pretend that I wouldn't gladly give
you more."

"And if I'd rather be at home in my nest?"

Adam is silent for a spell, and then his nose brushes against the shell of Reki's ear. "Would you?"

He really should say yes. He should just tell them to take him home and figure out what to tell his
parents about the heat tomorrow. Just spending one night close to an alpha, even if he'd do
everything he can to ease it apart from the one thing that will, the heat won't subside before Reki
has to go back home, anyway, so he should just do it right now. Adam will probably let him go if
he outright tells him it's what he wants. At least he thinks so.

He remains quiet for so long that the car comes to a slow stop without him saying another word.

Adam seems to take his silence for assent because he hasn't asked again. The worst thing is that
he's probably right. If Reki didn't want at least something he would have said so by
now. Really said so, not just in some spiteful attempt at making an alpha that is way out of his
league work for it.

His head is swimming with confusing emotions and heat-induced fog that makes him feel
pathetically weak, so even though he makes it to his feet once Tadashi opens the car door, he can't
take even one step forward. He's left standing right outside of it with one hand gripping the top of
the door tight.

Tadashi doesn't say or do anything and Reki can't make himself look at him so he just remains
there with his eyes closed until Adam comes up behind him. He winds an arm around Reki's
middle and puts a hand over his death grip on the door.

Reki lets it go and all but sags against him. While it makes him feel more at ease and not as
distressed, it does nothing to quell the cramps. When he's suddenly hit by one again a pained sound
leaves him together with a rush of air.

"Come here, sparkplug," Adam says softly, but still somehow mocking, and then Reki finds
himself ushered forward and scooped up into his arms before he can even think of protesting.

He decides that he doesn't want to as soon as he notices that soft rumbling sound again. He both
hears and feels it vibrate in the alpha's chest, and Reki lets his head loll to the side against Adam's
shoulder. Damn, they're wide. He really is the epitome of alpha physique, Reki thinks a little
bitterly. And he smells too nice. Like roses (unusually sweet for an alpha), and something sharper.
Almost like strong spices. Maybe citrus. Maybe Reki is just imagining that since Adam can be so
damn sour - or maybe he's just very much in heat and is hallucinating smells that he likes. No other
scent has ever really been this distinct, though. Either someone smells nice or doesn't, and he can
usually not pinpoint why, but right now Adam literally smells like sugar and spice and everything
nice, and it's the most confusing and conflicting thing that Reki has experienced with him so far.

Adam and "nice" just seem kind of incompatible. Perhaps that is an unfair opinion when he
literally chased after Reki to take responsibility for something he brought on, even though it
probably was mostly for personal gain - at least initially. He got himself back to his senses despite
having been so riled up and out of it, too, not to mention actively tried to calm Reki down in a
threatening situation. That should probably be the bare minimum, but it was a little unexpected.
Especially the comforting.

"Nice" might not sound as incompatible with Adam as it did before tonight.

There are no more cramps for a while, so Reki feels a lot better by the time Adam has brought him
through the absolutely massive house and up a long, curved staircase.

Reki had been right; it is nice to be carried. At least when weak with heat. At least as long as he
gets to listen to a soft rumble and a fiercely beating heart.

Once Adam pushes a door open with his foot, Reki understands that they have reached their
destination and the moment has passed. The thought makes him whine quietly.

He cringes a little. He's not really a whiner. He almost never gets the urge to. Only when in heat,
but when he's alone he has no problem with at least muting them. Now they've slipped out twice.

Adam stops walking but doesn't say anything, so Reki glances at the room - a bedroom, as
expected - and then up at Adam. He must have been watching him because their eyes meet

"Why the miserable sound?" he asks.

Reki frowns. "Just put me down."

"On the floor or the bed?"

For some reason, Reki's face goes warm. What the hell? After everything that Adam has said and
done so far, that is what makes him blush?

"Floor," he mutters and tucks his chin in against his chest in a vain attempt to hide it.

He's let down, and thankfully his knees don't buckle. Adam doesn't let him go, either, his hands
remaining curled around Reki's arms as if to keep him steady.

"I'm fine," he says, but has to admit to himself that he doesn't sound like it.

Adam's slightly concerned expression doesn't change, either. "You don't look fine. Does your skin
usually go bright red when you're in heat?"

The question makes Reki want to laugh. Adam seems to read him like an open book most of the
time, but he completely misses that he made him blush?

"Yeah," Reki says, taking the opportunity to avoid the truth on the matter.

Plus, it's a little bit funny to trick Adam in general.

They just watch each other for a moment, and Reki idly wonders what's going to happen now. Is
this the calm before the storm; will he soon find himself on his back, with Adam taking everything
that he wants for as long as this damn heat lasts, maybe even past that?

It honestly doesn't sound that bad. A little scary, maybe, but mostly exciting. Reki is honestly a
little surprised at himself, but perhaps he shouldn't be. Perhaps he hasn't been very interested in
getting down and dirty with someone simply because it hasn't felt that exciting. Dealing with a heat
mostly feels like work, something he just has to get over with, so the idea of having someone else
there (apart from the heat-induced fantasies) mostly seems bothersome, and
honestly, embarrassing.

Adam is embarrassing as hell but the thought of spending a heat with him is apparently exciting.
Reki has no idea what to expect, not because he has never done this before (it's not as if he's
not educated on the subject), but because the one he is with is Adam, and if he's involved things
usually are kind of unpredictable.

Adam doesn't do anything, though. He doesn't even move.

Reki pants silently, the heat getting worse the longer they're standing there.

"What do you want with me?" he murmurs when it's starting to get really hard to keep it together.
The last thing he wants is to become so desperate that he asks for it. That would suck. He'd never
be able to look Adam in the eye again. Perhaps he won't after tonight either way, but
if that happened Reki will have to leave Okinawa and never return. That would suck even more, so
he will definitely not ask for it.

Adam leans a little closer, and Reki gets a premonition; he'll regret that question.

"I want you," Adam says softly into his ear.

His voice is low and smooth, and shivers skitter down the side of Reki's neck. He's not sure if it's
just the voice that makes it happen, or if it's the words, too.

Adam brushes his nose against Reki's temple, breathes in slowly - and goes far past his wildest

"I want you in my bed," he says darkly, "wet, and willing. I want you to spread your legs for me
and tell me to fuck you for the first time. I want you on your knees, moaning into the mattress
while I'm taking you hard from behind. I want you to take my knot over and over for as long as this
heat lasts - and preferably again after that."

He's close enough to kiss when he whispers, "I want you to cry out my name when my teeth sink
into the back of your neck. I want you to be mine - as you should have been since the moment I felt
your true scent for the first time."

Reki has no idea of how to reply to any of that. He ends up standing there with Adam's lips a hair's
breadth away from his own in shocked silence.

Pretentious fucking asshole.

Perhaps he should just say that, but despite the tempting idea, he can't make himself speak at all.
As if his feelings regarding this whole thing weren't conflicted enough, he is now also stunned by
Adam's otherworldly shamelessness. A little affronted, too. Very embarrassed.

Absolutely insanely turned on.

That's probably just the heat, though. If Adam had said those things to him under any other
circumstance, Reki would be pissed off, probably even disgusted.

Or so he tries to tell himself for a second before he gives that whole act up and just admits that
Adam is objectively attractive. Even attractive attractive when he's not acting like a huge piece of
shit. Which is to say not very often, but he has been unusually kind tonight. If one can call it that
when he also has been such a complete dick.

"I'll only do two of those," Reki tells him.

Adam's brows knit together. "And those are?"

"You'll know."

"I'd prefer to know where the line goes."

"I don't know where any lines go yet. I'm gonna need to test them out."

"And you want me to do that?" He sounds rather skeptical.

"You test me all the time."

"On the track - this is something else."

"Is it?"

Adam watches him for a moment. "Yes. It is. If you don't know what you want or what you are
comfortable with - not even what to expect - I can't just do whatever the hell I feel like without
risking to scare or hurt you. That might belong in a beef - but not in bed."

Reki is frankly a little surprised, but too heat-ridden to put too much thought into it. He really
doesn't want to stand up anymore, though. He wants to curl up somewhere to rest and ride this out.

"Well… I guess getting into bed is a good first step," he says a little breathlessly.

"So that is the first suggestion you'll agree to? Being in my bed?"

Reki nods a little.

"What about the second part of that request? Regardless of which else you'll agree on, that one is
rather vital."

Reki takes another shivering breath. He wants to lie down. He doesn't want to stand up anymore.
He doesn't just want Adam's hands to hold him upright, he wants to be outright held. Preferably
while lying down and dozing off a little, if he can.

"Don't push it," he murmurs. "I just want to lie down."

"Shoes off first."

Adam kneels and more or less rips his shoelaces open, his movements quick without being
impatient. Having him on his knees in front of him makes it very hard to not let his mind wander.
As Adam nudges him into lifting one foot to take the shoe off, Reki thinks that maybe he could let
him suck him off at least. Not that it was on Adam's list of "wants" but perhaps Reki should start
working on his own little list. Adam shouldn't be the only one who got to fulfill his fantasies,
should it?

What the hell is he thinking? Damn heat. All of this is just because of the heat.

Adam stands again. "There," he says, his tone rather short again. "Off you go."

Instead of doing as told and walking over to the bed, Reki's head tips forward until his brow is
pressed into Adam's shoulder. The alpha wordlessly lifts him off the floor and Reki lets out a
breath that feels like more of a sigh.

Sinking down on top of a thick duvet is heaven - or it would be if Adam had followed. Instead, he
stands by the side of the bed in silence, merely watching Reki as he curls up a little with another
quiet sigh. He's still panting lightly, and everything is too warm, but at least he's no longer standing
and the bed smells like alpha, which is very nice.

It's just not enough. As much of a relief as it is to be lying down in a soft place, surrounded by a
nice scent, it doesn't make anything regarding the heat feel better. After just a few seconds, it's
rather the opposite; why the hell is he left lying here, all alone and in torment?

He really doesn't want to whine again, so he needs the feeling of being abandoned to go away right

"Bringing me here was rather pointless if you'll just stand there," he mumbles and cracks an eye
open to look up at Adam.

He looks serious at first, but then there's a hint of a smirk. "Perhaps I just enjoy hearing you
whimper and watching you writhe."

Oh, shit, what if that's really it and he just brought Reki here to revel in his distress? If so, he could
have just stopped being nice the second they entered the bedroom, though. There would have been
no need to say the things he said - unless they were meant to make Reki's heat even worse (which
they kind of did, fuck).

Adam leans down over him, bracketing Reki between his arms, but he remains standing on the

"Calm down, Little Red," he says softly, "I was only teasing you."

Was his concern that apparent? Then again, alphas are supposed to be able to read the emotions of
an omega in heat easier than otherwise, and Adam reads him kind of easily in general.

"You're such a dick," Reki mutters.

Adam chuckles quietly, and then he puts a knee on the other side of Reki's legs and heaves himself
over him. He lies down right behind his back, close enough for his breath to ruffle Reki's hair.

He's in bed with Adam. In Adam's bed with Adam. He's in Adam's bed with Adam and
in heat, seriously considering sleeping with him.

Another soft rush of hot breath washes over his nape, and Reki shudders.

That's not quite true. The truth is that he's in Adam's bed with Adam, wanting to sleep with him.

Holy shit - Adam is going to be the first person that Reki ever has sex with.

Chapter End Notes

Kudos and comments are always nice and make me very happy Especially since
this is a new pairing for me and I am a self-conscious bitch.

I'm not very active on Twitter but feel free to follow me there for updates and share
the post for this fic if you enjoyed it
Crossing the Line
Chapter Notes

Perhaps I should have written a few words about this omegaverse before chapter 1, but
I seriously forgot. If you come here from just having read ch 1, you have already read
the following since I put it in afterward, so this is for those who read ch 1 before this
chapter was posted.

The main thing is that once a mating bite is placed it is permanent. Breaking up with
someone after a bite is basically impossible and an excruciating experience, so you
better be certain before making that choice.

Secondly, the dom/sub tag is quite literal and not just about the dynamic that will
develop between Adam and Reki (and lord, am I having fun with that), but also
because omegas have an instinctive response to obey alphas, especially alphas they are
close to.

An alpha parent has a lot more power over their omega children than other parents do,
a pack leader's word is basically law, and a mate's? Well.

Now, Reki isn't the type of omega to take that shit, which is why I love him in this
setting - and in part why Adam gets quite obsessed with him, hehe.

I also have no idea if this gender dynamic is a common trope or not since I barely read
Omegaverse and prefer to make shit up myself which I absolutely have done for this
universe, but as I said; I have no fucking clue about common Omegaverse tropes so
take it for what it is, and if it turns out to be tropey as hell it's because I accidentally
invented the wheel, haha.

Now, I hope you'll enjoy almost 15k about their first time together

See the end of the chapter for more notes

"Now what?" Adam says after a while, and even though it helped that he came closer it's still not
enough, so Reki gets to thinking about what he can need apart from completely giving in to desire
and making a hasty decision that might get life-long consequences.

Oh, fuck - what if he gets pregnant!? No, wait, he's been on blockers for the past year, that should
be fine. Even if he had forgotten them today it would take days for the effect to wear off before
there's any risk of that. And there are those pills you can take afterward. He'll get one, just to make
absolutely sure.

The thought gives him a little bit of a bad conscience, but it passes quickly when he realizes that
Adam hasn't asked if he's even on any blockers. Perhaps he can tell? Reki's scent must have dulled
noticeably once he started taking them. It's a fortunate side-effect since it saves him the trouble of
patching, though they're really for suppressing the hormones that make some omegas practically
desperate to get pregnant during heats. That happened to Reki once and then he was well over and
done with that. Never again. Blockers for life. Or at least until he's trying for pups with someone.
Perhaps the heats won't be as horrible without them, then. At least he won't have to feel that
fucking lonely.

That had been the worst part; the realization that he was missing an absolutely vital dimension of
his own existence. That certain something that makes life not just worth living - but that turns the
one you live into one you'll love.

No, wait - the worst part isn't that it sucked more than anything that has ever sucked; it's that now
that he's felt it once, he's constantly aware that he's missing that something.

Fuck. That thought makes him feel kind of lonely even when not in heat, so it's not a nice
experience to think about it now.

He isn't alone, though. There's someone else's warm breath on his neck.

On his neck. Holy shit - he really just… let an alpha who has talked about wanting to claim him
within inches from the spot he needs to get his teeth into to make it happen. Adam's mouth must be
by the tops of his shoulder blades, right in front of it. There are clothes in the way and Adam did
promise not to bite him, which seemed sincere, but what if he becomes like in the woods again?

Reki didn't even think about that. Mom and Dad are right to worry as much as they do; he has
really gone along with this without even realizing that there's a risk of getting fucking bitten!

Adam's been so calm ever since they got into the car, though. He has barely seemed affected by the
heat at all since he snapped out of it. As if it only was the first whiff that did it and then he got used
to it. Or… fights it.

That doesn't sound safe. How the hell did he not think about this earlier!?

If the desire to bite him is real, Adam must practice some remarkable self-restraint right now. Or
he thinks he'll get his chance, eventually, the pretentious jerk. Maybe he's even hoping to get him
pregnant and more or less claim him that way. Perhaps Adam can't tell that he's on blockers and
believes that's a real possibility. A dulled scent could just be patching. Can an alpha tell the
difference? That sounds a little far-fetched.

Reki is on blockers, though, so it's fine. There's no chance he'd get pregnant no matter Adam's
intentions. Intentions that Reki sort of made up himself, he realizes. Adam has said a great many
crazy things, but he has at least not talked about that. Perhaps he doesn't want pups. If so there's
really no point in pursuing Reki. The yearning that one desperate heat ignited won't go away no
matter how strong the blockers are. That feeling is not just hormonal; Reki wants a family.

Not right now, though, so everything's fine - until the reality of just having thought about getting
pregnant with Adam hits him.

This is getting too weird again. This is weird as fuck, what the hell. Why did he want to come here
again? Is this all really just the heat? Can a heat trick your brain into thinking someone is
attractive? Probably, he thinks. That doesn't bode well, but… can a heat make you think that
someone is nice? Almost a little charming sometimes. Somewhat funny. Exciting.

Those don't feel like heat things. Perhaps the last one, but Reki has been well aware that Adam is
exciting since he first saw him. Boring people don't look like that. Then he turned out to be scary
rather than exciting, but that changed back over time. He hasn't been scary in almost two years.
Ever since he became exciting again, the scary part faded into the background until it left the stage

Perhaps that's why Reki let him inches away from the one spot omegas should protect with their
lives lest it might be ruined; because Reki is completely unafraid of him. Apart from still being
easily startled by him, Reki isn't scared of Adam at all.

He completely trusts that Adam won't bite him, even if the desire would turn out to be true.

"Finally," Adam mutters, "I almost thought I'd have to reel you in myself."


"You go silent and your emotions go absolutely haywire. I was waiting to see if you'd calm down
on your own since people in general don't like it when someone else tells them how they feel."

"Yeah, I hate that."

"I know."

"And still you do it about this whole thing."

"So do you, but you are wrong - I'm not."

"What are you on about?"

"You told me that I don't want you, and that is absolutely not how I feel."

Reki is a little stunned, despite having heard him say that more than once already.

"Are you sure that it's not just the heat that makes you say that?"

"Darling - nothing on this Earth can make me say something that I don't mean."

That actually does sound rather probable in Adam's case.

"So," he continues, his voice dropping slightly, "kindly tell me what you need because I
am dying to help you out with whatever it might be."

"Why do I have to tell you everything if you always can tell how I feel?"

"Because if you're freaking out I've already fucked up, and I as I said - I hate being wrong."

The reasoning makes sense, but what the fuck does he want - a step-by-step guide!? Isn't he the
experienced one here, why the hell is he asking all these questions? If he keeps this up they'll never
get anywhere because Reki won't ask him for this. At least not outright.

Spiting Adam into moving forward is a lot less embarrassing (despite rendering the same result),
so he tries to think of something spiteful to say. It's difficult to actively figure things like that out,
though. Usually, those types of comments just pop up - it's not something you plan on - and lying
here side by side just isn't enough so he needs to say something. He's certain by now that the only
thing that has a chance of being enough is to at least do something, too.

"Well, now we're here," he almost whispers, "just like you wanted."

"Just like I wanted?"

The thrill right before he responds is practically edging on orgasmic. This heat is as surprising as
Adam is.

"Yeah… Just like you wanted."

Adam winds an arm around him and pulls him flush against his chest, the rumble coming from
within it increasing in intensity, and Reki thinks that this is it; now that he has admitted to being
willing, Adam will go on and do what alphas usually do with omegas in heat and Reki can just
come along for the ride.

"Then," Adam whispers right by his ear, "I can undress you?"

There's another sharp thrill of arousal. Reki presses the side of his face against the duvet and nods.

Adam doesn't start doing that, though, which is a little frustrating despite how embarrassing the
idea of being naked in front of him is.

Reki doesn't much like being naked in general. It makes him feel exposed. He prefers to be
completely covered in fabric, preferably soft ones. It feels safe. He's barely even naked when he's
alone in his nest, despite having five blankets that he can burrow into. It's really only during heats
that he isn't wearing anything and that's just because he gets so awfully hot (and it does make
things easier - not to mention creates less laundry).

Now he's burning. In that aspect, it would be nice to not wear so many layers. Or anything at all.

The alpha who so obviously was hot for him just moments ago doesn't seem to be in a rush though,
which is mildly confusing. He doesn't really doubt that Adam wants to do this for other reasons
than the heat anymore, even though he could have skipped the whole "I want to make you mine"
act. There's no need to try and trick Reki into believing that. It's not as if that is something that he

What he wants is to curl up next to Adam under the duvet with nothing between them but heat.

"What about touching you?" is whispered more or less right into his ear.

Yet another massive thrill wracks his body and Reki barely manages to thwart the following whine.

"Yeah," he breathes.

Adam strokes his cheek against the side of his face. "Can I kiss you?"

There's a completely different type of thrill. One that blooms in his chest rather than below. He's
not exactly sure what that was. It felt quite a lot like nervousness.

The idea of Adam kissing him makes him nervous. Why the hell does that get to his nerves when
the idea of fucking him barely does!? It mostly makes him excited and a little embarrassed, but
not nervous. Now he is, though. At least the sparks of satisfaction are a little comforting.

"No?" Adam asks, his voice hushed and so, so pleasant.

"Wouldn't it be weird not to?"

"Doing something just because you think you have to is what would make things weird," Adam
replies, almost sounding a little dry.

A fair point, but it still feels as if it might be a little weird. If it goes all the way, then what are they
supposed to do instead of kissing - just watch each other? Look into each other's eyes? That
alternative makes him even more nervous.

"I guess," Reki says hesitantly.

"So no?"

"No, I… was just wondering. I'm fine with it."

"Encouraging," Adam says, now openly dry.

"I'm agreeing, aren't I?"

"Well, yes, but the complete lack of enthusiasm sort of takes the fun out of it."

"Oh… Yeah, okay, I get that."

"I'm glad you see my point."

"I'm just not feeling that great…" He thinks for a bit, and then he takes a short breath and says,
"Those things will probably help with that, though."

"Then turn around and I'll do my very best to 'help'."

Reki grunts quietly, the thought of moving almost edging on painful, and then he twists in place to
lie down on his back. He had sort of planned to turn all the way around, but he doesn't get the
chance before there's a hand on the side of his face and a warm breath ghosting over his lips. He
cracks his eyes open and meet red ones.

Adam has pushed himself up on an elbow and is leaning down as if to actually kiss him. He strokes
Reki's cheekbone with his thumb. It is gentle, but his expression is almost severe.

"I will happily do all of those things as long as you seem to enjoy it," he says, "and if you end up
wanting more - or less, for that matter - I will trust that you let me know."

Reki won't ask for anything, but he still nods.

"Splendid," Adam says, sounding as if they've reached a satisfying conclusion to a business deal,
but then his voice drops and becomes a little softer again. "First things first; you have kissed
someone before?"

Reki nods again. That's about it, though. He didn't really understand what the big deal was. Perhaps
that plays into why the idea of going any further with someone never seriously appealed to him. He
figures it'll just be about doing even more things like that, and frankly, it sounds kind of tedious. He
might have kissed the wrong people and that's why it mostly bored him - or perhaps they were just
boring. Adam is many unlikeable things, but he's at least not boring.

"Good," Adam says, his tone slightly clipped. "Having a virgin in my bed is weird enough so I'm
glad there's at least some experience to speak of."

"If you're gonna be shitty about it I'd rather just go home."

Adam sighs lightly. "That's fair, I suppose. I'll dial back on the shit - if you dial it up on the
enthusiasm. Or stop holding yourself back, more like. You seem to forget that your scent gives you
"I'm in heat."

"Yes, but the heat isn't what makes you nervous about the prospect of kissing me."

It's that obvious!? Okay, yeah, perhaps there really is no point to the feigned indifference, then.

"Maybe," Reki replies quietly. "I just don't know why."

"You're a clever one," Adam says, his voice a little hushed again. "I'm sure you'll figure it out.
Though perhaps some first-hand experience would help."

He leans down further, crimson eyes falling shut as he brushes their lips together.

Reki's heart is all but beating out of his chest. He closes his eyes and tilts his chin up to feel the
touch of lips again, to close the elusive little gap that has remained between them ever since Adam
tried to kiss him in the woods. Now, he is leaning down to finally meet Reki's lips with his, and
that alone is enough to want to whine into it; to want to take this alpha's face between his hands and
kiss him back in earnest.

He holds out for a while, letting Adam kiss him slowly and trying to stay in the moment rather than
rush ahead and get caught up in something he might not be able to stop even if he changes his
mind about this - until he feels the featherlight brush of tongue against his bottom lip.

It's probably just a heat thing (most likely it's just a heat thing) but it sparks something in Reki that
makes the notion of taking things slow sound like the worst idea he's ever had in his entire life.

His hands are in Adam's hair before he even thinks to do it. He pulls him closer to press their
mouths together more firmly, letting Adam slip his tongue in between his parted lips. Reki draws a
short breath that sounds more like a gasp - and then they are really, truly kissing.

There is no chance of concealing his enthusiasm anymore. There was clearly no point in trying,
anyway, and Adam obviously likes this a whole lot better. In a sincere way, not a smug "ha ha - I
knew that you like me" way, but in a "holy shit, yes, give mer more" one.

His slow and gentle kissing intensifies until it's almost bruising, and low sounds starts lining his
breath; a hum, a rumble, and at one point something sounding like a chuff dangerously close to a
groan that makes Reki whine briefly. When a hand slides in under his clothes and Adam's palm
strokes the side of his waist, taking things slow suddenly feels like an outright insane idea.

Reki presses his head back against the bed with a low, whining moan. His skin is practically on fire
and Adam's touch is apparently the remedy; just a hand coming even remotely close to the scent
glands beneath his waist creates such a strong thrill (with a surprisingly large dose of pleasure) that
he almost forgets about the heat for a second.

The mattress shifts and dips, and when he next opens his eyes, Adam is over him, nudging Reki's
knees apart with one of his own before carefully easing down on top of him. He still leans on one
of his elbows, brushing some hair out of Reki's face while the other hand still travels over his skin.

By the time he leans down to kiss him, Reki is already missing it, and as soon as they are again, he
hopes that it will never stop. It's amazing, all of it; the way Adam touches him, kisses him, sounds,
smells - but that last thing could probably be even better.

"Patches," he breathes between kisses. "Take them off."

Adam grins wide against his lips. "Demanding," he purrs, teasing and openly smug, but he swiftly
opens up a few buttons in his shirt and sticks a hand inside to remove the ones on his chest and
back. He throws them on the floor before sliding the hand down between them. The motion makes
Reki swallow hard, shuddering slightly when the back of Adam's hand brushes against his crotch.

There's way too much fabric between them. Reki wants it gone. He almost feels desperate for it, so
the sound of Adam's belt being opened, followed by a couple of buttons, almost makes his head

Adam's scent got far more intense once he removed the patches on his chest and back, but Reki is
still completely unprepared for how it bursts to life once the one right above his crotch is ripped

He has felt his scent before, but not like this; not when Adam's turned on, completely un-patched,
and on top of him.

Reki was already short of breath, but when Adam's true scent washes over him, he damn near feels

"Oh," he almost gasps, "Jeez."

Adam breaks into a wide smile. He looks as if he's fighting to hold back a laugh.

"You approve?"

Reki nods swiftly before winding his arms around him to pull him in close. He presses his face into
Adam's neck to really breathe him in without even a hint of shame. After Adam having done the
same to him several times and even scented him, Reki figures it's only fair that he goes right ahead,

Adam almost groans, and one of his hands comes up to cradle the back of Reki's head.

"Impatient," he murmurs against his hair.

Reki hums, somehow both relieved and riled up by finally getting to experience the full force of
Adam's scent up close.

"Don't be stingy," he replies, his voice edging on a groan. "Let me have this."

Adam huffs, and his fingers curl into his hair. "I will give you anything you want."

Reki whines softly as the heat flares even hotter, and he grabs the open collar of Adam's shirt to
pull it to the side, burrowing into the spot where his neck meets his shoulder.

A low, strained sound leaves Adam's throat. "Reki," he whispers, almost sounding out of breath -
and the heat bursts into absolute flames.

Barely holding back a whimper at the burn, Reki pulls back to find his lips again. Adam kisses him
with renewed hunger, his fingers closing tight around his hair. He presses a kiss to Reki's neck,
right beneath the chin, and leaves an open-mouthed trail of them along his jawline.

"You're burning up," Adam whispers, still slightly winded, "so I believe we should move on to the
next point on the list. However… Talking and kissing is one thing, but if I'm about to have you
naked in bed with me, I believe we will cross a line that we can never draw in the exact same way
again. At least I won't be able to. I will never be able to look at you again without thinking about
tonight. What you look like. Sound like. Feel like. I will never stop wanting - or trying - to get you
back under me again."

Reki sorts of suspects that he will want to find himself under Adam again if it continues to feel like
this, so it honestly doesn't sound like a big problem.

"I guess we'll just do it again, then," he says just as breathlessly, and very surprised with himself.

Adam is clearly also surprised since he pulls back to look down on him with slightly wide eyes -
and then he starts to grin. It looks smug at first which sort of pisses Reki off, but before it happens
he realizes that it's not quite what it is. It is pleased and a little amused, but not smug.

"Well, aren't you getting ahead of yourself," he purrs.

"Are you complaining?" Reki asks.

"No - I just figure you might not feel the same way in the morning."

"I guess that depends on how it goes."

"Oh, so this is a trial run to see if I will measure up to your standards?"

Reki scrunches up his nose slightly. "You're kind of setting the standards since I don't really have
any yet."

Adam looks slightly perplexed. "I suppose so." He grins. "I better set the bar high enough so no
one else can ever reach it, then."

An amused breath slips out between Reki's lips. "Just don't set it too high for yourself."

"You believe I won't be able to deliver? Fret not, my dear - I always do."

"I believe you're setting a very lofty goal considering that neither of us knows what we should aim
for here."

"I do," Adam says a little darkly. "The aim is to make you whimper and writhe with pleasure
instead of pain."

Reki stares at him for moment, unsure about how to reply, and in the end only says, "Okay."

Adam arches a brow. "You approve?"

He must be bright red in the face again, but what the hell. "I approve," he whispers - and then
Adam's lips are back on his.

His clothes are more or less stroked away from his body, Adam's touches either tantalizingly soft
or arousingly rough, and soon the wish has come to fruition; the two of them underneath the thick
but light duvet, skin to skin.

The duvet is honestly too warm, but it's kind of… cozy. It's cozy to lie here next to each other, only
kissing (apart from Adam's wandering hands) and feeling the worst effects of the heat subside
somewhat. The relief lasts until Adam does something that is particularly nice, or the situation in
general just gets too nice; when the sensation beneath his hands and lips build until some sort of
point is reached that makes the heat flare like a wildfire. Adam always drops the intensity, then,
returning to something soothing rather than exciting, and soon there are no flares at all anymore -
just a comforting and thrilling flow between cozy and hot.
Reki is rather pleased that he called it; kissing Adam is absolutely not boring. That's probably
rather promising for the rest of it.

The rest of it. The things that Reki finally can fully admit that he wants. That it's not just some heat
thing. He really wants to know what sex with Adam would be like. Not that he has anything to
compare it with, but if kissing him is this much fun, he figures that it actually might set a pretty
high standard.

It's not as if he has never been curious about what spending a heat with someone would be like
apart from the times he's been in heat; lonely and wanting nothing more than having someone with
him. It's just that since he really doesn't want anyone to see him like that and it mostly seemed
like work, he never tried to make it happen. His somewhat old-fashioned upbringing regarding it
might have something to do with that, too, but even though his parents seem to think it's something
that can wait until marriage, he never truly felt that way himself. It still made him feel like there
was no rush since it made sense to wait until then. It made sense to only ever be that exposed
together with someone he trusts enough to want as a mate.

What the hell is he thinking. Does that mean that he trusts Adam like that? That makes no fucking
sense. That is just weird. It must be because of the heat that it feels comfortable rather than
humiliating to be naked and, ugh, needy in front of Adam.

Eventually, the relief gives way for only need. As nice as this is, it's not enough anymore, and
Adam sort of seems to agree because one of his hands keep sliding down to Reki's hips and then
lower, his fingers pressing into his thigh while the others are curling tighter in his hair. When
Adam's warm palm glide down over his ass to dig his fingers into his skin, Reki whines a little. It
doesn't feel as embarrassing anymore since Adam can tell so much about how he feels anyway, but
it's a clear sign to himself that he wants much more than this.

Adam obviously understands that because shortly his hand is there again, and this time he pulls
Reki closer, pressing their hips together - and oh, yes, that is much better. The length of Adam's
dick is right beside his own, the hand on his ass keeping them pressed together tight, and it causes
a damn near blissful wave of both pleasure and arousal.

He wants more of that. He wants this. He wants it. He wants this (slightly daunting) cock inside of
him. Jesus Christ - he wants Adam inside of him. Preferably right now. Preferably since the
moment they entered the room. Suddenly the idea of letting Adam fuck him back in the woods
seems like it would have been a great one.

Reki's hips grind forward without him really deciding to, and it feels so good that he does it again
without pause.

Adam groans into their kiss, his fingers once again digging into Reki's skin, and on the third grind,
he meets the motion, pressing them even tighter together.

Reki whines quietly into his mouth. It's slow and purposeful and perfect. Almost. He throws his leg
over Adam's hip, hooking his knee right above it and pressing his calf against his him to keep him
closer - to at least almost have him between his legs.

Adam's hand slips down to his thigh, gripping the underside of it kind of hard before sliding higher.

He lets out a shivering breath that's laced with a groan. "You really are wet," he whispers and
slides the hand a little further, frustratingly close to where Reki wants to be touched to most, "and I
have to admit that you've convinced me that you're also willing."
"You already knew that," Reki says, seeking out his lips again.

"Perhaps, but you didn't. It feels like a fair assumption that now you do."

Reki nods a little, ignoring the spike of embarrassment. "Yeah. Yeah, I know."

"Then…" Adam slides his hand even higher, almost brushing his fingers right where Reki needs

"Yes," he gasps - and Adam rolls on top of him, pushing him down on his back in doing so.

"God, Red," he murmurs and strokes his jaw alongside Reki's. "I know I promised you a dream, but
I feel as if I'm the one who's dreaming."

Oh, shit, that sounded kind of… romantic or something.

Adam's lips brush against his ear. "Turn around for me," he demands softly, which is decidedly
less romantic - but really freaking hot. "Let me really get my hands on that fantastic ass of yours."

He pulls back so their eyes can meet, and he almost looks a little out of it again, despite behaving
as if he's absolutely clear.


Adam's brows knit together in something close to confusion. As if that was the most surprising
thing that Reki could have said. Perhaps he was absolutely certain that was one of the things Reki
would agree to - letting Adam take him from behind.

The confusion clears rather fast, though.

"You don't trust me," he says. "Understandable - but unnecessary. I won't force a bite on you. It
doesn't really sound like a great start to a life-long relationship."

Reki only stares at him, once again practically shocked at hearing him say things like that. It's
universally true, though, so perhaps he's not talking about them specifically. He can't seriously
want that, right? Or perhaps he does right now, but wakes up tomorrow, or whenever Reki isn't in
heat anymore and feels completely differently once his head is clear.

"You don't trust my commitment either," Adam says somewhat solemnly, "so I guess I will have to
convince you - starting by taking care of you right now."

He sinks down for a kiss that starts out soft, but builds into something that feels absolutely filthy.

Reki's hands are buried in blue hair, his lips mind-blowingly occupied as Adam kisses him in a
way that makes him feel absolutely on fire. His breath comes quicker for every pass of tongue or
hint of teeth, and soon he's almost panting into the kisses.

Adam sinks down deeper, his lips brushing past Reki's jaw to kiss and nip at his neck. It makes
Reki whine quietly, the heat starting to become downright unbearable.

"You can take a lot on the track," Adam murmurs right beneath his ear, "but being able to take a
heat like this for so long is impressive. I'm guessing most would be in agony right now, but not you
- or is it spite that makes you allow yourself to get this worked up without telling me what you
want? Is it pride that made you allow your heat to go this far when I am right here, wanting
nothing more than to give you everything you need?"
Reki tries to breathe a little deeper, but he's almost feeling faint and that can't be good.

He has already admitted to being willing to do this, isn't that enough? Hasn't he made it excessively
clear that he wants to? He just can't ask for it, but it's still what Adam keeps telling him to do -
what he has tried to make Reki do ever since he caught up with him in the woods.

He wants Reki to ask him to fuck him.

"I have laid myself bare for you," Adam says softly, "and you can't even admit that you want me
for one heat?"

"You keep telling me you know how I feel."

"Yes, but not what you want specifically."

"You brought me here because you want something. Does what I say or not really make any
difference at this point?"

Adam pushes himself up on his elbows and looks down at him with an absolutely unreadable
expression on his face.

"Reki - I absolutely could decide to do whatever the hell I want at any moment." He leans close
enough to kiss again, just a breath away. "I could have flipped you over and both fucked you and
claimed you by now if I had brought you here just for my own selfish wishes. I'm only saying that
because you seem to believe that is what's going to happen, and despite that - you're here."

Reki has no idea what to say to any of that. To be fair he didn't even think of the fact that he could
get bitten until they were already in bed together. Still, he stayed. He realized the risk and still
stayed. Not even out of fear for what Adam would say or do if he tried to leave.

He had wanted to stay, despite that risk - though it did seem extremely slim.

"I even told you about my desire to claim you as soon as I caught up to you," Adam reminds him,
"and yet you came home with me."

"Did I really have a choice?"

"I have asked you what you want every step of the way," Adam says with a slight edge to his

"What if I had just agreed out of fear?"

"Then I would have known. I can recognize your fear in a crowd. I wouldn't have missed it - and
yet I outright asked if you were afraid because at the end of day, what you feel and what
you want might not always align."

Reki feels a sting of shame for pushing back so hard regarding this. Especially since Adam
surprisingly enough hasn't pushed him at all. He's honestly a little unsure where his attitude
regarding this comes from. It's not as if he wants to sour the moment.

Perhaps he can be a bit of a jerk sometimes, too. He can't make himself apologize, though - Adam
did still steer the evening in this direction rather firmly, if also gently.

"So you didn't want to bring me home just to have your way with me?"

"'Have my way with you'? Dear god, Red, were you raised in the 18th century?"
"What? Shut up! I don't know what the hell to call it - I don't know what you had in mind when you
brought me here."

"You know exactly what I had in mind when I brought you here. I've even told you that outright."

"Yeah, but now I'm sort of doubting if that was true or not. Maybe you really did bring me here just
to watch me writhe. At this point, it's starting to seem kinda probable. Otherwise what was the
point of this if all you're gonna do is argue with me?"

"The one arguing is you."

"Only because you're trying to make me do something I don't want to do!"

Adam blinks at him a few times, clearly contemplating that statement. "I'm doing that because I
want to know. For your sake. And for mine, I guess - I won't deny that I'd like to hear it -
but mostly it's for your sake."

Reki just looks at him for a moment, frowning and starting to feel a little woozy again.

"So… you really only wanted to ease the heat?"

"You know exactly what I want, but that was my sole ambition tonight, yes."

"You knew you might get lucky, though."

"Yes, but considering what you said when I offered, it didn't seem very probable that I would,
and no, I didn't plan on coercing you into anything. Is that clear enough of an explanation for your
heat-ridden little head?"


"I don't get it," Reki admits. "If you didn't even believe this would happen, then there really was no
point in bringing me here. Wouldn't it just have been a huge pain if I had refused?"

"It might have been trying," Adam admits slowly, "but I wouldn't have been miserable. You might
have been if you had been alone, though."

"I've been in heat before. It sucks, but I can handle it."

"I'm sure you can - but this heat isn't a normal one."

"Is that really the only reason? This was only ever for my sake? You really think I'll believe that?"

Adam sighs. "Fine," he says dryly. "I didn't just bring you here to ease your heat or because there
was a minimal chance that I'd get 'my way' if I did; I happen to think that there might be something
worth pursuing here, and I would like to find out if I'm right." He grins, his eyes meeting Reki's
flickering gaze and holding it. "I usually am."

"So, what, it's like a date?"

"You can call it whatever the fuck you want - as long as you tell me what you want."

Reki sighs. "Your cruel streak really prospers in bed, doesn't it."

"When have I been cruel to you since we got here?"

"You don't find it telling that you have to specify a time frame?"

Adam frowns deeply, looking as if the question took him by complete surprise.

Reki grins a little, unable not to at his apparent confusion, but then he digs his teeth into his bottom
lip and takes a deep breath through his nose.

"You're not keeping your promise," he says, his voice trembling slightly when another wave of
dizzying heat rolls through him. "You're not taking care of me at all. You said you'd make this heat
a dream but I am still wide awake and burning up. You let me get to this point… without doing
anything about it. You only made it worse - just because you want me to stroke your ego. I
wouldn't exactly call that kind."

Adam sighs. "I hate when you do that."

"Do what?" If he hates it that bad Reki will gladly do it more often.

"Tell me that I'm in the wrong in a way that makes it impossible to deny it."

"I love doing that."

"I know."

He falls quiet, looking down at Reki with yet another unreadable expression on his face.

"So help me do what's right from the start - by telling me what you want me to do," he says.

When Reki still can't seem to respond, Adam presses their hips a little tighter together.

"Is this really what you want?"

"Yeah," Reki breathes.

"Tell me," he says, his voice dark and slightly demanding in a way that really makes him want to
say it.

Instead, he glances away. "Why do you want to embarrass me so damn badly?"

"I don't - I'm letting you know what to do and say to really get me going."

He purposefully rolls his hips downwards, and the feeling of that alone is enough to make Reki
arch into it with his lips parted in a silent moan.

Something between a purr and a groan resonates in Adam's throat, and suddenly holding back
doesn't seem as important anymore.

Reki curls his hands around the back of his neck, sliding one into his hair to pull him down for
another heated kiss and moaning quietly into his mouth when Adam grinds down on him again.

He groans in response - a low, soothing rumble - and then he pulls back slightly.

"Tell me," he breathes against Reki's lips, and that's as much as he can take.

"I want it," he whispers back.

The next low groan is accompanied by a hint of a growl. "Want what?"

Reki's eyes fall shut, too embarrassed to keep looking at him, and then he whispers, "I want you."

When he next meets Adam's eyes, his pupils are blown wide.

So he told the truth. He really has been letting Reki know how to do to Adam what Adam has done
to him - which is making him unbelievably turned on.

"I want you," he whispers again. "I want you to spend this heat with me. Really spend it with me."

As if that needed clarifying, but it was a strike of luck because Adam's eyes are wider than they've
ever been. For a second, Reki thinks he's actually in shock, but then inhales sharply through his
nose and dives down to kiss him. Teeth nip at Reki's lips and all it does is make everything feel
even more urgent.

"I want you," he whispers between kisses, the heat within climbing until he feels like he's about to
melt away.

Adam grunts and grinds down on him again, and Reki throws his head back against the mattress
with another silent moan.

"I want you to make it go away." The words pass his lips almost before they've fully formed in his
mind. "I want… you to do everything you can to make it go away."

He lifts his head to seek out Adam's lips and meet his burning eyes.

"I want you inside of me," Reki says, barely recognizing his own voice.

Adam curses under his breath - then he steals a bruising kiss and sits back on his heels between
Reki's knees.

"If you won't turn around, at least spread your legs for me."

Embarrassment washes through him, but since they're already so far past the point of being shy,
Reki figures that this will probably be a lot nicer if he stops denying Adam's wishes out of spite.
Especially since it's sprung from some silly notion of pride. That left him sometime between when
he leaned his face on Adam's chest in the woods and when Adam listed the things he wants to do
with him, anyway.

He lifts his feet off the mattress and slowly pulls his knees towards his chest, spreading them wide
once they're as far as they go.

Adam's eyes go a little round again - and then they narrow and turn dark. He grabs Reki around the
waist and pulls him closer, bowing down to kiss him as he shifts into place between his legs.

The reality of it hits Reki for a second. He really is going to let Adam fuck him. He wants Adam to
fuck him.

How did this happen?

That seems irrelevant when Adam breaks the kiss to look down on him with something both
reverent and wild in his eyes.

"Just relax," he whispers and slides a hand down between his legs.

There must be slick everywhere, but rather too much than too little, he believes. He feels as if that
notion is correct when one of Adam's fingers slips inside of him, slowly but with ease. It still
makes him gasp, though mostly in surprise since he's almost shockingly sensitive. His gaze flits
away and he has to breathe a little before he can manage to look at Adam again.

It doesn't usually feel quite like that. Not even during his worst heats so far.

"Was that reaction good or bad?" Adam asks with a slight frown.

"It wasn't bad, it was just… different."


"I don't know," Reki murmurs and his gaze flits away again, "it just… feels a lot more."

"More than what?"

"Usually. Other heats. It's not bad, just surprising."

"I'm afraid 'not bad' won't quite cut it, so any ideas on how to improve it?"

"Uh, no, but there's no need to. I, ah… I like it. This whole thing is, um, nice."

Adam watches him for a moment. "I'll take it," he decides, "but for the record; I'm aiming far
beyond 'nice'."

Reki tries to grin but it feels more nervous than cocky so he gives up the impulse to tease him.

"Honestly," he says quietly, "it's already the nicest it's ever felt, so… you've already set the bar
significanty higher."

Adam lets out an amused huff. "I have to say that it would have been rather discouraging if I hadn't
since it's an easy win, to say the least. Having company during a heat is supposed to be preferable
to being alone."

Reki feels as if he can say for certain that's true, but Adam also triggered this heat. Maybe
there is something to those tall tales, only instead of the alpha who causes it being the only one
who can help it pass, it's a fantastic experience. That also seems to be Adam's goal, so that's rather
encouraging, too.

Reki swallows carefully. "I guess, but, uh… surprisingly I'm kinda glad it's you."

Adam's eyes widen slightly, his brows quirking up in a way that makes him look a little
apprehensive. "You are?"

"Yeah," Reki admits softly. "If it's you then it's at least going to be fun."


"Trying new things is fun."

"I suppose," Adam says and starts to smile again. "And you want to try this new thing with
me? Specifically?"

Reki grins quickly. "Yeah. I do."

Despite having asked the question, Adam almost seems a little taken by the answer. "God," he
whispers, and then his eyes fall shut and he leans his brow on Reki's shoulder. "You're really
here… and telling me something like that. "

Reki has absolutely no idea how to respond, but he doesn't have to; Adam is kissing him before he
has even quite processed what he just heard.

He does his best to match Adam's intensity and finds it surprisingly easy. It doesn't feel forced,
more like letting go. When Adam kisses a trail down his neck and ends it by doing something with
his tongue around his nipple, he lets out a breath that's laced with a moan - and then he shakes his

"That felt weird."

"In a bad way?"

"Yeah. It was ticklish, almost."

One of Adam's brows arches dramatically. "You're ticklish?"

"Don't get any ideas."

"Not right now, naturally, but… It might be of future use."


Adam grins. "So why did it? Too light?"

"I think so," Reki mumbles, finding the very specific question slightly mortifying.

"Then how about…?"

Adam opens his mouth until his fangs are bared and slowly turns back to Reki's chest, stopping a
couple of inches below his collarbone and casting him a glance. Once he's gotten a little nod in
return, he lightly presses his teeth into the skin.

Reki breathes out slowly, unable to deny that his heart rate just went sky-high.

"Better?" Adam asks softly.


"You're fucking perfect."

"What, no-"

Adam's teeth scrape against his skin before biting down again, and just as he does, he adds another

Reki arches into it without meaning to and lets out something between a whine and a moan. His
hands are in Adam's hair instantly to make sure that he won't pull away.

"Move your hand," he whispers, and Adam hums against his skin in a very pleased way. It's kind of
hot - low and dark despite the rather happy tone.

When he grants Reki's wish, he also bites down a little harder. Still not hard enough to pierce the
skin, but it would probably not take much more for it to happen.
"That's perfect," Reki breathes. "Only… move a little faster."

There's another hum, and then Adam does just that.

Reki presses the back of his head into the mattress with a helpless little moan.

"Oh, fuck," he whispers.

That's the nicest it's ever felt. It's the best feeling so far, having both Adam's fingers and teeth in
him. What will it feel like when it's his dick if it already feels this good?

He wants to know. Right now.

"Adam," he murmurs and moves the hand on the back of his head to the side of his face, nudging
him back.

They kiss again and Reki idly thinks that there are quite a lot of those going on. They're all
so good, though. That's probably why.

"I can't wait to know what your dick feels like," he says, and Adam almost groans.

"You're fantastic," he murmurs against Reki's cheek, slowing his movements a little.

"That was fantastic."

Adam smiles again. "Glad to be of service."

He bows down for another kiss before dragging his teeth down the side of Reki's neck. It sends
electric sparks flying across his skin, and together with the slow movement of his hand it is almost
deliriously good.

"So wet," Adam says quietly against his throat. "And soft. Almost makes me want to skip this part
and just take you."

Reki likes the sound of that - but stops breathing completely when Adam slowly slides what must
be three fingers inside of him. It doesn't hurt, but there's definitely a stretch, and it leaves him
panting until Adam strokes his cheek with his nose and lips, making that soothing sound again.
Still, it doesn't manage to quell the heat as much as it did earlier. It's clearly not enough anymore.

"You can," Reki whispers. "You can just… take me."

Adam makes a sound caught between a hum and a groan. "Perhaps you don't need the warming up
that betas and alphas do," he says, his tone unusually gentle, "but if this is the first time and I just
go right ahead, you might still get hurt. So just bear it for another moment."

"It's not my first heat," Reki says a little pointedly.

"No, but it's different when the one in control is yourself. When someone else is involved it gets a
little more complicated to get things right, and I really hate being wrong. I want to take my time
and make sure that I won't hurt you, so I can just enjoy you. So please - give it one more moment
and then, hopefully, I won't have to hold back on you."

Put like that, it sounds like a pretty good idea.

Reki nods, rubbing his face against Adam in doing so. It makes him purr. He has never heard him
do that before. It's kind of cute.
That feels like a strange thing to think about the almost thirty-year-old man who currently has his
fingers inside of you. It is, though. It is cute. Why did it have to come off that way?

As surprisingly enervating as it is, Reki doesn't want him to stop, so he keeps stroking his face
against Adam's, slowly and obviously hesitant. For some reason, it feels more awkward when it's
intentional, not that Adam seems to care about the difference.

When he's starting to move his hand with a little more purpose it steals all of Reki's attention,
though. It's both precisely what he needs and not enough. The way it feels overshadows the worst
of the heat in the beginning, but soon, the low moans that he allows himself (mostly because they
clearly turn Adam on which is rather satisfying to see) begin to edge on whining.

"This must be enough," he says when he literally feels as if he can't stand how the heat makes him
feel anymore. It needs to go away. He really needs it to at least calm down a little. He's achingly
hard, feels empty and lonely despite having an alpha right here (not to mention at
least technically inside of him), and he wouldn't be surprised if the heat did make his entire face red
at this point.

"You believe so?" Adam replies. "What do you want me to do instead?"

"You're such a fucking jerk."

Adam grins. "And here I believed there was no chance of anything even remotely romantic - and
then you say such sweet things in our very first moment of passion."

If he wasn't so wound up in the heat and the slow movement of Adam's hand Reki might have
grinned back. Instead, he winds his arms around his neck to pull him close enough for a lingering
kiss. He needs some time to gear up before saying this.

"Alright," he says, slightly unsteadily, but at least he manages to look Adam in the eyes. "You win.
But I have to say that it's kind of odd that up until right now, you apparently wanted me to say one
little thing more badly than what I needed you to do what I'm about to say."

Adam's eyes widen slightly and Reki thinks it's in anticipation - but then he sighs.

"Fine," he says. "You win."

He slowly frees his hand, causing another whine as a result, and then he moves a little closer -
close enough for his cock to brush against Reki's, warm and hard.

Oh, god, yes. But also; holy shit, this is weird. What if he regrets it? Right now he feels as if he'll
regret it if he doesn't do it - not just right now, but in the future, too. Like if he doesn't do this he'll
regret it for a long time to come, maybe even for life. That is a bizarre thought, but it feels like it's
absolutely true.

Adam steals another kiss and while the action in itself comes off as rather sweet, Reki really needs
this to happen now so his patience regarding more delays is practically non-existent.

"Don't hold out on me right now," he breathes, managing to sound almost as frustrated as he feels.

"I'm not," Adam murmurs by his ear, "I just want to savor this moment."

He nips Reki right beneath his jaw and sinks back a little, making the underside of his dick brush
against the crack of his ass.
Reki digs his fingers into Adam's hair and pulls him closer. "No more waiting," he demands.

He's reaching his limit. He might turn into a mewling mess at any moment and he really doesn't
want that to happen.

"No more waiting," Adam whispers.

He pulls back, lifts one of Reki's legs higher on his hip, and when he next comes down for a kiss,
he also begins to slowly press into him. There's a slight stretch, but he glides inside without
resistance, achingly slow, and the suffering eases with every inch.

This is what he has needed ever since the heat first sparked to life; to be filled by an alpha
- this alpha, specifically - completely surrounded by his scent and basically high on his
pheromones. Right now the damn pheromones are just as vital and fantastic as the dick that is
sliding deeper inside of him.

He can't quite hold in a moan towards the end. It slips out together with a breath, and Adam's eyes
darken a little more.

He sinks all the way inside with added purpose until he's down to the hilt, a low groan leaving him
just as Reki presses back harder against the mattress with another moan.

"Yes," Adam whispers against his lips, "let me hear you."

Reki would have found that embarrassing if it weren't for the heat (not to mention the fact that
Adam is inside of him) but now he doesn't really care; it feels too good. He ends up mewling
quietly because of that which is a little strange, but he's so relieved that the heat is subsiding and
that he no longer feels practically abandoned that he barely cares about that either.

Adam sort of… makes a concerned little grimace, and then his brows knit together in something
that looks alarmingly similar to remorse.

"That bad?" he asks gently, and Reki is too stunned by his tone at first to understand what he's
talking about.

"No!" he rushes to say once the realization hits, winding his legs around him to really make that
clear. "It's that good."

He's struck by what feels like a need to assure Adam that he didn't sound like that because of pain
or because he did something wrong - to snuff out even the slightest insecurity regarding how he
makes Reki feel right now. It must be a heat thing (he can't imagine wanting to stroke Adam's
massive ego otherwise) but that doesn't matter; he can under no circumstance allow his alpha to
feel inadequate, or like he has wronged Reki somehow when he finally is doing everything right.

"His" alpha? Okay, it's definitely a heat thing, but Adam really does make him feel as if he's
dreaming at the moment. That's probably mostly due to relief, but even aside from that he can't
deny that Adam is outright dreamy right now. So pleasantly soothing and at the same time hot, and
he smells so nice and he is kind of nice, not to mention feels fantastic even though he's not even
moving yet. He wants Adam to know that, wants him to know that he's literally a perfect alpha,
wants him to know that Reki is his-

It's a heat thing. Yep. No doubt about it.

Still, he desperately wants to assure Adam beyond a doubt that he's not in pain. That
he's doing perfectly right now. That Reki wants this; that he wants this stunning alpha inside of him
until the heat is over, and if it feels even half as good after he'd gladly try that out, too.

In spite of feeling that way, he still has to pause and swallow down some embarrassment, but that
seems like a small price to pay to reassure him.

"It's so good," Reki whispers, apparently unable to talk any louder at the moment. "The heat was
just… a lot. Finally, uh, getting here was such a relief that it just slipped out."

Adam still looks serious, even as he leans down to place a light kiss at the top of one of Reki's

"Forgive me, my darling," he says and moves on to kiss the edge of his mouth. "I didn't mean to
drive you that far." Another kiss, along his jaw, and Reki's breaths start coming a little quicker. "I
won't do it again." Adam's eyes flick up to meet his. "Unless you want me to, of course."

The reward sort of makes it feel worth it now, but he should probably see if it can feel just as good
without getting absolutely desperate for it before he willingly lets a heat reach this point again.

"Right now I just want you to move," he says, and feels a spark of satisfaction when Adam releases
a rush of air through his nose that sounds like a mix between a chuff and a groan.

"Gladly," he whispers with a hint of a grin, dives down for a kiss, and starts to roll his hips slowly.

It doesn't look like much, but it feels amazing.

Reki's lips stay parted in silent moans (with the occasional escapee) and Adam watches him as if
mesmerized by it. It's really rather embarrassing - or should be. It's also a little satisfying. Perhaps
because Adam so often looks at him as if he's dirt. Boring dirt. Or he used to, at least. Thinking
about it makes Reki realize that he hasn't done that in a really long time. When did that
change? Why did that change? Because he likes how Reki smells since he presented? He seemed to
put emphasis on that when he told Reki that he wants him, but can a scent completely change
someone's opinion of a person? From about as interesting as dirt to this?

Searching his memories, Reki can't seem to remember a single occasion of Adam looking at him
with complete disinterest since the tournament a few years back. The change must have been
gradual and he has absolutely never looked at Reki anywhere near the way he has today, but… the
few times when they have talked without being at each other's throats he has almost come off as
soft. Especially the way he'd smile at Reki's quips sometimes. And when they skate, Adam is
teasing and happy, reaching out to touch him at any chance he gets (sometimes to push him over,
but still).

As if Adam's current fascination wasn't proof enough that he doesn't think Reki is dirt - or even
boring - that realization comes along and makes it feel real. Adam might not just have said things
for effect. He might really want Reki, specifically, and not just because he triggered his heat and is
a fan of his scent.

It at least makes it seem like there's a possibility that Adam harbor some positive feelings for him.
The type of feelings that brought them to this situation, as astonishing as that is.

So at least attraction. Reki might be able to get some real fun out of that, if the damn
embarrassment could just go away! It's such a stupid fucking feeling - why does it have to exist!?

Perhaps he hasn't let go of his pride as much as he thought. Adam obviously has, at least here and
there. Right now he's practically bare. He probably could have played some sort of role in bed if he
wanted to. That's a rather thrilling thought - but it also means that he is choosing to be bare, which
in all honesty feels a little daunting.

If Adam only wanted to get laid, he could have just played the part of alpha that most people
expects (and which he is a picture-perfect example of at a glance); take what he wants from an
omega in heat without concern. Though he would probably not take anything, even if he makes it
seem like it sometimes. Not if he gets that regretful over one measly mewl.

Still, though - he might not have been as patient. Reki had half expected Adam to lose his temper
and demand that he made up his mind and outright told him "yes" or "no" (and if "no" probably
send him home without a word and then they'd never talk to each other again). But he was patient.
Surprisingly not at all impatient, except for when he caught up to Reki after the race. Then he was
kind of wild in general for a while. Perhaps that's at least a little understandable since he was so out
of it, which now that Reki thinks about it is very odd. He came to his senses on his own, though,
and became completely alert once he spotted a threat.

Except for at the very start, he has seemed rather relaxed. Comfortable, even. Reki had believed
that was because he didn't really want him as badly as Adam himself had believed in the woods,
but now he thinks that he might just be controlled in general. He most likely has to since he's a
freaking Diet Member off the mountain. If he's to succeed in politics he would have to. If the red-
eyed alpha with fangs lost his temper or came off as threatening, it could end his career.

Right now he's not controlled. Not like that. Perhaps his actions are controlled but the way Adam
looks at him isn't. He has no control over that. It's a sincere reaction.

Holy Hell.

It makes no sense, but it's so apparent - there's affection in his expression.

So, in conclusion; it's not just attraction.

It leaves Reki absolutely stunned. Perhaps he's reading too much into this, but he can barely
believe that Adam tried to make it seem as if he'd just whip him around and fulfill his own wishes
the way he did when he listed the things he wanted from Reki now that he's looking at him
like this.

He couldn't (wouldn't?) even play the part of being dominant and forceful all the way through.
He was forceful initially, but as soon as Reki got scared for real, he started comforting him,
instead. With a soft rumble and a hand in his hair. With what little he could do to make him feel

Adam is forceful, but the things he says to come off as such are empty. It's all bluster. He never
follows through. Except for on the track, where his challenger knows the risks and has accepted
them. Then he goes all out.

Then he can be beyond ruthless.

It's in him but Reki has never seen him act even remotely as he does at "S" outside of it. That might
have to do with control, too, but that doesn't feel quite right. It never seems like he is holding
himself back. Perhaps in the woods, but not after.

Reki has been the impatient one - and he got impatient because of the incessant requests to tell
Adam what he wants. Those types of things seem to turn him on, but they also almost make him
seem grateful, which feels a little odd, but is starting to make sense.

He doesn't have to control himself right now - because he only really gets going if he's told what to
do first. If he knows where the line is drawn he can relax, or even rush forward, but probably not
past it.

In other words; he will most likely never be forceful unless given explicit - and specific -
permission to be.

If they keep doing this (which seems to be Adam's ambition, at least), Reki might be able to tailor-
make every single experience. Not that he would - but he could. At least to where Adam's own
lines go. He must have some, Reki figures. His boundaries are probably as unpredictable as he is,
and that just might reveal other surprising sides of him. He has already somehow realized that
Adam isn't such a huge piece of shit as he might seem after just a few minutes in bed with him.

Isn't there some sort of saying about getting to know a person's true values through how they treat
someone in bed? If there isn't, perhaps there should be.

Reki would blame the way he feels at the moment on the hormones and pheromones if he hadn't
just been attacked by realization after realization up until the moment there is only one left; he
actually likes Adam. Especially when he's like this. When he's not a politician or a merciless skater.
The latter is fun in its own scary way, but the former really is boring. Talk about boring as dirt.

Reki doubts that he'll be boring unless he absolutely has to, though. Adam probably thinks it's as
boring as dirt, too, seeing how he seems to live for the thrill of things. They could probably be
doing a lot of thrilling things together.

This is rather thrilling, for example. Especially now. It was fantastic before, but after these eye-
opening little revelations regarding Adam's character and his potential emotions, Reki
downright forgets about his pride.

"Adam," he breathes and lifts his head from the mattress to kiss him, letting a whining little sound
out - a successful choice if Adam's content hum is anything to go on. "You can move more. I really
want you to move more."

A smile passes over Adam's lips. "What are you saying?"

Reki thinks he made himself pretty clear, but then he understands.

Well. He really, really wants it by now and since he knows it's not just for Adam's own selfish
satisfaction - fuck it. Fuck pride and spite and embarrassment and everything else that seems to
only be in the way when it comes to making this a purely enjoyable experience.

Fuck all of it - but most of all:

"Fuck me."

It's just a breathless whisper and it's very hard to not be seriously embarrassed - but better to give it
a serious try than give in to that boring emotion.

He curls his fingers into the hair on the back of Adam's head and pulls him closer. His eyes are
slightly wide and still expectant, as if he can tell that more is coming.

"I'm saying that I want you to fuck me."

The next time Adam rolls his hips he does so with a lot more purpose. With something that feels
more like a thrust than a grind.
"Yeah," Reki says and nods a little. "More of that. Give me that."

"I'll give you anything you want," Adam says and leans down to press their foreheads together.
"Just say the word, and you'll have it."

"Then don't hold back on me," Reki whispers back, still craving more despite the relief, and feeling
almost a little delirious from both pleasure and the heat itself. "I want more. I need more - I
need you."

Adam's next thrust is followed by a breathy groan that makes thrills go off in Reki's gut. They rush
throughout his entire body, wiping away the rest of his apprehension regarding letting go.

When he drives forward again, Reki's eyes fall shut with an open-mouthed moan.

"Yes," Adam breathes, and Reki curls his fingers tighter into the hair at the back of his neck with
another wanton sound on his lips.

Adam shifts slightly, bends one of his legs for leverage and lifts Reki's even higher, until his knee
almost brushes against the back of Adam's shoulder. The next thrust really is a thrust, sending a
wave of pleasure all the way to his chest, where it blooms like something dangerously close to

It's just the relief. It's just the heat. It's just spending a heat with someone for the first time. It
means nothing - and yet he can't seem to be close enough to Adam, even though he's inside of him.

It's better than what he imagined. It's not at all tedious. It doesn't feel like work. It doesn't even feel
embarrassing anymore, not when Adam's breaths almost sounds as if they're punched out of him
just as Reki's own are starting to be. Not when Adam looks at him like this. Not when he sounds
like that.

Reki decides to dial up the enthusiasm for real - not that he has much of a choice since Adam really
is starting to fuck him and he honestly can't hold his reactions back anymore.

It feels amazing. Each movement sends blissful thrills through him, making the heat dim in
intensity as Adam's builds.

"Oh, fuck," Reki says, sounding just as astonished as he feels over how incredible it is.

He doesn't feel alone anymore. He doesn't feel empty - not physically, but not in any other way,
either. As if the absent dimension to his life isn't missing for a moment. As if for as long as they
are one, he is whole.

Oh, wow, this heat makes him think really strange things, but he can't help how he feels, only how
he decides to react to it, and Reki is done with hiding.

"Yes," he whispers, once again cracking his eyes open to look up at Adam, meeting his enamored
gaze and the heat in his crimson eyes. "That feels so good - oh, shit, yes."

His head whips back against the mattress with the next thrust, and he moans out loud. Whatever
that was, he wants it to keep happening.

"Do that again," he almost gasps, and Adam wordlessly complies. "Fuck, yes - Adam."

He groans in response, his face twisting with pleasure and emotion, and it's the hottest thing Reki
has ever seen. Just that expression. The way his brows knit together in concentration and awe, his
parted lips - how his eyes scrunch up at the corners when he drives forward.

Reki can't look away. It's not at all weird or awkward to not kiss - not when what he gets to look at
is the blatantly honest feelings playing out across that usually either serious or concealed face.

As objectively hot as Adam is (especially without any clothes on) his unrestrained reactions are
what ends up turning Reki on the most.

Adam really is a perfect alpha. Not a perfect person, but he is perfect for this; for providing an
experience that no one else would have been able to even get close to. To render Reki blissed out
and pliant beneath him. To fuck this heat out of him in a way that for sure will set a high standard.

He needs to let Adam know that. Needs to make his - this alpha feel exactly as he makes Reki feel
right now.

"Fuck, you're hot," he whispers, his voice shivering from pure excitement. "I was crazy to think I
didn't want you."

His head feels a little hazy from the heat and the pleasure. Perhaps that's why it's not as
embarrassing to say things like that, and Adam's expression somehow gets even hotter, so it was a
definitive success.

"You feel so good," he continues and follows it up with a helpless moan as Adam pushes back
inside a little harder. "Yes - that's even better."

Adam grunts and presses the sides of their faces together, threading his fingers into Reki's hair. His
deep breaths wash past Reki's neck, and sharp fangs graze his skin. Adam's low groans and the
soft, rumbling hints of a growl steals Reki's attention now that he no longer can see his face, and
it's at least as hot as his expressions.

"You're going to drive me mad," Adam whispers right by his ear.

"Then go mad," Reki says in a rush. "Fuck me just as you've wanted to."

The next groan is followed by a growl. "Don't tempt me."

Reki presses his face into Adam's hair and whispers, "Then fuck me harder at least. Fuck me as
hard as you dare to, and I'll let you know if I can take more or not. Just fuck me hard."

"Jesus, Red," Adam murmurs, "you really are a dream."

He steals a deep kiss, his teeth digging lightly into Reki's bottom lip before he sits back, dragging a
hand through unruly, blue hair to get it out of his face, and damn, is that a sight.

The most impressive alpha he has ever seen, naked and winded, his skin covered in a light sheen of
sweat - sitting back between Reki's legs and watching him as if Adam is the one who is witnessing
the most fantastic thing in his life.

"You keep surpassing my imagination over and over again," he says darkly.

"Uh," Reki replies before finding his voice. "Right back at ya'."

Adam smiles, clearly right on the verge of laughing. "Good. I aim to."

He slides his hands down Reki's thighs before dragging one of them back up again, his nails
digging into his skin like claws, while closing the other hand around his dick.
Reki lets out a slightly surprised hum at the sensation of being wrapped up in a large, warm hand.
Adam strokes him achingly slowly, his eyes never leaving Reki's face, and he has to admit that it
makes it a lot more arousing. Not to mention that it feels mind-numbingly good. Especially when
Adam starts going a little faster, with added purpose, and pushes his cock a little deeper into him at
the same time.

A low shuddering moan slips out, and Reki pushes himself up on his elbow to grab Adam around
the wrist with his breath in his throat.

"That's gonna end me in seconds."

He should probably want that. The more he comes the faster the heat should go away. It just
doesn't bother him as much now that Adam is inside of him. He can take it a little longer. He really
wants Adam to go all out, if only for a moment, before either of them finish.

He wants the full experience.

Adam smiles and lets his hand be pulled away. "Good to know," he purrs and leans in for a kiss.

Reki laughs a little, breathless and tingling all over from so very nearly having tipped over the
edge. "Another time. You know what I want right now."

"I do… but you see, you aren't the only one who needed a chance to catch his breath."


Adam grins, looking a little devious. "I don't want to end this too soon. Not before I've given you
an experience worth remembering."

"You already have," Reki murmurs, his gaze dropping away. The admission felt a little exposing
for some reason.

A hand brushes against his jaw, and then Adam gently tilts his head back to kiss him again.

It's a lot softer this time. The word "tender" pops into Reki's head, and that makes his
face very warm for some reason.

When Adam pulls back, he still stays close, watching Reki's face as if he's a little taken by it. It
only makes Reki all the more flustered.

"Now…," he whispers, pressing the pad of his thumb against Reki's lips, "I'm going to grant your
wish. I will lean back, grab your legs, push them down as far as they go - and then I am going to
fuck you hard until you come. And then I doubtlessly will, too, unless you manage to push me over
the edge before that - which I wouldn't put past you - but when I do… will you let me knot you for
the first time, or do you have some other interesting suggestion?"

"No," Reki whispers. "I want the full experience."

"As in?"

"I want you to knot me." He can't help glancing down, closing his legs a little tighter around the
alpha between them, and letting some air out through his nose to try and calm his quick breaths
before looking back up. "Knot me," he whispers - and a shiver goes through Adam.

He sits back again, and Reki dares to let his eyes wander over him one more time. When he looks
back up at Adam's face, he's obviously giving him the same treatment.

"God, look at you," he says, staring down at Reki with a new edge to the heat in his eyes.
"You're gorgeous."

That's not a word Reki would have expected, but it sort of suits Adam to say it.

"I won't last long if you keep watching me like that," he adds, once again pulling Reki a little
closer, pushing in a little deeper.


Adam's awed expression flick into a wide smile. "As if you're about to devour me."

Reki has no idea what that might look like. Or well, he has seen something like that on Adam's
face. He just can't imagine what he looks like himself. Hot, if the reaction is anything to go by.

"I kind of feel like biting you, honestly," Reki admits.

Adam's eyes widen slightly, and then he starts to grin. "You can bite me as much as you want."

"I have sharp teeth."

Adam bows down low enough for his smile to brush against Reki's lips. "Even better. And only fair
- it's not as if I'll be able to keep my teeth off you."

"You're so weird."

"Says the one who just admitted to wanting to bite me."

Reki tries to cover his laughter with a hand and ends up snorting into the back of it.

Adam looks beyond pleased. It kind of suits him. The closest things that Reki has seen on him are
self-complacency or schadenfreude, and those aren't very nice forms of pleased.

Now there's none of that - he's just plain pleased.

"Well," Reki says quietly, "look at you. You're stunning."

"You're too good to me, Red," Adam mutters with a wry smile. "Especially for a one-off. Don't
give an old man hope."

"Isn't that when you need it the most?" Reki replies softly, tilting his head to the side. "The fewer
days you have left, the more hopeless life should feel, but it doesn't. What if it's because we
become more hopeful with age, so it outweighs the hopelessness of knowing that we have less time

Adam stares at him for a moment. "That's what you're thinking about right now? While I'm inside
of you?"

"Oh." Reki blinks and focuses on his face. "Sorry. It just happens. My mind wanders and if
someone's around they apparently have to hear it."

Adam smiles again. "I'll take that as if I'm failing at keeping your attention where it belongs."

Reki only tries to fight the smile for a split second before giving in to it. "You have my attention,"
he promises.

"Because I asked for it - I want you to not be able to wander. I want you to not focus on anything
other than my cock, and my mouth, and my hands, and what they are doing for you. I want
your sincere attention - so it's up to me to keep it."

Oh, he absolutely has Reki's attention now.

Adam leans back and does exactly as described, his hands sliding down under Reki's thighs to push
them back and apart until his knees are right by his shoulders. He feels incredibly exposed, but he
sort of figured he would and still wanted to do it, so he doesn't quite know what to make of that.

Adam almost seems reverent - just in a very horny way. That's kind of hot, too. Seeing it sparks a
type of satisfaction that trumps even what Adam's actions cause, and everything he does
is so satisfying right now.

He starts out rather slow again, but that is all it takes to realize that this is a different experience.

Reki curls his hands into fists around the pillow above his head, screws his eyes shut, and gasps at
the sensation. The angle and being held down like this absolutely makes it a lot more intense.
Every time Adam glides back inside of him it sends a wave of pure pleasure all the way to his
fingertips. The hands gripping the undersides of his thighs curl tighter around them, fingers digging
into Reki's flesh hard, and the way Adam is watching him is basically feral. It feels really fucking
fantastic - and then he picks up speed.

A startled sound slips past Reki's lips at the first, rougher thrust, but right after he lets his head fall
back and his eyes closed.

"Fuck," he whispers. "Yes."

Adam curses under his breath before pausing to move his knees further apart, push Reki's legs
down a little more, and lean over him with slightly wider eyes and bared teeth.

"Are you sure you'll like it rough? he asks darkly.

Reki looks up at him through his lashes. " Yeah."

"If you change your mind, will you tell me outright to stop?"

He sounds a lot more serious, so Reki opens his eyes a little more and reaches out to brush his
fingers against the side of his face in a way that he hopes is reassuring.


Adam leans into the hand to press a kiss into his palm, his eyes never straying from Reki's face.

"Good." He shifts again, leaning down to catch Reki's lips with his own, followed by a hint of
teeth, and then he growls, "Because I want to fuck you until you scream."

It sends such a massive wave of aroused excitement through Reki's core that he whines. He has
never whined like that before. It is shivering and needy and a part of him hates it, but the way
Adam's expression turns even more enthralled makes the embarrassment fade pretty much

"Say it," Adam demands, his voice low and gravelly.

"Do it," Reki tells him, all previous hesitation gone by now. "Make me scream." Something almost
wicked comes over him, and he looks up at Adam with the hint of a cheeky grin. "Do it well and I
might even scream your name."

Stunned, Adam just watches him with wide eyes at first, but then a rather aggressive rumble
resonates in his throat.

"God damn," he says on an exhale. "Reki, you are something else."

He steals a bruising kiss, and before even breaking it he pulls out almost all the way and drives his
cock back inside with added force.

Reki's helpless moan breaks the kiss, and Adam grins almost triumphantly. He thrusts forward
again, his eager eyes stuck on Reki's face as he throws his head back against the bed with a loud

"You sound amazing," Adam whispers, brushing their lips together before leaning back a little.

He's towering over Reki, the entire alpha tense and obviously more turned on than what he has
been the entire night (which says quite a lot). He digs his nails into Reki's thighs and drives into
him again, no longer pausing in between or even being particularly careful.


"Yes," Reki whines. "Fuck, yes, that's-"

He breaks off for another sudden moan, and gives up on being able to speak full sentences from
there on out, focusing solely on the feeling of Adam's cock driving into him and the sound of his
deep breaths, each laced with either a groan or a growl. He fucks Reki with long, powerful thrusts
that makes slick start to all but gush out of him until Adam's hips are meeting his ass with a sound
that is undeniably wet.

Slick spreads between Reki's legs with every rough push inside. He has never been this wet before,
and it makes the slide of Adam's cock absolutely maddening.

The alpha looks a little out of it again, with his eyes burning and lips pulled back to expose his
sharp canines. Breathy groans follow every thrust and his eyes won't leave Reki's face for even a
second. He looks just as enamored as before, only wilder. More aggressive. His chest heaves with
every breath, his hair hangs loose and untamed in front of his face, and his fingers dig deep enough
into Reki's thighs to edge on being painful.

Had he known that it would be like this, Reki would have tried to sleep with someone a long time

He doesn't care about what he sounds like anymore, only the sensation and sight of Adam, taking
him hard and clearly nearing his end. He curses under his breath and drives into him with a rough
thrust that makes Reki cry out.

"Red," Adam rasps, and then he lets his legs go and dives down to kiss him.

He cradles Reki's head between his hands, supporting himself on his elbows against the mattress,
and keeps kissing him with urgency. He's still driving into him, but the thrusts are less frenzied,
more controlled, and he pulls almost all the way out every time. His groans aren't as feral, more
winded and edging on desperate, and for some reason, that sends Reki into a state where he's
dangerously close to coming.
He winds his arms tight around Adam's shoulders, digging his fingers into his back and threading
the others through his hair. His own hair is sticking to his forehead, damp with sweat, and he's so
out of breath that it's hard to speak, but he really wants to so he tries to get enough air into his

"Adam, I'm - ah. Fuck, I-"

"Yes," Adam groans. "Come, darling."

Reki throws his head back against the mattress and catches his eyes, glowing crimson as he
watches Reki's face like he never has seen anything greater in his entire life.

"You come," Reki manages. "You should…" He swallows hard, lifts his head enough to press their
foreheads together, and hisses, "Knot me, Adam."

Adam's lips part as if in shock or amazement, and then he grits his teeth together. He winds an arm
around Reki's waist and lifts his ass off the bed, holding him close as he takes him with renewed

Reki hooks his legs around him with his lips parted around a drawn-out moan, completely
chanceless against the sensation of Adam's cock driving into him in long, smooth thrusts that end in
a rough snap of his hips.

"Now," Adam breathes, his lips grazing Reki's chin. "Brace yourself, beautiful. I'm…"

Instead of finishing the sentence, he groans out loud, dives down - and sinks his teeth into Reki's
shoulder with a snarl.

Reki cries out, screwing his eyes shut and digging his fingers hard into Adam's back. He curls his
other hand into a fist around his hair, whining with dizzying pleasure that reaches its absolute peak
when Adam thrusts forward for the last time and comes inside of him with another loud groan that
ends in a rumbling growl.

The sensation of his knot swelling until it edges on painful pulls Reki along, and he pushes back
against the mattress with another ragged cry. He comes hard enough for black spots to flicker
before his eyes, and the rush of the orgasm surges through him so violently that he almost starts to
tear up.

His voice cracks as the sound that's pulled out of him rises until it really is a scream. When he calls
Adam's name it's not even intentional - it just happens. Just like when he burrows his face into his
hair with a helpless whimper and starts whispering his name alongside a stream of curses, over and
over again, clinging to him with both arms and legs and feeling as if he never wants to let go.

Adam keeps him pressed close as he eases Reki lower back to the bed, slowly sinking down on top
of him and letting out a sharp rush of air through his nose. Something wet runs across Reki's
shoulder when Adam frees his teeth from it and turns his face into his neck, panting.

"Christ," he breathes, his voice rough.

Reki stares into the ceiling for a moment, panting almost as badly, before leaning his face into
Adam's hair with a weak grin.

"Let's do that again," he says, sounding just as dazed as he feels.

Adam huffs, incredulous and a little amused, and his hot breath causes shivers to run down Reki's

"You're going to be the death of me, Little Red."

Chapter End Notes

Is there a "Shindo Ainosuke is a massive simp" tag? Cus there should be. I will have
to make one, otherwise. He has spent some time on dealing with his issues and calmed
down a little, which I guess is apparent in this chapter, but more about that in the

Kudos and comments are always nice and make me very happy

I'm not very active on Twitter but feel free to follow me there for updates and share
the post for this fic if you enjoyed it

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