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More of Little Red - Side Stories

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Fandom: Grimm (TV)
Relationship: Nick Burkhardt & Monroe
Character: Monroe (Grimm), Nick Burkhardt, Rosalee Calvert, Sean Renard, Lou
Renard (Little Red OC), Monroe's Parents, Drew Wu, Bud Wurstner,
Hank Griffin, Adalind Schade, Sebastian Schutz (Little Red OC), Reed
Burkhardt, Jackson Rykov (Little Red OC), Michael Rykov (Little Red
Additional Tags: Red Riding Hood Elements, Nick Burkhardt as Little Red Riding Hood,
Protective Monroe (Grimm), Hurt Nick Burkhardt, Whumptober 2023,
Fictober 2023, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort
Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Little Red
Collections: Whumptober 2023
Stats: Published: 2023-10-01 Updated: 2023-10-07 Words: 17,016 Chapters:

More of Little Red - Side Stories

by The_Girl_Who_Escaped_Gallifrey19


"Marie Kessler is coming. Look after the boy in red. He's not meant to be there. He's no

Sometimes the Big Bad Wolf isn't the one the Boy in Red should fear but the seemingly
kind woman in the cottage in the woods with weapons and potions in the pantry instead of
food. The Boy in Red isn't alone though. His Grimm is Aware though not awake yet and he
has a Guardian willing to do anything to protect him.

No one gets away with hurting a Guardian's Grimm. The Kessler and the Royals had best
be wary.

This is a series of interconnected stories that happen in and around the main story Little
Red. This was inspired by Day 1 of Fictober. There will be a mix of Whumptober and
Fictober prompts

Inspired by Delve a Little Deeper by breizhbit

It's Not Too Late
Chapter Summary

Monroe didn't care that he was scaring Hank, Wu and Franco. They had read the
books Nick had about Blutbaden. They had seen him fight before but he was only
playing then, he hadn't wanted to do any real harm. Maybe now they would understand
just how dangerous Blutbaden were and just how easily they had gotten off with the
suspects they had taken down.

He couldn't feel his Grimm or hear his heartbeat, he didn't have in him to be civil at
the moment.

Chapter Notes

Hello Lovelies, here is my newest story. This is actually the short stories of events
surrounding my main story Little Red. That is a complete rewrite of the Grimm
Cannon. I am going to wait until I have several chapters written before I start posting,
probably 10.

I already have four of them written 74,328 and 150 pages so far and that is only with
four chapters complete and around 6 half complete. I started on the 13th of September.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Date: 01/10/23 - 02/10/23

Time: 10:05 pm - 3:00 am

Hank, Wu, Franco, Rosalee, Renard and Adalind didn't know what to think when they walked into
the clearing. Monroe was covered in blood, standing over the torn-up and decapitated bodies of
Reapers. He didn't seem to register they were even there as he walked over another body.

Monroe didn't react well when the SWAT team told him to drop the dagger he was holding.

The growl he let out made Rosalee want to run, she never thought she would be scared of Monroe
but she was. His eyes were a blazing red. He didn't woge, just wiped the dagger off on one of the
nearby bodies and slipped it back into its place within his clothes and picked up the body, Rosalee
was horrified when she realised it was Nick.

The entire SWAT team froze when they saw the Grimm's face.

"Oh hell." All of the SWAT team were wesen and knew who Nick was. Only one member didn't
seem to know him. Monroe growled at the man. There was nothing human about Monroe's voice
despite his human appearance.

Nick looked unharmed though very pale, almost grey. Rosalee yelped when Monroe turned faster
than she could register and threw something at a person who had stepped out from behind the
trees. The man screamed, Monroe didn't care, he just turned back around, picked another dagger up
and walked past them.

Rosalee shared an alarmed look with Adalind and went to follow the Blutbad, leaving Hank, Wu,
Renard and the SWAT time to deal with the aftermath.

Rosalee wasn't sure what to say when they got back to the Spice Shop when she saw Monroe
kneeling next to Nick's body on the couch, his hand pressed over the Grimm's chest. His
threatening growl sent a shiver down Rosalee's spine. She and Adalind move very slowly, very
aware the angry Guardian could attack them.

"I'll call Jackie." Rosalee nodded, walking over to the medicine cabinet pulling out the first aid kit
and walking back over to Nick, keeping her footsteps measured and slow.

"I can't feel him or hear his heartbeat." Rosalee froze, a wave of dread crashing over her at how
dead Monroe sounded, she looked up and saw the alarmed look on Adalind's face as she quickly
dialled Jackie. Nick was completely grey like he was when being controlled by the Cratcher-

"Adalind? What's the matter? Why are you using Nick's phone? " Mitch, one of Jackie's sons asked
when he picked up the phone. The Hexenbiest had Facetimed Jackie, there was no way they could
explain this over the phone. She just shook her head. Mitch frowned and got up to get his Father.

"Da- Uncle Reed what’s wrong?. " Rosalee was alarmed when she heard shattering glass. Mitch
scrambled to turn the camera around. Reed was standing in the middle of the living room his hand
bleeding from the broken glass. The alarming thing was his black eyes and the fact Jackie was

"Are they dead? " Adalind nearly dropped the phone at the sound of Reed's Grimm voice, they
knew from Lou that Reed was terrifying when he was angry but they never quite believed him.
Lou had completely undersold just how terrifying the older Grimm could be.

The question gets a cold laugh from Monroe.

No, that wasn't Monroe, Rosalee and Adalind knew that. That was Portland's Guardian.

"All but one. There were more. They will be dealt with." Monroe answered, Adalind was
struggling not to woge, and Rosalee had no luck, She was a little confused when a hand took the
phone from Mitch.

"What happened? " Alexander asked, Rosalee sagged in relief.

"We don't know. Nick left his phone here by accident. He and Monroe were attacked in the park
across from his house. They were surrounded by at least five Reapers." Adalind explained, slowly
walking closer to Monroe and Nick. The Grimm couldn't be dead. He was too young to die.

"Is he cold to the touch? " Rosalee frowned and leaned down and touched Nick's hand and realised
with a start he was. Far colder than he should have. It was a little chilly outside but not cold enough
for him to be that cold. She looked at the camera and nodded.

“Was he shot with anything?” Alexander questioned. Monroe’s growl was answer enough.

“What does he smell like ” Rosalee shared a confused look with Adalind and woged, Monroe
didn’t look like he was capable of answering. She wrinkled her nose at the coldness, Nick smelled
like an icy lake in the middle of winter, pine needles, blood, Reaper, distress, Reaper and Monroe.
There was something familiar about that scent, he wasn’t quite sure what it was.

“Like an icy lake, pine needles, blood and…. Something bitter? Like almonds but not quite”
Rosalee frowned. There was something under the smell of the icy lake, pine needles, Monroe and
blood and a little like...almonds?

Adalind frowned when Alexander turned the camera back around slumped against the doorframe
and closed his eyes. He looked very relieved.

Monroe’s POV

"It's not too late, we can still go back to the shop." They had just gotten back from a run through
the woods and were walking through a fairly large clearing when they were attacked by six
Reapers. Nick had been hit with a dart of some kind though not before he had managed to
incapacitate two Reapers before he collapsed.

Three of the Reapers attacked, trying to get to Nick to finish him off, attacking from three different
directions, the one to Monroe's left slashed at him with his scythe. He ducked, using the Reaper's
momentary surprise that Monroe was defending the downed Grimm to pull his dagger out and
slash at the man's midsection.

He got a few good hits in before the other two Reapers got over their shock and started attacking
him in earnest. He used his claws to slash at Reaper One's arm, lashing the tendons in his arms and
forcing him to drop his scythe, giving Monroe enough time to cut off his head.

That seemed to anger the three remaining Reapers. Monroe grinned at them, tucking out of the way
of the Reaper’s scythe so he would hit Reaper Two, something Nick had done many times in the
past, as had Monroe. He easily fell back into his old way of fighting, the one that had allowed him
to win against so many wesen.

He tried to ignore how satisfying it was to tear into the Reapers, feeling their flesh give way under
his claws and the knife. He clawed at their arms and the tendons in the backs of their legs. He
turned to check on Nick after kicking two of the Reapers back and giving himself a little breathing

That was when he realised he couldn’t hear Nick's heartbeat anymore or feel him through the bond.
His face must have shown his distress because one of the downed Reapers laughed.

“He’s gone. There is nothing you can do to save him.” Monroe snarled and attacked Reaper Two,
kicking him in the leg, grabbing his arms and stomping down, breaking his leg’s bones and tearing
off his arm. He turned his attention to the Reaper Three and Four. He pushed aside the panic and
distress he wanted to feel at not being able to feel His Grimm anymore.

He grinned, ducking under the scythe Reaper Four aimed for his head, throwing his dagger, cutting
the Reaper’s Achilles, and forcing him to drop his scythe. He hit the ground when Monroe jumped
on him and tore out his throat, spitting out his blood.

It tasted vile. He turned his attention to the final Reaper, he grabbed his dagger from the ground,
flicking the blood off. It was little trouble to take the already injured Reaper Three down, tearing
the ligaments in the back of his knee. He wouldn’t be getting up anytime soon. He turned his
attention to the three Schakal waiting in the trees.

By the time he had dealt with the Schakal, he was covered in blood and guts, standing from his
crouch he stalked over to Nick.

“Drop the knife.” A voice demanded, Monroe growled, deep and threatening, warningly. He would
protect His Grimm. He wiped his dagger off on one of the Reaper’s torn arms, slipping it back into
the sheath strapped to his leg. He hadn’t thought he would get used to wearing something strapped
to his leg but he quickly adjusted.

He picked up Nick, feeling a little satisfied when the entire SWAT team and Rosalee, Hank, Wu,
Adalind, Sean and Franco froze when they saw Nick. The youngest pup in the SWAT team tried to
tell him to get on the ground. He fell silent when Monroe growled again.

He was distantly aware of the yelp Rosalee let out when he turned around and pulled one of the
smaller knives out of his pocket and threw it at the schakal he had somehow not noticed, before
turning around, stopping to pick up Nick’s dagger and walking past Rosalee and Adalind without
much thought.

He didn’t care that he was scaring Hank, Wu and Franco. They had read Kessler’s books, they
knew about Blutbad and had several as suspects. Just because he was reformed and was able to
control himself most of the time didn’t mean he wasn’t capable of killing. He hadn’t always been

There were many wesen who were scared of him and not because he was a Blutbad even if that
was a part of it, no it was because of his reputation of being a vicious and dangerous fighter and an
even more deadly opponent. He had earned his fearsome reputation.

Rhinebeck - Reed’s POV

Reed knew something was wrong long before Adalind ever called. He went to sit down when he
felt a wave of intense dread, the same kind he had left when Nicky had been kidnapped but
somehow much worse. So much worse. He knew His Guardian must have felt something was
being stabbed into his chest.

He growled, his hand tightening on the glass he was holding. He hadn’t even realised it had broken
until he felt the sharp stab in his hand. He knew he was probably scaring Mitch but he didn’t care.
He would apologise for scaring his nephew later.

"Are they dead? " His Grimm growling. He knew there was something wrong with his son, he just
didn’t know what. He vaguely registered Alexander walking into the room taking the phone from
Mitch and starting to ask Rosalee and Adalind questions. He tried to get a grip of himself but he

He wanted to hunt down whoever was responsible for this but he knew Monroe would have taken
care of their attackers. He had always been very protective of Nicky and was even more so after
finding out about the potion Marie had dosed him with.

Alexander’s POV

He was concerned when Adalind called Jackie as Reed broke a glass. He looked absolutely livid. It
wasn’t often Reed’s Grimm came out. He felt a little cold when Reed’s Grimm demanded to know
if “they” were dead. He was alarmed when he saw Monroe was covered in dried blood, he had
clearly tried to clean off some of the blood.
He had definitely ripped someone’s throat out, he had missed cleaning his face a little.

"All but one. There were more. They will be dealt with." Monroe's growled words were clearly
scaring Adalind and Rosalee who woged, unable to keep control with a very angry Grimm and
Guardian so close, even if the angry Grimm in question wasn’t even in the same room as her. He
looked dead but he wasn’t, Alexander knew that.

He would have been more pale and not as well… grey if he had been dead. He would have also
smelled dead. It probably hadn’t registered with Monroe, he couldn’t hear Nicky’s heartbeat or feel
him through the bond. Rosalee was definitely in shock, probably from seeing the aftermath of
Monroe killing the wesen who had gone after Monroe and Nick.

He had a hunch he knew what had happened so he asked her what Nick smelled like.

The Woods - Normal POV

Hank, Wu and Franco stared at the bloody mess Monroe had turned the clearing into. He had
ripped two of the men's arms off and torn out the throat of another, it looked like they had been
attacked by a wild animal. They were covered in slash marks, from claws and from the dagger
Monroe had with him.

Hank thought there were six dead Reapers but was shocked when he realised two of them had
merely been unconscious. Hank and Franco cuffed them before they could get their wits about
them. They seemed terrified when they saw the carnage.

"How could he have?"

"It should be possible. They said he wouldn't fight"

"They lied then. They said it would be easy."

Hank shared a look with Franco and got the feeling they were going to have more than one angry
Grimm on their hands soon enough, particularly if both Reed and Walter came to Portland,
Alexander and Jackie would definitely come. Hank prayed no one would be stupid enough to try
and attack either Grimm with their Guardian's present.

Alexander was just as protective of Walter, if not more so than Monroe was of Nick. These
Reapers were obviously told that Monroe wouldn't protect Nick which was alarming. Everyone
knew Monroe was protective of Nick so why didn't these Reapers know that?

Even though they had read about Blutbaden in Nick's books and dealt with more than one Blutbad
murder or suspect didn't mean they were prepared for the carnage Monroe had caused. There had
been nothing even remotely human about Monroe when he'd growled at them. Hank had known by
Rosalee's reaction he wasn't woged and yet he hadn't looked human.

Reading about something and seeing the aftermath of it were two completely different things, what
made it more shocking was, that this was Monroe. The not-quite mild-mannered clockmaker who
helped Nick with cases even though he was annoyed and required Nick to pay him overpriced
microbrews or expensive wine and was very knowledgeable when it came to wesen.

Franco hadn't thought Monroe was capable of something like this. It was evident there was more to
the cardigan-wearing clockmaker when he had walked into the Precinct two weeks after Nick had
lost his memory wearing a leather brown leather jacket over a blue cotton shirt with ripped jeans
and steel-toed boots.

Something about him had definitely changed.

Franco hadn't realised just how tall Monroe was when he wasn’t slouching. What was interesting
and concerning was the way some of the suspects reacted to Monroe’s presence, the ones he
guessed were wesen, went very still as Monroe walked past, like there was a predator walking
among them and they didn’t want to get its attention.

Monroe was relaxed and happy as he listened to Nick chat about his most recent case.

Despite not knowing who anyone was, Nick still remembered how to do his job, he was just more
weary of them than he had been when he first joined. Despite how relaxed he looked, Franco got
the impression Monroe had noticed their reaction and was pleased by it.

The wesen of Portland had clearly been weary of him before but were even more weary when he
stopped wearing the cardigans, hell Franco was more weary of him. The wesen suspect even
behaved. Monroe clearly had a reputation.

“You were told that Edward Dietrich wouldn’t attack you and you believed the person?” Renard
asked, he sounded incredulous and was staring at the two Reapers and the Schakal like they were
idiots. Franco was interested in how pale the Reapers and the Schakal went at the mention of the

“W-we didn’t know. We were told Edward Monroe, the Blutbad with the Grimm wouldn’t stop
us.” the Schakal stammered clearly terrified. Renard stared at him with a raised eyebrow and
Franco knew the Schakal would end up in an interrogation room with the Blutbad.

“How are we going to explain this?” Franco asked if they were going to have to come up with some
explanation for the public.

Chapter End Notes

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. This one hurt a lot to write. I felt like I was being
stabbed and my heart was being torn out having to write this. I was legitimately tearing
up while writing it. I adore these characters so much.
He's Not Coming - Day 2
Chapter Summary

He wanted Ro, Ro always came every time he called. He hadn't come since his Aunt
had picked him up. His Aunt told him Ro wasn't going to come. Ro always come. He
hated how angry his Aunt would look when he woke up from a nightmare, either
about his parent or about someone chasing him.

She always demanded to know what was wrong, why he had woken her this time and
it had better not be for a stupid reason. He had only mentioned his dream once, he had
wanted to curl in on himself when she had mentioned his dream when she made her
Sleep Tea.

He hadn't wanted to drink it but had done so anyway, knowing she would be angry if
he didn't. He drank it after he had written his dream in his book. She always watched
him drink tea. He eventually learned how to cry silently and not wake her as he walked
around wherever they were staying.

He knew by then that Ro wasn't coming, he was just too far away. He knew his
Guardian would come, he always, maybe he would come when Nick wasn't with her

Chapter Notes

Evening lovelies, you can thank my lovely co-writer Twilitdragon(Vic) on the AWAU
discord (and Goldenpen) for this particular prompt, apparently, she wanted to break my
heart again.

My idea for these two Prompts: For "Don't worry, I got you" I could probably do
Monroe looking after an injured and sick Nick when he was younger. For "They don't
care about you" probably after he was kidnapped

Twilitdragon(Vic)'s idea: The first thing I think of is a combined prompt with the first
half of the fic being baby Nick just freshly kidnapped waking from a nightmare calling
out for Monroe and his Grimm knowing that their Guardian won't hear, with a
flashforward to Portland and Nick waking from a different nightmare while staying
with Monroe who can soothe him back to sleep.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Date: 02/10/23 - 03/10/23

Time: 9:18 pm - 1:00 am

Marie didn’t understand why Nick called out for “Ro” every time he had a nightmare, she had tried
to explain to him that “Ro” wasn’t going to come but it never seemed to work. It was even worse
when he got sick. He would call for “Ro” no matter how many times Marie told him he wasn’t

Nick tried to gasp quietly into his pillow, he pulled out his book and his penlight and started
writing the dream down, hoping he hadn’t woken his Aunt, she hated it when he woke her with his
nightmare, she hated it when he woke her for any reason, even if he was hungry.

He learned to keep snacks in his backpack and to eat plenty before she got home from where she
had been this time. It was better that she didn’t know he was awake when she got back from
wherever she had been.

The day after the blonde lady came, he got in the shower and tried to wash that horrible burning
feeling off of himself, it felt like he was being burned and stabbed at the same time, it made his
dreams worse, so much worse.

Marie had dragged him out that morning, insisting that he wear red and not listening when he told
her he was uncomfortable. She always ignored him when he said things like that, he eventually
stopped complaining.

He wasn’t sure why Marie needed his help this time. She hadn’t needed his help in the past, he
hated the way it felt like everyone was watching him whenever he wore red. At least had his
bracelet, the one Ro gave him. The one his Aunt never found out about because he kept it hidden.

He hated the feeling he was being followed by something, not just his Aunt but something else, he
was never sure if it was friendly, he never knew what it was but he knew it wasn’t friendly, at least
not when he was wearing red.

He knew his Aunt wouldn’t protect him, she hadn’t in the past. He had learned to look after
himself. He couldn’t rely on anyone but himself, he knew he could have relied on Ro but he wasn’t
here anymore and Nicky had to look after himself

He listened to the feeling telling him to stick close to crowded areas, within shouting distance of
people. He knew that wasn’t what his Aunt wanted, she told him to go to isolated areas, into back
allies, places he knew he would never be safe, even when he wasn’t wearing red.

He soon learned to navigate most of the alleyways and backstreets of most of the towns they stayed
in quickly. It was easier if already knew the place they were before they got there, city plans were
very helpful, not that his Aunt knew he looked them up of course.

He learned to walk and run quite, even when wearing shoes, that was hard but he managed it with
some effort and mimicking the way Ro moved when he moved, helped.

He knew even in the back allies that people were watching him. It was disconcerting but he
somehow knew they weren’t going to hurt him. He had lost count of the number of times he had
been tackled and possibly knocked unconscious and then woke up back in his room with no
knowledge of how he had gotten there.

He jerked awake, somehow staying silent, Marie was already awake, she didn’t look pleased
something. It made him want to hide. He wanted to go home but knew he couldn’t. He wrote in his
book while Marie made tea.

“He doesn’t care, he’s not going to come. Stop calling for him.” Nick nodded even though it hurt to
do so. Ro always come when he called. He hadn’t this time but maybe he would next time.
That wasn’t the last time Marie said something like that. He quickly learned to move silently and
how to go unnoticed. He was glad he was fast on his feet, that way he could outrun most of the
people who chased him.

[He wasn’t sure why he let Monroe catch him when they were training. He was fit, he was able to
stay ahead of the Blutbad and yet the wolf caught him every time. He had never felt the need to
truly run from Monroe, though there were times when he put in a little more effort.

That way Monroe could have a little more fun. The Blutbad still caught him every time, he never
got hurt when Monroe tackled him, his head coming up behind his head to stop him from getting a

It wasn’t until he started to get his memory back did he realised why he had let Monroe catch him.
Unlike all the other people who had chased him, he knew Monroe would never hurt him, even if
he was wearing red.]

Nick - Age 17

It had been a bad week, a very bad week. He hadn’t been able to get his homework done because
Marie had needed his help almost every day this week. He had been having more nightmares. He
was sore and tired.

He had been attacked far too many times over the last week. He didn’t think he had broken
anything, he was just very sore. Marie never seemed to notice. He was thankful it was so quiet, he
needed that. He knew Marie was following him, but he couldn’t care at the moment.

He just wanted to pretend he was normal, that he was wearing red and wasn’t going to be tackled
and then likely pass out like he did every time this happened. His headwound from earlier in the
day was still bleeding a little but didn’t hurt too badly.

He hadn’t even noticed the car when he had looked before crossing the street, heading to the
alleyways leading deeper into the city when he was tackled by someone. All Nick saw was he had
red eyes before they were rolling.

The man was tall, he had somehow managed to get Nick’s arms tucked against his chest, one arm
across his shoulder and the other head on the back of his head so he didn’t hit it against the asphalt.
His head was ringing and spinning when they finally stopped rolling near the alleyway.

“You okay kid? You need to pay more attention to your surroundings.” the man asked, he looked
to be around thirty-eight but Nick somehow knew he was older, he was wearing the uniform of a
park ranger. Nick found himself relaxing even though the man’s eyes were red.

He wasn’t sure what it was about the question that made him start crying, maybe it was the shock
of nearly being run over. He didn’t bother getting up, his fingers dug into the cool asphalt under his
fingers, it must have rained earlier.

He crouched, like Ro did when he was sitting on the ground but it allowed him to move quickly if
he needed to when Marie stepped out of the shadow. Something about the look on her face only
made him cry harder.

“No, go away.” He yelled, absently registering the people around him shifting uncomfortable and
one of the men he had seen around town ran in the direction of the police station, his Aunt didn’t
even seem to notice.
[Miles ran into the police station, panting a little and ignoring the officers, heading right to the
Captain’s office.

“Captain, Bisschen Roter Junge schreit. Lady mit einem messer.” Miles pointed in the direction of
the incident, they had all heard the message about the Boy in Red Marie Kessler with her. They
had all been watching him. He had been attacked by several wesen over the last few days, those
wesen had turned up dead.

The boy was always there but there was something off about him, he would just stare blankly at
nothing and follow the women afterwards. The Captain looked alarmed and followed him]

Normal POV

Nick shook his head when she tried to get closer to him, he was between his Aunt and the Park
Ranger, and he wasn’t sure why he didn’t want to move. He wasn’t going to allow his Aunt to kill
the Park Range

“Move,” Marie demanded, Nick shook his head and for the first time (at least, that he was aware
of) he talked back to his Aunt.

“No, go away. Leave me alone. I’m not helping you anymore.” Nick yelled, which seemed to
startle not only his Aunt but the Park Ranger who turned and glared at his Aunt, he wasn’t scared
of her, he was angry at her.

“I can’t do that Nicolas. Your parents are dead, you're too young to be on your own yet.” Marie
said, not realising that she was only making it worse nor how close the wesen present were close to
attacking her.

“Ma’am is something the matter?” the Police Captain, approaching calmly, like there was nothing
wrong, he frowned a little when he looked down at Nicolas, crouched on the ground and looking
like he wanted to run when the woman got closer to him.

“Everything is fine officer. My nephew has had a hard day and merely tripped is all. Let's go,” the
lady said, it was obvious Nicolas didn’t want to go with her and was very uncomfortable and even
scared of her.

“No, I dont want to go with you” he was clearly scared, flinching when she grabbed his arm and
pulled him to his feet. There was blood trickling down the side of his head. She apologised for
wasting their time and dragged the boy away.

The tea Marie gave him when they got back to the apartment was far stronger than normal, he had
to use more milk and honey. He wrote everything in his book before he left his room, he knew she
said something to him but he couldn’t remember what it was.

He was started when he found a card in his jacket pocket, it was a card with a name and number
written on it. He somehow knew it belonged to the Park Ranger, so he tucked the card into his

Everyone in the town wondered what happened to the very scared Grimm. The thing that stuck out
to them was the fact he hadn’t been scared of them. He had been scared of his Aunt.

Every wesen in town wondered what happened to the very scared Grimm Child. He was at least
Aware enough to know what was going on and that he wasn’t safe with Marie Kessler, it felt
wrong for a Grimm to be scared of a relative rather than of them.

They had all felt the adrenaline crash through them when he had started to cry. They had wanted to
help but didn’t know how, there wasn’t much they could do against Marie Kessler of all people.
Miles had been the one to get the Police Captain, normally the man would have arrested him but he
hadn’t that time.

He gasped as he ran through the back allies of the town, trying to escape from something even
though he knew it was useless and would only make things worse once he was finally caught She
didn’t like it when he talked back.

She told him to be quiet and do as he was told and not to ask questions or talk to the police if they
came asking him questions. He had learned how to stay off surveillance camera without looking

He kept running. He was always running from Her even though she always caught him and he
would never truly be safe. He didn’t want to go back with her but he didn’t have a choice, he might
be able to escape for a little while but he was never able to escape for long.

He groaned when he ran into someone, he froze and stared at the person, they had red eyes with a
shine to them, strangely he didn’t feel scared or weary, he felt happy. He wanted to hug the person
but he couldn’t get up.

He nearly started crying when the man pulled him to his feet, he finally felt safe and protected, like
he wasn’t alone anymore and didn’t have to do everything by himself, he could rely on him.

He felt himself saying something but he couldn’t hear what was being said, he could hear the
man's laughing though, it was warm and comforting and made him think of days sitting on the
couch in a warm house watching someone fix a clock while he chatted about some topic or another
or helped him with homework.

He was always safe there.

“I know you’re scared and alone. You just have to hang on for a little longer, then you’ll be able to
escape her. Do as you're told, for now, write everything you can in your book.” the man wrapped
him in a hug. He buried his face in the man's chest, he was almost as tall as him now.

He didn’t know why that made him cry harder. He wanted to go home but home was long gone
now. It had been gone for a long time and he was never going to get it back.

Nick jerked away, hoping he hadn’t been saying anything in his sleep. He knew he hadn’t been as
quiet as he wanted when he saw the light in the apartment's kitchen was on. He pulled out his book
and started to write the dream down.

He had gotten very good at that. He knew Marie would never be able to take the book or read it
which was a comfort.

“Drink your tea.” Nick mixed more honey and milk into the tea, far more than his Aunt put in, it
was far too bitter even now that he’d been taking it for several years. He drank it obediently

Nick has a nightmare later that night and Marie tells him Ro isn’t coming and drugs him again. He
tried not to enjoy the numbness that rushed through him or the way his body relaxed the more he
drank the tea. He tried to hold onto the dream but it was so hard.

“He doesn’t care about you and he’s not coming.” Nick did the rest not to show the cold wave of
dread that washed through him at those words, thankfully he had the cup to his mouth so he could
mostly hide his reaction.

“She’s lying, he does care, he will come. You will see him again one day. ” That dark, warm voice
was getting fainter the more tea he drank but he still heard it. He wasn’t sure why it made him

Spice Shop - Age 32 - Normal POV

Nick was helping Monroe put away some of the orders. Sean had given the next two weeks off to
adjust to the memories that would come back at random. Rosalee was visiting a client and had
asked him and Monroe if they could pack away the orders. They were meant to be getting a
delivery fairly soon.

Nick was a little confused when Monroe’s eyes turned red after the front door was pushed open by
someone carrying a load of stack of boxes. The man clearly wasn’t having any trouble holding
them though was being very careful.

“Apologies for the late delivery Mike couldn’t make it and asked me to deliver it for him, there are
several more boxes.” the man said, Nick wasn’t sure why he suddenly had to lean against the
counter at the sound of the man's voice. He felt relieved. He hadn't changed at all.

He blinked, startled when the man dropped the boxes on the ground next to the counter and out of
the way of any foot traffic, he froze as soon as he saw Nick, his eyes turned a blazing red but there
was something different about it, the colour was darker.

“Oh, thank god you're okay. She didn’t hurt you too badly did she?” the Ranger asked, Nick shook
his head. The Ranger leaned against the counter a bit, he briefly looked at Monroe before
approaching Nick.

Monroe was very confused as to why Nick was allowing the strange Blutbad to touch him, he
clearly knew Nick and Nick clearly recognised him. Nick wasn’t reacting the way he did with other
unfamiliar wesen. He even seemed to relax when the man walked in.

“I have it written down in my book but I don’t remember much about what happened. She didn’t
hurt me. She was angry I yelled at her. ” Nick answered, the Blutbad only nodded, not reacting at
all to the Grimm’s voice. He looked at Monroe briefly before woging.

He didn’t have the same reaction most wesen did when they woged, he looked Nick over before
shifting back, something about him relaxed, Monroe was sure, for just a brief few seconds the
Ranger’s eyes had a strange shine to them.

“He’s your guardian then? Mm, we suspected but that day only confirmed it with how
uncomfortable we felt when you started crying and left with her. You clearly hadn’t been with him
for a long while.” The Ranger said he looked angry at the mention of Marie.

“What happened that day?” Monroe asked, a little started when the Ranger laughed.

“Everyone knew Kessler was in town. I heard when I come to pick up my food and the like, it's
easier to come in the evening, there are fewer cars and it's much less stressful. I was going to get
my second lot of groceries when I saw him walking across the road,” the look on the Ranger’s face
made Monroe think he hadn’t even registered what he was doing.

“I didn’t even register he was wearing red until after I had tackled him. The driver of the car
wouldn’t have been able to stop. All I smelled was blood. I didn’t think he his head on the
pavement.” The Ranger sighed, running a hand through his dark hair.

“He started crying after I asked him if he was okay. Probably the shock from being nearly run over.
He lost it when she told him to move. He told her no and that he went to go home. That only made
it worse. It felt a little bit like being burned.” Nick was staring at the Ranger with a strange look on
his face.

“Good Grimms have a defence mechanism of sorts, it makes them look younger, that way wesen
will help them. It feels like a warm burning sensation. The longer the Grimm has been away from
their Guardian the worse it is. It's fine if it's just for a short time but any longer… well, needless to
say, it’s far from pleasant.” Monroe nodded, that made sense.

“I hope I'm wrong but who is your Father?” Monroe frowned at that was a left-field sort of
question, the Ranger looked like he already knew the answer and was very much hoping he was

“Reed Burkhardt” Nick and Monroe were very concerned about how pale the Ranger got at that
and the fact he looked like the counter was the only thing holding him up.

“You’re Nicky, of course, your Nicky. How did I not see that...Marie was using you as...dear
fucking gods. I owe Miles a lot of wine for going to get the Police Captain when he did.” The
Ranger sounded a little hysterical and so very pale. Monroe was about to ask what was wrong
when Nick’s phone rang. It was Sean.

“Can you come in? The Feds are here. They have some questions for you. I have no idea why they
want to talk to you.” Well, that wasn’t concerning at all.

Sean’s POV

Sean frowned when the Feds requested to talk to Nick, they were the same ones who had
questioned him after his mother had accidentally left her phone on the body. He had no idea why
they would want to talk to his Detective, but he couldn’t help but feel weary.

Nick’s memory had been getting better, it was slowly returning to him in bits and pieces, he would
often write the memory down on a spare piece of paper and check it with what he had written at
the time.

Nick had been weary when the Feds wanted to talk to him, clearly very uncomfortable even though
he knew Sean was in the other room and would step in should Nick get to uncomfortable. The Feds
didn’t know he was there.

“Would you like to explain how your fingerprints are at this crime scene? In this town?” one of the
Agents asked, showing Nick a picture of a body. Nick stiffened and went very tense, he had been
weary before but there was something different about it. His skin had started to turn grey,
something they had noticed it had started doing since he his run with the Baron.

“Mr. Burkhardt, answer the question.” The other Agent demanded, seemingly not noticing just
how tense Nick had gotten, he was staring at the picture with a look of well-concealed horror and
sudden understanding on his face.

“I- Nick’s voice straight up failed as the other Agent pulled out several more photos and showed
them to the detective. The look of shock and horror became more visible on his face and yet the
Agents kept pushing.

“Answer the question, how did your fingerprints get to a crime scene almost 15 years ago.” Agent
One demanded, pushing the photo towards Nick, Sean could see it was a body that’s head had been
cut off, the person's stomach had been cut open, and their hands and feet had been cut off.

“I-she-oh god.” Nick looked like he wanted to get up and walk around the room but didn’t move.
His eyes started to darken, Grimm coming to the surface and taking over. The Grimm seemed
disturbed and angry. That anger increased the more photos he was shown.

“Is there a reason you are showing me photos from crime scenes from 14 - 17 years ago?” The
Grimm demanded, staring blankly at the two Agents who seemed a little startled at his sudden
ability to talk.

“Mr. Burkhardt, we want to know why your fingerprints were found at these crime scenes along
with another person who we believe to be a dangerous serial killer. Now please stop dancing
around the question and tell us how your fingerprints got there, you clearly recognise these
pictures.” Agent Two snapped, seeming a little startled when the table under The Grimm’s hand
started to give way.

The look on his face went from blank to downright unfriendly, the two Agents seemed to notice
the chance for once.

“I only recognise them because I saw the new broadcasts about them,” Nick said, his voice flat,
Sean didn’t like the look in his eyes like he was holding back a panic attack. Nick had looked
stressed when Sean had called him in.

The Agents didn’t look like they believed him.

“Mr Burkhardt, you were seen on security camera in the area where the crime took place and seen
walking out of the crime scene following the woman we suspect is the serial killer. There were
bloody footprints on the ground and people said someone with your description was in the area
when the victim was attacked.” Agent Two said he seemed a little alarmed when Nick got up and
started pacing around the room to talk himself in Gerrman.

“Warum sollte sie ... Ich habe ihr gesagt, dass ich es nicht tue ... sie wirklich ... Ich wollte es nicht.”
Nick sounded distressed. He was about to interrupt when Agent One got up an approached Sean
knew what was going to happen before the agent even touched the Grimm.

Nick pushed the Agent into the other side of Sean’s office when he tried to touch him. Sean
shivered when he saw his completely black eyes. That wasn’t good at all. Nick had backed himself
into a corner, trying to get away from the two Agents.

Sean was startled when the door to the Precinct was pushed open far harder than it needed to be.
Monroe and another man wearing a Park Ranger’s uniform walked, neither looked very happy.

“Hey, you can’t” Agent One demanded but fell silent when Monroe growled at him, his eyes
turning red.

“Nick, calm down, It's just me, you're safe.” Sean winced at the murderous look in the Blutbad’s
“Why are you questioning him?” the Ranger asked, glaring at the two feds, clearly very irritated
about something.

“You don’t have any right to be here. If you must know we’re questioning him about why his
fingerprints were found at some old crime scenes.” Agent Two answered, stepping back a bit at the
downright unfriendly look on the Ranger’s face.

“So you’re the Feds the Captain was talking about.” The Ranger glared at them.

“Who are you?” Agent One demanded. The Ranger glared at him harder.

“Matthew Burkhardt. He’s my nephew. The woman in question kidnapped him. He didn’t have
much of a choice if she helped him or not. She kept him drugged and intentionally used him as bait
for those people. Now kindly go away and leave him alone.” Matthew answered, his voice
dropping at the end.

He turned his attention to Monroe and Nick once the two men were gone. They were staring at him
with wide eyes.

“What was that?” Nick asked, he had a slight accent.

“Something a Guardian can do to make them leave their Grimm alone,” Matthew asked like it was
no big deal. Sean could remember the several times Jackie had done something similar but hadn’t
known how he had done it.

“Is Nick really your nephew?” Monroe asked, Matthew nodded.

“Yes, Lyana, his father's older sister is my Grimm. You’ve already met her… speak of the devil,
what are you doing here Zach?” Reed had mentioned he had an older sister but he hadn’t
mentioned her name. Sean was surprised when he saw Zach Williams walk into the station, he
looked sheepish.

“I need to return some property I found. What are you doing here Mat.” Zach asked.

“Dev’s sick. I offered to do his supply run. How’d you meet Nicky? And how are your brothers.”
Matthew asked, Zach looked even more sheepish and like he wanted to disappear.

“They’re cooling off in county jail. We may have accidentally blocked the storm drain. Nick ended
up… um falling into our den.” Matthew looked very unimpressed before running a hand over his

“You’re just as bad as Ana. He’s her husband, still not sure how that happened. Hmm good, they
should know better, what did they expect when they ended up tearing a man's arm off? I thought
they had more sense than that.” Zach looked very embarrassed.

“Does Ana know?” Zach shook his head “Call her, if you won’t then I will,” Matthew sighed
pulled his phone out and called Lyana, waiting for his Grimm to pick up. Zach looked like a guilty

“Matty, is something the matter, why are you calling? ” Lyana’s voice was a little deeper than Sean
was expecting though somehow familiar. He was sure he heard her voice somewhere before.

“Have you talked to Zach recently?”

“No, why? ” She sounded suspicious. “What’s he done now?”

“He hasn’t done anything but your brothers-in-law certainly have. They’re both in country jail for
theft and murder because they decided to block up a storm drain and couldn’t go shopping like
normal people. Your nephew was the one who arrested both of them.” Matthew handed his phone
over to Zach who was staring at it like it was a bomb.

yelled, Matthew didn’t look at all sorry.

Monroe’s POV

Monroe grinned a little as Nick’s Aunt yelled at her husband. He turned his attention back to his
Grimm. He was clearly still upset and looked a little bit like he was going to cry. He knew he
should have been shocked that Marie had used Nicky as bait for wesen more than once but he

He pulled Nick from the Captain’s office and took him back to the Spice Shop. They still had
inventory to put away. He knew Nick would feel much safer if they were back somewhere
familiar. He was clearly still in shock and hadn’t said much.

“Why would she do that?” Nick whined a little, clearly distressed, Monroe sighed and pulled him
inside, easily walking around the boxes and into the back room and pushing Nick onto the bed, he
wasn’t at all surprised when Nick cuddled up to him after he sat down.

“Because she’s a Kessler, they have never been the most sane or reasonable Grimms.” Monroe
nuzzled the top of Nick’s head and let his Grimm hug him for as long as he needed, he wasn’t
surprised the younger man was shaken after being asked about those crime scenes.

They were bloody, Nick was probably going to have nightmares tonight and not get much sleep, at
least he had the next few days off.

Chapter End Notes

Thank you for reading. This took far longer for me to finish than I would have liked.
I'm going to try and get today's chapter written a little earlier in the day, that way I can
get a little more written. The chapter is complete though I'm going to come back later
and go through and it when I've had a little more sleep and my eyes aren't burning.


Captain, Bisschen Roter Junge schreit. Lady mit einem messer. - Captain, Little Red
Boy screaming. Lady with a knife
Warum sollte sie ... Ich habe ihr gesagt, dass ich es nicht tue ... sie wirklich ... Ich
wollte es nicht. - Why would she... I told her I didn't... she really... I didn't want to.
Shared Clothes - Day Three
Chapter Summary

Something they had no other options but to share clothes.

Chapter Notes

Evening lovelies, here's today's chapter. It's a flufftober prompt as the two prompts for
Whumptober and Fictober didn't give me any ideas. I do have one for tomorrow

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Date: 03/10/23
Time: 7:57 pm - 9:25 pm

Monroe was a little alarmed when he heard knocking on his door, he huffed in amusement when he
saw Nicky standing on his porch dripping water. It had started raining before school let out. Nick
had probably missed the bus.

“Let get get you a towel.” Nicky nodded, his teeth chattering a little bit. He had already taken his
shoes and socks off. Monroe wrapped a towel around the shivering eight-year-old while he
removed the rest of his clothes and dried off a little.

He turned the shower on for Nicky before going to get something for the boy to wear, thankfully
he kept some of his clothes here for when he spent the night. He got out his pyjama pants and his
thick cotton shirt.

He gave the clothes to Nick and put his wet ones in the washing machine. Monroe removed his
flannel shirt and wrapped it around Nicky’s shoulders, hopefully, that would help.

“Why don’t you pick out a movie while I make some popcorn and hot chocolate?” Nicky
brightened and ran into his living room to pick out a move. He went about making the popcorn and
hot chocolate.

[Neither of them noticed they were being watched by someone, she frowned, she hadn't really liked
Mr Monroe, there was something slightly off about him but she had never been able to figure out
what it was. She just hoped that poor boy was alright.]

Nick had picked an animated move, they curled together on the couch, Nick leeching his body heat
because he was apparently still cold. They were just getting to the good part of the Land Before
Time when there was a knock on the door. Monroe frowned and got up to see who was at the door.

He was confused when he saw two policemen standing on his porch.

“Hello officers, what can I do for you?” Monroe asked as Nicky walked up behind him, blanket
wrapped around his shoulders. He wrapped his hand in the bottom of his shirt. The two policemen
looked down at Nicky.

“One of your neighbours reported you pulled a child into your home.” Monroe’s smile dropped off
his face as he glared over the policeman's shoulder and straight at the house across the street from

“No, I did not kidnap Nick. I grabbed his shirt to stop him from slipping and hitting his head when
he walked inside.” Monroe stated. It looks like he was going to have to have a chat with his

“I missed the bus. Mum’s not home at the moment and Dad’s still at work. I couldn’t get onto
Uncle Jackie so I come here.” Nicky shrugged like it was no big deal. He glared at the two
officers, annoyed that movie night had been interrupted.

The policeman clearly didn’t believe them.

“Detective Burkhardt can confirm our story.” Monroe sighed when the two policemen shared a
look before one of them called Reed. Hopefully, he wouldn’t be too annoyed about being

“Sorry to bother you Detective, we got a report of a man by the name of Monroe pulling a boy into
his house, the boy said he was visiting because here is closer than home. Mr Monroe told us to call
you.” Policeman two stated. Nicky huffed and grabbed the radio.

“Dad, Ro’s neighbour across the street told the… police Ro had pulled me into his house. He was
stopping me from slipping. I missed the bus and couldn’t get onto Eric. Can I stay with Ro for the
weekend? Mum’s still not back.” Nicky asked. Monroe smiled fondly down at him.

:: Of course, you can Nicky. I meant to tell you to go over there this morning but I forgot. I’ll come
pick you up after school on Monday. Gentlemen could you kindly remind the caller that she
shouldn’t make sumptions about people :: Monroe had to stop himself from laughing at the look on
the officer's faces at Reed’s words

That wasn’t the last time he spent the weekend at Monroe or even the afternoon when it was
raining. He would often end up stealing Monroe's shirt while he was there. It was comforting and
made him feel safe.

His shirt was one of the things Nick took with him when Marie came to pick him up. He didn’t let
her touch the shirt. He felt better when he was wearing it. Marie didn’t even seem to notice.

20 Years Later - Nick’s POV

It was a cold and dreary day in Portland. It had barely stopped raining for more than thirty minutes
through the day. Nick had managed to stay dry for most of the day. Then his car broke down. He
called the toe company to take it to the mechanic and he made his way to Monroe's house. It was
closer than his own

Nick shivered as he waited for Monroe to open the door. He was freezing, the rain had sapped any
hat from his skin. He wished he brought a raincoat. He didn't think it would rain this hard. He
sighed when Monroe opened the door. He looked surprised, not that Nick was there but likely at
his state of dress.

His jacket was missing as were his shoes and his shirt was torn. Monroe ushered him inside going
to get a towel so he could at least dry off before tracking water through Monroe's entire house. He
spent 20 minutes in the shower trying to warm up.

It helped little, what did warm him up was putting on the clothes Monroe had left outside for him, a
pair of pants, a cotton shirt and a flannel shirt. He was still shivering when he walked downstairs
though. Monroe wrapped a blanket around him after he sat on the couch.

He cuddled up to the Blutbad, sighing a little when he felt the feeling come back to his fingers.

"Go pick a move, I'll make popcorn and get some beer." Nick nodded and went to look for a movie
for them to watch. Monroe leaned against the counter briefly when his chest tightened and he felt a
little dizzy. He wasn't sure why he suggested that. The last person he had done this with was Nicky
on a cold rainy day just before he was taken.

“Did you have a q day?” Monroe asked, Nick laughed a little and nodded, it had been relatively

“For the most part, we mostly did paperwork and looked into people who might be involved in our
most recent case.” Monroe nodded. Nick closed his eyes and allowed him to lean against Monroe

The cold had faded, and he was tired, he shifted so he was lying on Monroe’s chest and hugged
him a little tighter. He knew Juliette would probably wonder where he was but he couldn’t care at
the moment.

He was unconscious within five minutes.

[Monroe stared down at the Grimm lying on his chest a little startled. He didn’t think a Grimm
would be stupid enough to fall asleep with a Blutbad around except for this one maybe but Nick
wasn’t normal, Monroe suspected he never had been.

He pulled the blanket up around the Grimm's shoulders and turned his attention to the Land before
and the popcorn. They were having a beer instead of hot chocolate. It reminded him so much of the
rainy days he used to spend with Nicky.]

Chapter End Notes

Not entirely happy with this chapter. I'll probably add more to it later but it's finished
for the moment. This happens early in season 1 likely before or around the time fo Let
Your Hair Down. Hope you enjoyed
This Is Bad - Day 4
Chapter Summary

He knew how Ana was going to react when she found out what Marie had been going
to do and would have done had Nick not been there. More than that, he knew she
would be more angry that her sister-in-law had used her nephew as bait, more than

Chapter Notes

Evening lovelies, here is today's chapter, this takes place before Monroe and Matthew
arrive at the station.

Today's Prompt: “Do you even know what this means?”

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Date: 04/10/23
Time: 9:19 pm - 10:25 pm

Matthew stared down at his cup, trying to shake the insistent feeling that he needed to call Ana and
make sure she was alright. He knew she would give him a call later. It had been too long since he
had last verbally checked in and she would know something was up through the bond.

He had of course told her about Marie Kessler being in town and the boy she had with her, and
how he had reacted when she said he couldn’t go home and that his parents were dead.

She had been concerned when he told her that he had felt the pull, that only happened when an
Aware Grimm had been away from their Guardian for too long and was in danger. He would have
felt that for any Good Grimm but it was much stronger for family, particularly close family.

“Are you okay? You look a little pale?” Matthew smiled shakily at Monroe and ran a hand through
his hair. The coffee was delicious, he would have to get the recipe off of him at some point.

“I’m… fine. Just coming to terms with how very close I come to losing my head and how badly
that would have ended. Good Grimms are just as protective of their Guardians as we are of them, if
not a little bit more. It’s a massive no-no to kill a Guardian. Their Grimm tends to lose any and all
reason when that happens.” Matthew smiled humourlessly.

He saw the look Monroe was giving him and knew what the young Guardian was going to ask.

“So it's a big deal if say another Grimm was to use that Guardian’s Grimm’s family bait for wesen
then?” Monroe asked even though he knew the answer, Matthew tilted his head, and he sounded
angry that Marie had used Nicky as bait though… not surprised… at all.

“It is. Children are just as precious to Good Grimms as they are to Blutbadden. Most Good
Children end up being Grimms though some take more after their wesen parent. Most Good
Grimms end up either marrying a wesen or even marrying their Guardian and their significant
other.” It was far more common than a lot of people thought.

“It took me a long time to get used to Zach and the fact he wasn’t going to hurt Ana.” Matthew
couldn’t help but laugh a little at the look on Monroe’s face at that news.

“Zach, as in Zachariah Williams?” He did remember Zach mentioning a Monroe the last time the
Gelumcaedus had gone to visit Reed. He had only gone because Ana was worried about her little
brother and the fact he wasn’t returning any of her calls.

Reed had been very started when he had turned up and asked why he hadn’t been returning his
sister's calls. He hadn’t even known his sister had called because Ellen had deleted the call logs
and never told him about it.

Reed had been far from pleased, not that Matthew could blame him. He had only met the woman
once and hadn’t liked her very much. There was something not right about her, he was not at all
surprised to learn her name was Ellen at all but Kelly Kessler.

Nicky had of course adored Zach, mostly because he was tall. Nicky had always liked being in
high places, Matthew and Ana were half convinced he was at least part, Lowen or one of the
smaller cat wesen.

He was abnormally strong for someone so young, Matthew knew not all of it had come from Nicky
playfighting with Jackie’s children. They had known for a long time that intermarrying with wesen
would have side effects for their children but they hadn’t known what characteristics the child
would pick up from what wesen.

In Nicky’s case, he had a higher than normal body temperature, close to that of a Lowen and really
good eyesight and sense of smell, though that was probably from the Blutbad in the family. He
also could growl like most Blutbad and purr like Lowen. It was very strange.

Zach had stayed with them for around a week and a half, getting to know the wesen in the area and
expanding Ana’s web of wesen contract that could keep an eye on her brother and nephew even
though vehemently denied that was exactly what she had asked her husband to do when Reed
called her.

According to Zach, Nicky had pestered him for stories about his Aunt whom he seemed to prefer
over “Auntie K” who wasn’t allowed to babysit him anymore. That had worried Zach and he had
asked Reed what Nicky had meant. He hadn’t been impressed when he learned why “Auntie K”
wasn’t allowed to babysit his nephew.

“Yes, though that’s not his actual last name. He has to change it every few years to stop people
from figuring out he’s older than he should be. Ana thankfully doesn’t have to do that, she can just
claim she was named after an ancestor in the family.” That was always amusing.

“She did have to use some of her daughter’s baby photos when they asked for photos of her when
she was a baby. One of the downsides of living for so long and not looking a day over 38 though if
asked not a day over 32. I might be her Guardian but I don’t want a shoe thrown at my head.”
Matthew wasn’t sure why Monroe started laughing at that.

“Judging by your reaction I take it Marie had used Nicky as bait before?” Monroe nodded, he
looked stressed and angry.
“I met Nicky when they were in Germany for four years visiting Reed's Parents and grandparents.
His mother and Aunt forced him to wear a red jacket and cloak while visiting his Aunt even though
he expressed how much he hated the colour.” Matthew stared at him.

Monroe just nodded.

“They told him it would ‘keep him safe’. He was Aware because he knew it definitely wouldn’t
keep him safe. He covered it with a bigger coat that he hid from his Mother and Aunt. The bond
solidified when Nicky was around seven though he could have been older.” Matthew knew he
wasn’t going to like this.

“His Aunt did something to him. Something to ‘make him better’. I still have no idea what that
meant but it involved a zaubertrank of some kind. It was hurt. I didn’t even realise what had
happened until after I had growled at both Jackie and my grandfather.” That was somehow so much

Matthew huffed in amusement. He wasn’t surprised that Monroe had growled at Jackson Rykov
and his grandfather even though they were both Guardians. Given his Grimm had likely been
hurting at the time of course he had been protective.

He hadn’t met Ana until she was an adult so the reaction wasn’t nearly as severe. He imagined it
would have been worse if Ana had still been a child when they formed the bond.

Chapter End Notes

I'll probably add more to this later. It's complete for the moment. I may have just used
this as an excuse to go into a little more depth about the Good Grimms and the
relationship they have with their Guardian.
Do They Know - Day 5
Chapter Summary

Nick hoped Monroe hadn't told his parents he had a Grimm staying with him, he didn't
think that would go over well with his traditional parents. He could only imagine what
they would say if they learned their son had willingly allowed an injured Grimm to
stay with him and that he was friends with said Grimm.

Chapter Notes

Evening lovelies, here is today's chapter. It is another Fluf prompt because the two Fic
and Whump prompts didn't really give me much to work with.

"Have you told your parents?"

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Date: 05/10/23
Time: 6:53 pm - 8:53 pm

Nick frowned as he walked downstairs to start on coffee before going to join Monroe for Pilates.
The stretches were helping with his sore shoulder though he had to be careful of his ribs.

"Monroe, have you told your parents I'm staying with you?" Nick questioned, a little worried he
would have to deal with his friend's parents while he was still injured. He couldn't stand for too
long without having to sit down, having his crunches helped. He couldn't stand being around
Hank, Sean and the wesen officers at the station for more than an hour and a half at a time.

They did their best to give him space and not crowd him. Some of the suspects thought it would be
funny to try and scare him. They quickly learned how little patience Portland's resident Grimm had
for their antics. Monroe paused his pilates, blinking up at Nick, looking confused. He shook his
head and Nick sighed in relief.

"Good, I really don't want to have to deal with your parents right now." Monroe nodded and went
back to his Pilates, Nick carefully lowered himself to the ground and started stretching, he knew
Monroe didn't want to deal with his parents at the moment either. Monroe had gone on many long
rants about what his parents would say.

Specifically, what his father would say if he knew a Grimm was staying with him and that Grimm
was Marie Kessler's nephew. Sean had told him to take as much time as he needed to deal. He had
been doing a lot of paperwork, mostly inputting things into the system. He was glad he had been
given time to recover.

He took advantage of his time off to read through some of his Aunt's books more in-depth and
make some notes. Monroe had been more than happy to go and pick them up. He had some books
he wanted to look over as well. They had around 15 or so books with them. He made good use of
the lined paper Monroe had for notetaking purposes.

It was while he was reading through an entry on Jagerbar did he realised he wouldn't have been
able to do this had he been home. Even if the house hadn't been trashed and in need of remodelling.

He would have worried about Juliette seeing the books and she asked unwanted questions. He
wasn't sure why he was reluctant to tell Juliette about the books, they could be passed off as books
his Aunt had collected which wouldn't be a lie. She may have seen them once but she hadn't gotten
a good enough look and had seemed disgusted at the pictures she had seen.

He made sure she hadn't gotten more than a quick look and yet he was perfectly fine with allowing
Monroe into the trailer on his own. Something he would have never allowed with anyone else,
least of all Juliette. He didn't have to pretend to be someone else when he was with the Blutbad. He
knew everything, he didn't have to hide anything when he was around Monroe.

It was nice. He sighed, picking up the hot chocolate Monroe had made him. It was the perfect
blend of spicy and sweet and the perfect thing for a rainy day.

"If your parents were still alive, would you have told them you were staying with me while
injured?" Monroe asked, Nick moved over, allowing Monroe to sit, tucking himself against
Monroe's side. Monroe shifted, pulling Nick a little closer.

"I would tell my Father but my Mother. Looking back, a lot of my friends were wesen. She only
met them briefly. She wasn't around much. Dad was perfectly okay with my friends, even if he
was sometimes worried about the antics we'd get up to." Nick answered. A lot of his friends had
been wesen.

They were the ones he had felt the most comfortable around. He had never felt completely
comfortable around humans. It had taken him a long time to trust Hank to have his back, even
when he did trust him, he was still weary around him. It hadn't had anything to do with the colour
of his skin like some suspected.

Hank had been expecting his many quirks and accepted when he had a 'feeling' about something,
he always had a way of explaining how he had the information.

Monroe's POV

Monroe suppressed the instinctive shudder at the thought of his parents finding out he was friends
with a Grimm, let alone the nephew of the Grimm that had killed his Grandfather or that he was
allowed said Grimm to stay in his house while he was injured. He stretched and walked into the
kitchen to grab his and Nick's coffee and bagels. He carefully helped Nick onto the couch.

"What was it like growing up with Marie? Were you always travelling or did you stay in one
place?" He didn't know why he asked, he hadn't he was curious about what growing up with Marie
had been like and what effect that had on Nick.

He already guessed they hadn't had the best relationship.

"For the first three weeks yes, some policemen approched me and told me my parents died in a car
accident. I was maybe two states away from Rhinebeck at the time. Marie wasn't pleased when she
learned the police had found and talked to me. She was less pleased when she learned about the
accident." Monroe frowned down at the Grimm, something about that wasn't right.
[It was only after Monroe remembered who Nick was to him that he realised why something had
seemed off. Of course, Marie had been displeased about the police talking to Nick They could
have told him he had been kidnapped. They had, in all likelihood done exactly that but Nick didn't
remember because of Marie's 'Sleep Tea'.

He mentioned it to Sean and had him look into who had told Nick about his parent's deaths, he
didn't like what Sean found.]

"I started making her sleep tea on my own after that. It helps with the nightmares. I wrote what I
remembered in my book. Aunt Marie hated it when I woke her with my nightmares. I learned to be
quiet and not wake her. I did online school for the first two years. She wasn't around a lot. I was
often on my own." Nick shrugged like he saw nothing wrong with what his Aunt had done to him.

"I eventually got to go to school. It wasn't easy. I had the most trouble with humans. The wesen
children left me alone for the most part. There were a few who were terrified of Aunt Marie but she
never saw them. Laurie never was though." Nick laughed a little at something.

"He looked like he wanted to kill Marie when I mentioned my parents were dead. I think he was a
Siegbarste, he was very protective of me. I kept in contact with him and Dulla when I left three
years later." Nick sighed, smiling sadly. The more he learned about Nick's time with Marie, the
less he liked.

It made him wish he had killed her when she had the chance. It was a miracle Nick had turned out
so kind and compassionate despite everything he had been through. He was even less pleased when
Nick pulled out a black book from in between a stack of Grimm Journals on the table and showed it
to him. Monroe was a little alarmed when he accidentally nicked his finger on the cover.

"Go to the orange tab," was all Nick, Monroe did as directed and was a little confused when he saw
a list numbered and neatly laid out like the Grimm's police reports. The title on the page was a little
concerning. "Three Week Trip". He slowly read down the list very much not liking what he was
reading or the fact it started with:

1. Aunt Marie came to pick me up today, a few minutes before school let out. She said
Mum had asked her to pick me up and that you were alright with it. That I couldn't
stay with Jackie and that he knew about it. You didn't say anything about going on a
trip this morning. I wanted to give you a call but Aunt Marie wouldn't let me.

Monroe felt something cold wash over him at that being the first thing on the list. The next few
entries weren't any better.

2. She said we had to pack quickly and get on the road as soon as possible. I don't
want to go with her. I don't want to drink whatever tea she's making. I have everything
important packed, but somehow I doubt I will be back. I brought both my phones with
me. The ones she doesn't know about.

3. The tea was bitter. I addded milk and honey. I don't like the tea, it felt a little like
the time I broke my collarbone then everything went numb. I had trouble walking.
She said:

“Your mother asked me to pick you up from school, she and your father are going
on a trip, and there was no one else to babysit you. The school knows as does your
father’s partner at work. There is no need to call him. You can call him later.”
That's not true. I know its not. Dad would never leave me with Aunt Marie while he
went on a trip. He's left me with Jackie every other time.

She never let me call Jackie

Monroe started, he felt very cold, like the day Little Red had gone missing. Reed had been
so angry with both the school for ignoring his direct instructions that his sister-in-law wasn't
allowed to leave with his son and at Ellen for reassuring the school that it was perfectly alright.

"What is this?" Monroe asked, he knew there were more entries but he couldn't bring himself to
read them. He knew if he read them there would be a big chance he would end up ripping the book,
something he doubted Nick would appreciate.

"It was a gift from a friend of my Grandfather's. Dad didn't like it when I was with Aunt Marie. I
would always tell him what happened though. It was easier to write it down, that way I wouldn't
forget anything. I know Dad is dead but I kept up the habit regardless. It helped." Nick shrugged,
and Monroe handed the book back.

[Later that night he wrote what he had read in Nick's black book on some lined paper and added it
to the binder he had of his adventures with the Grimm. He couldn't add it to the book had for his
adventures with Little Red. He somehow knew what he read was going to be important. That
wasn't the last time he was allowed to read from the book. He cursed Marie every time.]

Nick might not be a Good Grimm but he was as close as Portland was going to get, it was enough
Monroe had to convince himself, it was enough to help this Grimm when he couldn't help His
Grimm, he knew Little Red was still alive he could feel him through the bond.

[They bond that had slowly been getting stronger since Nick tackled him and startled him to spend
time with him. He just wasn't aware how strong it was until he ended up fighting back to back with
His Grimm, it was so easy to fall into the bond. He didn't realise what had happened until Nick lost
his memory.]

Chapter End Notes

This chapter is complete, though it's handwritten. I only have about the first page
transferred over, I'll post the rest of it tomorrow, and I might add a little more to it after
bugging Goldpen to see if she has any ideas. I know I'm going to be adding more

This chapter went from 3 Pages (1,198 words) to 4 Pages (1,958 words) with the extra
things I added.
It Should Have Been Me - Day 6
Chapter Summary

It should have been him. It would have been easier if it had been him. Maybe then
Juliette wouldn't have left

Chapter Notes

Hello Lovelies, here is chapter 6. Not completely satisfied with the chapter but its the
basic chapter. I'll definitely add to it once I get a little feedback from Goldpen. Hope
you enjoy what I have so far. Today was a whumptober prompt "It should have been

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Date: 06/10/23
Time: 7:30 pm - 8:50 pm

It should have been him, instead of Nick. Juliette hadn't been on board with the plan to fight
Monroe and then threaten him in front of Nick. She hadn't complained much once the fight had
actually started though.

He had known it would be necessary for them to beat him in a fight when the burning feeling had
gotten worse. He had put up enough of a fight to make it look real, knowing The Baron and Prince
Eric would be watching.

He didn't know when he had actually started to fight. He still had enough presence of mind not to
use his full strength, despite his drugged state he didn't actually want to hurt Hank, Renard, Wu,
Laurie, Rosalee, Lou and Jan. They had still ended up with some bruises and scratches.

Alex had been the one to threaten him, he had been the only one who would be able to make it look
real, despite that Juliette had added in her own threats. His growling hadn't been for show at that
point. He would have attacked Alex and Juliette had Laurie not had such a strong grip.

The Siegbarste was the only one strong enough to actually hold him as he was more than capable
of breaking the cuffs. They probably hadn't realised just how skewed they would have been had
Laurie not been there.

They were lucky Monroe's wolf considered them a pack, he wouldn't have killed them even if he
had been ordered to, thankfully The Baron or Eric realised just how much control they had over
him and Nick. It was enough to stop The Baron and Eric from leaving with Nick.

Eric had seen alarmed when Nick had stabbed then decapitated The Baron, he had apparently
underestimated the hatred Good Grimms had for Cratcher-Mortel and likely thought Nick wouldn't
kill. Even Nick had a limit. Eric had gotten away though not before Nick had sliced his leg.
Jan had cuffed Nick before he could attack Alex and Juliette for the threats they had made. They
had to give Nick two doses of the antidote, Monroe had screamed when Rosalee injected Nick, he
could feel the cold fire burning through his veins. He had come very close to attacking Rosalee
when she tried to inject him. They had pinned him on his stomach and jabbed him in the back, very
close to his weak spot.

They were, for some reason, confused and a little alarmed when Nick growled at Alex once he
woke and wouldn't let him anywhere near Monroe. He knew Nick remembered even though he
claimed he didn't. He was clearly in pain though no one seemed to realise that was why he was in
such a snappy mood.

Monroe wasn't sure what prompted Juliette to drag Nick into the Spice Shop two days after he had
woken up. He didn't have any visible bruises though, he did have some cuts though they were
shallow, if painful.

Normal POV

"Juliette, what's wrong?" Rosalee asked, just as surprised as Monroe when the head dragged a
clearly tired, red-eyed Nick into the Spice Shop. Nick looked dazed and not completely satisfied
with it. He didn't seem aware of where he was though, and zeroed in on Monroe when he walked
out from the backroom with an ice pack for his bruises.

"There's something wrong with Nick. He's been acting weird for the last two days. Are you sure
the antidote I'm not sure it did. He's turned grey at least five times over the last two days. He broke
a cup when the police came to talk to me about the bar fight this morning." Juliette snapped.

She looked exasperated when Nick's skin turned grey halfway through her explanation, she went to
hit him but stopped when Monroe growled at her. It was low and threatening. His eyes were bright
even if he was a little paler than Rosalee would have liked.

"Do you want to end up with broken bones because he will hit you? Did you not think there
wouldn't be side effects." Monroe growled, staring over to Nick, Juliette backed away from the
clearly angry Blutbad. He approched Nick, woging and gently grabbing his forearms, having to
bend down a little due to their height difference.

There was a rumbling sound in his chest as he rubbed his face against the side of Nick's. Colour
returned to Nick's skin, his eyes still red, but he rubbed his face against Monroe's chest, letting out
a strange purring sound.

Nick pulled his arms from Monroe's grip, wrapping his arms around Monroe's back and hugging
him. Juliette glared at her boyfriend. There was no way he wasn't cheating on her.

Chapter End Notes

This is by far the shortest chapter at present, only being 3 pages (792 words). More of
Little Red is (so far): 24 pages and 12,855 words.
Can You Hear Me? - Day 7
Chapter Summary

"Can you hear me?" used to remind Nick of warm days camping in the forest with his
Father, Ro and Bear. Ro asked if Nick could hear him as he moved further into the
forest and away from the campsite, using the red whistle to let him know. One blow
meant "Yes Ro, I can hear you", two meant "No Ro, I can't hear you. Come closer."

Those good memories were dim, though. All "Can you hear me?" reminded him of
now was his Aunt asking if Nick could hear her through the Bluetooth earpiece as he
played bait and later Hank and Wu through his phone or over the radio before he was
called away to a crime scene and Juliette demanding to know where he was when he
came home later and was too tired to answer.

Then Juliette showed him a photo she had found while looking through boxes in the
spare room.

Chapter Notes

Evening lovelies, this chapter was partly inspired by me messing around with Chat
GPT and seeing what ideas it would spit out in response to the prompt of:

"Juliette thinks Nick is cheating on her with Monroe and lying to her about how long
they have known each other and now they met. They definitely don't act like they've
only known each other for a few months."

I only took Juliette's line from the first iteration and the mention of her finding the
photo from the second. This takes place around the latter half of season one. Nick is
starting to remember as its been two maybe three months since he last had Marie's
'Sleep Tea'. Though not enough to realise that "Ro" and "Monroe" are the same

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Start: 07/10/23 - 08/10/23

Time: 4:35 pm - 1:25 am

Juliette had suspected for quite some time that Nick was lying to her about how long he had known
Monroe and exactly how they met. They were a little too close and were able to read each other a
little too well, easily finishing each other sentences or not having to say anything at all.

He seemed to know Monroe's food and wine preferences, though, did seem to get a little confused
as to why he had put meat in the cart when Monroe was vegetarian. It had felt like they were
having a completely separate conversation over dinner. One Juliette wasn't privy to.

"Nick, how long have you really known Monroe and how did you really meet, because it definitely
wasn't on the case with the little girl," Juliette demanded, sick of Nick lying to her, he seemed to
spend more time with Monroe than he did with her, hell he even touched Monroe more than he
touched her.

Nick blinked at her like he had no idea what she was talking about. She sighed and pulled out the
photos she had found at the bottom of a box.

"I found some old photos of you and Monroe." That seemed to startle Nick. Juliette handed him the
two photos she had found.

It was of a man with brown hair and red eyes (she assumed caused by the camera) with a little
stubble, wearing a red plate shirt, a leather jacket she was sure she had seen Nick wearing, ripped
jeans and what were probably steal toed boots standing next to a boy with messy black hair, black
shorts and a blue pair of trainers.

He was wearing a far too big cream and white plaid shirt over a t-shirt. In the next picture, the man
was holding the boy in his arms, and one of the boy's arms was wrapped around man's shoulder.
They were standing in the forest clearing, a tent in the background with two sleeping bags visible,
the smaller one was blue and the bigger one was black and silver.

One was back was written "Camping Trip - Germany 10.07.91" under that was written "Nicky age
9 and Monroe" in an unfamiliar hand. Nick stared at both pictures, a glassy look in his eyes.

July 10, 1991 - Camping Trip

"Hey Ro, did you remember to pack the flashlights? I know you have good eyesight, but I would
rather not fall and hurt myself," Nicky asked, knowing Ro would hear him as he dug through one of
their bags for the flashlight. He was sure he had seen it here somewhere. He didn't really need a
flashlight. He had really good night vision, but it was better safe than sorry.

"Yes, Nicky, I remembered the flashlight, it's in the side pocket," Nicky grinned when he found the
flashlight, tucking it into his pocket, just in case his head torch ended up dying on him. He
buttoned the top of one of Ro's plaid shirts so it wouldn't fall off his shoulder and went to help the
older man collect some kindling for the fire. Ro had promised him smores.

Nicky grinned at the camera when it flashed, blinding him and making him squeak when Ro picked
him up. He wrapped an arm around the man's shoulder, fingers curling into his leather jacket, and
grinned at the camera. They always took a picture every time they came out here, mostly to prove
to his Dad and Jackie that they had actually gone camping. The tent is in the background.

Nicky got his hands on the camera a little later and took a picture of Ro attempting to eat his
marshmallow before it melted off the stick and another just after he had shoved the smore into his
mouth, melted chocolate around his mouth and on his fingers as he tried not to choke as he
complained about how messy they were. Yes, they were messy, but they were also delicious.

He grinned at the camera when Ro took a picture a picture of him. He had melted chocolate all
over his fingers and mouth.

[It was one of his favourite photos from that trip, along with the one Ro had somehow managed to
take off the two of them curled up together in their sleeping bags. He just got cold in the night and
rolled closer to Ro. The man was practically a furnace, though he never complained when Nicky
ended up curled next to him by morning.]
Juliette watched as Nick pulled out that black book of his and started to write something in it. She
was never able to read what he was writing. What she could see of it was a flowy script that hardly
made sense. She was only able to read the date and "Camping Trip" at the top of the page.

The next time she went looking through the boxes in the spare room, the box she had found the
photos in was gone. She later found Nick had taken it to Monroe, though he couldn't tell her when
she asked. He had a glassy look in his eyes and seemed very distracted. She thought nothing of it. It
was probably his newest case.

Monroe’s House

“Hey Ro, found some things in my spare room I think you’d find interesting?” Nick asked,
knocking on Monroe's front door with his foot after managing to get the door open without having
to put it down. He wasn’t sure why he called his Blutbad friend and self-proclaimed Grimmopedia
“Ro”. It had just felt right.

[Monroe had to close his eyes and take several deep breaths at how tight his chest got when he
heard Nick call him “Ro”. The only other person who had called him that had been Little Red. His
Grimm had rarely called him “Monroe” or “Eddie” like most people, but he didn’t mind.

Had it been anyone else, he would have told them to stop, but not Nicky. It had come about when
Nick had lost his front tooth and had been very tired, resulting in him butchering Monroe’s name.
He hadn’t minded at the time.]

“What did you find?” Monroe asked, somehow sounding normal despite how tight his chest felt
when he saw the large tote Nick was carrying, plus the smaller box on top. He didn’t seem to be
having any trouble carrying both of them, even if Monroe knew a regular human would definitely
have trouble carrying both boxes.

If he had needed any more confirmation that the daily Pilates exercises and training session in the
woods was helping with his strength, than this was it. Nick had already been pretty strong as he
had learned when Nick had tackled him, but not quite as strong as he was now.

“Juliette was looking through the boxes in the spare room trying to find something when she came
across this box and a box of photos and other bits and pieces. I’m not sure how everything fits in
here.” Nick carefully dropped the tote on the couch next to the couch and sat down.

Monroe didn’t have to ask what was in the large tote. He already knew as soon as he saw
“Camping Gear” written on the side of the tote in silver marker.

Monroe got up from his desk and walked over to the big tote as Nick took the lid off the smaller
box. The photos were split into years and then seasons and activities with little cards. There were
also pretty rocks, and pieces of metal and crystals they had found on their trips, each in a bag or
smaller plastic box and neatly labeled.

Monroe closed his eyes briefly, his chest tightening when he saw the two pictures sitting on top. It
was the camping trip he and Aron had taken Little Red on near the end of summer in 1991. The
silver-grey whistle was sitting in the place Little Red always put it.

Monroe kept the dark red whistle while Little Red kept his whistle and they would switch when
they went camping. Nick pulled the silver-grey whistle out, the chain clinked quietly as Nick put it
over his head and blew on it gently once; the pitch raising a little at the end.
All Monroe heard was, “Can you hear me, Ro? Where are you? I can’t hear you.” He closed his
eyes and whistled back; “Yes, I can hear you Nicky. I’m right here.” He opened his eyes when he
heard Nick gasp, the Grimm was staring at him with wide eyes.

Nick’s POV

There was a point where “Can you hear me?” made him think of warm summer days with Ro, his
Father and Bear. Ro asking if Nick could hear him through the use of his silver-grey whistle. One
tone meant “Yes, Ro. I can hear you,” and two meant "No Ro, I can't hear you. Come closer."

He still wasn’t sure how they’d created an entire language using just two whistles, and tone,
inflection and pitch. It just seemed to be something only they could understand. His father had
stared at them with a surprised and puzzled look on his face when he had overheard Ro answer a
question he had asked via whistle.

It hurt to think of those days since his parents' deaths. All “Can you hear me?” reminded him of
now was the days he was forced to wear a Bluetooth earpiece with a red shirt, jacket or jumper and
help Aunt Marie, even though he didn’t want to, even though he knew it often resulted in him
ending up with bruises, cuts, scratches and far too many concussions to keep count of. a

And one not so memorable occasion, amnesia.

Dark Ally - 1996: Age 17, October

Nick groaned as he sat up, looking around the semi-dark alleyway. He wasn’t sure why he could
smell blood. He had no idea where he was or how he had gotten there. He looked down, sitting up
far too quickly and making his vision swim when he realised he was wearing a red hoodie and dark
black denim pants.

He flinched when he felt someone grab him and drag him out of the alley. He stumbled, the world
tilting as he tried to stay standing. He yanked his hand out from the tight grip on his wrist,
stumbling and leaning against the wall. They were a good 200 feet from the alley by that point.

It took what felt like several long minutes for the world to stop tilting and no longer look like he
was underwater. He knew someone was standing in front of him. It took a great deal of effort to
clear his vision enough to get a good look at the person.

He stared, in muted shock, an icy chill skittered down his spine. What the hell was he doing with
Aunt Marie because the women with dark curly shoulder length hair, wearing a black top and dark
leggings was definitely his Aunt, even if she looked a little older than he remembered.

“What are you… where am I? Where is Dad?” Nicky demanded. Aunt Marie stared at him, clearly
startled by his sudden question, an annoyed look briefly flickered across her face. Nick had to lean
more of his wait against the wall when his vision fuzzed a little and he realised he could feel blood
dripping down the side of his head.

“Your mother asked me to pick you up from school while they went on a trip. Your Father’s
partner couldn’t babysit you. Your Father agreed and the school both agreed. They died in a car
crash three weeks later.” Marie answered. It sounded rehearsed and was so very false.

He may have a severe concussion but he wasn’t an idiot.

“You really expect me to believe that? My Father would never willingly allow you to pick me up
and the schools knows you’re not allowed to remove me from school grounds. If Jack couldn’t
babysit me then Captain Asher or one of the other officers from the station would have. Take me to
the hospital now.” Nick snapped, pushing himself off the wall once he felt more steady on his feet.
He had clearly shocked Marie.

She stared at him for a few seconds before sighing and motioned for him to get into her car, Nick
climbed into the back from the passenger side, only sliding over and buckling himself in once
Marie had started the car.

The Hospital

When they arrived at the hospital, he got out of the car when Marie was getting her purse from the
front seat. She grabbed his arm to help him inside. He must have looked worse than he felt, as he
was seen fairly quickly.

“Mr. Collins, do you have any other injuries other than the concussion, we should know about?”
The Nurse asked. Nick stared at her, wondering why she was calling him Mr. Collins. That wasn’t
his surname.

“My last name is Burkhardt, not Collins.” He stated, staring at the nurse, who frowned and looked
down at her clipboard. She scribbled something on the clipboard before turning it around to show

He stared.

Surname: Collins
Given Name: Nicolas
Nickname: Nick

Relatives: Elissa Collins

The Nurse lifted the first page to show the page underneath.

Ellen Collins said she is your Aunt, is that true?

“Yes, she is," Nick answered quietly, using the pen the Nurse gave handed him to write down what
he was saying.

What is your name?

“Nicolas Burkhardt, I don’t know how I got here. She apparently picked me up from school
because my mother asked her to. She was the only one who could look after me while my parents
were on a trip. My parent died in a car accident three weeks later.” He had to pause and shake out
his hand.

The nurse drew the curtains around the bed before coming back to him and sitting in chair next to
his bed. She looked worried.

What is the last thing you remember? It’s 1999.

“I…How have I lost five years? ” He wondered quietly, unconsciously writing it down even though
he didn’t mean to. "I was called to the front office because my Aunt was here to pick me up. They
said it was fine with my Father, that he had given my Aunt permission to pick me up." Nick didn’t
realise he was close to hyperventilating until The Nurse tapped him on the shoulder. He took
several deep breaths.

“I knew she was lying to them. My Father had banned her from picking me up. I wanted to call
Jackie, my godfather but the Receptionist said it ‘wasn’t necessary’. I can remember going home
and packing my bag, everything after is blank. She kidnapped me.” Nick hoped The Nurse would
believe him.

She stared at him, then nodded. A strange look on her face. He wasn’t sure why, but he felt like he
could trust the women. She stepped out of the room briefly. He must have passed out for a little
while. The next time he woke, two police officers were stepping into his room.

“Hello Mr. Collins. I’m Detective Anderson and this is my partner, Detective Martinez. Your Nurse
informed us you believe you had been kidnapped by your Aunt. Can you tell me why you think that?
” Nick stared at the two officers, not say anything until The Nurse stepped into the room. That
seemed to annoy the two Detectives.

“Ma’am, please leave. We need to question Mr. Collins.” Detective Martinez stated, The Nurse
stared at the Detective with a raised eyebrow and quirked lip.

“His surname is Burkhardt, not Collins. His Aunt has stepped out. I am not letting you to question
him without someone present.” The Nurse stated. Nick felt himself relaxing. Something about the
two ‘Detectives’ made him tense and wary.

Detective Anderson looked annoyed but allowed The Nurse to stay.

“I think my Aunt kidnapped me because I’m missing five years. My Father would have never
allowed her to pick me up from school,” Nick answered, vaguely registering The Nurse writing
down what he was saying.

“Who is your Father?” Detective Anderson asked, though it was obvious he wasn’t truly paying

“Reed Burkhardt, he’s a Homicide Detective for the Rhinebeck Police Department. Jackson Rykov
is his partner and my Godfather. They work for Captain Sebastian Val-,” Nick was cut off by
officer Martinez's laughter. He apparently found something very funny.

“You must have hit your head too hard, kid. Jackson Rychov doesn’t have a partner, nor does he
have a godson. There is no one by the name of Reed Bernhardt working for the Rhinebeck police.
We have better things to do than entertain your wild stories.” Detective Martinez laughed.

“Ma’am, we’re going to need that paper you’ve been writing on for our records.” Detective
Anderson said, clearly amused as he turned to face The Nurse, seemingly not seeing the displeased
look on her face.

“No, You can have a photocopy. I will be keep the original. If you would step outside. I’m not
going to leave you alone with my patient.” If looks could kill, Detective Anderson and Martinez
would be six feet under.

[The Detective didn’t see the sharp look they were getting from Olivia, Nicolas' nurse. She had felt
off since the two detective’s had arrived. She hadn’t liked the look on their faces or the way they
were questioning the injured seventeen-year-old. Did they seriously think she was going to let them
question her patient alone? It was obvious from the way he spoke that he was telling the truth.

She wrote her contact information down on a piece of paper and stuck it into the black book
Nicolas was writing in. She was not best pleased that the two detectives had allowed Nicolas to
leave with his Aunt. When they were gone, Olivia made her report to her shift supervisor.

She hadn’t been pleased either that the police had allowed the clearly very concussed boy to leave
with his Aunt. The Detectives would eventually come to realise just how mistaken they had been to
brush of the boys claims of being kidnapped when they were brought in on another kidnapping
case nearly fourteen years later.]

Even after he had recovered from his concussion, he had nightmares about his Aunt walking into
his room and injecting something into his IV, a cold smile on her face and saying "Now that won't
do. This will make you feel all better and forget about ever being here" Not even his Aunt's 'Sleep
Tea' could get rid of that nightmare.

Aunt Marie had been so angry that he talked to the police, even though he couldn’t remember what
he had told them.

Later "Can you hear me" come to mean Hank and Wu asking through his phone while he chasing
criminals or being called away to a crime scene at 3 in the morning and over the radio on late night
stakeouts with took little food and far too much terrible coffee.

More recently, “Did you hear me?” from Juliette, demanding to know where he was when he
hadn’t gotten home in time to join her for dinner and he was too exhausted to answer. Then Juliette
showed him the photos she found, and he was reminded of those long summer days with Ro.

“I didn’t even realise I had these.” Nick said, flipping through the pictures. Monroe smiled a little
and opened the tote. He carefully dug through the box. Nick was a little startled when he heard
“Nicky, can you hear me?” from Monroe, overlapped by Ro’s whistle in the forest on a warm day
as he looked up from the feature Juliette had shown him.

Monroe's carefree grin was unfamiliar and yet not at the same time as he lifted the whistle to his
mouth to reply, then letting it fall against his chest and reply out loud.

“Yes, Ro. I can hear you.”

[Nick smiled coldly when he saw the two Detective from out of state arrived. Everyone noticed the
cold smile when the two walked into the room the Captain's office.

“Hello Detective. Lovely to see you again,” Nick said, though it was obvious to everyone he was
not pleased to see the two Detectives. Hank stared at his partner, wondering why he was being so
cold towards to them. As far as he knew this was the first time Nick had met Detectives Anderson
and Martinez.

“Captain Renard, a pleasure. Is something the matter Detective Burkhardt?” Anderson asked.
These detectives had clearly done something to piss off their resident Grimm.

“It's a wonder you're still working, considering you directly ignored a child telling you they had
been kidnapped, refusing to believe them or even calling their guardian. You allowed them to leave
with the person who had kidnapped them just because you were feeling lazy and didn’t want to
deal with the paperwork.” Nick’s voice seemed to drop in pitch, making even Hank shiver.

Wu knew by the way the two detectives recoiled that they were wesen.

“Fortunately for you, I eventually escaped when I graduated from high school.” There was nothing
remotely comforting about the smile on Nick’s face or the way he was staring at the two

“Please don’t kill us.” Martinez pleaded, backing himself against the wall of the Captain’s office.
Nick just stared at them.

“Kill you, no I’m not going to kill you. You’ll wish I had, though. Good luck explaining yourselves
to my Father,” Nick's smile was every bit the thing of wesen nightmares. What was arguably more
creepy was the complete personality flip that happened when Reed and Jackie walked into the
department with Captain Valdez.

“Hey Dad, Jackie. Captain Asher. Just in time, I think you’ll be interested in what these two…
Detective have to tell you.” Nick sounded so upbeat it was startling. Hank watched as Reed pulled
Nick into a one-armed hug.

“Hey Nicky. Are these the two detectives who questioned you?” Reed asked, Nick grinned, leaning
into his Father’s embrace and grinning at how pale Anderson and Martinez went when Nick

"So your the Detective's that ignored my son telling you he had been kidnapped. I know you were
aware my son was missing. A photo had been sent out to every police station, along with an
updated version of what we thought he would look like at seventeen." Anderson paled a little. He
remembered seeing that bulletin and dismissing it because it didn't seem important at the time.

"All it would have taken was one call and I could have told you if he was my son, but no you
decided to be lazy and allowed my son to return to Marie Kessler." Reed sounded pleasant, though
the expression on his face was anything but. Detective Anderson and Martinez stared at the angry
Grimm and his police partner.

"They didn't even bother completing their report. It just said they had been called to the hospital to
book a seventeen-year-old with a far too high Blood Alcohol level. Had Nicolas's nurse not kept
perfect documentation of his short stay and your 'interview' of him, then there would have never
been any record of him being there." Martinez wished they had convinced the Nurse to leave.

"Or the fact you threw away the photocopy of the interview transcript his nurse gave you."
Martinez stared at Captain Valdez. How did he know that? They hadn't told anyone someone else
had been in the room with them when they were interviewing the boy, let alone the fact there was a
written record of it.

"I know because your Captain is my little brother. He was ever so displeased when an Olivia
Brenacheck gave him the information, after an all-hospital and station bulletin went out that
Nicolas had been found. Ms Brenacheck was very displeased with how you handled Nicolas’
complaint. The Janitor was the one who found the photocopy you threw out." There was a
murderous look in Captain Valdez' eyes.

They should have taken the boys' claims that he had been kidnapped more seriously. When they
returned home, they took the time to look up Reed Bernhardt. The only name that come up with
Reed Burkhardt and his partner Jackson Rykov. They were horrified when they realised Reed
Burkhardt wasn't just any Grimm but a Good Grimm. Jackson Rykov was his Guardian and his son

The boy had been telling the truth. Oh they were so very screwed when they returned to work.
With a little more digging, Anderson found the Interdepartmental Rhinebeck 'Babysitting Roster'
James Orson had drawn up for "Little Red". They wouldn't be welcome in Rhinebeck anytime
soon, not that they had been welcome there in a very long time. They had just never known why.]

Chapter End Notes

Thank you for reading. Apologies to anyone who has read this and realised its not
finished. I had to post part of it, mostly to checking spelling. I promise all of it will be
posted soon. It is just taking me longer than I would like to finish writing it. Thank
you for your patience though.

It took 6hrs and 49 minutes for me to finish this chapter. This chapter is the second
longer being 9 pages (4,152 words). I might remove the part at the very end, I'm not
sure yet.

08/10/23: I've gone through and fixed the spelling mistakes and repeated words,
hopefully that will make it a lot less painful to listen to for those using a screen reader.
I'm going to be taking a day off from posting but not writing. I will have today prompt
and tomorrow out on the 10th.

I need to take a little break otherwise I'll end up completely burnt out by the end of the
month and not have enough energy for the Main Story or for NaNo next month. I will
do all the prompts. These chapters tend to be rather long and sometimes take me
upward of six or seven hours to complete.

I will get the chapters posted. I just need to pace my self a little bit. I may post little
shorts of what I do have for an idea but they won't be complete chapters. They will
however be completed, its just going to take longer. I want to take my time with these
chapters instead of rushing them. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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