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I am Hussain Mustafa. I am digital media marketer with atleast 3 years of experience in this field. I also
have been working as a content writer for last six months and submitting many articles on many
websites as guest posting.

Now a days I am writing on the following topic:

1. Health

2. Medicine

3. Surgery

I came accross your website and the content available on your site is really appreciative because it
contains informative contents for the readers which is good for them to make themselves better.

I am writing this proposal to let you know that I want to contribute guest posts on your site. I give you
the assurance that all of my articles will be unique and according to your site's niche.

I know that there would be an editorial fee which I am ready to pay.

Before I send the articles to you, please let me know the terms and conditions regarding submission.

I am wating for your response.

Thank you

Hussain Mustafa

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