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In this new era of technology, our quality of lives is being distracted by the noise pollution.

Accordingly, there are several of causes due to this issue especially at the busy area such as city
centre. Moreover, this issue really affect environment in nowadays society.

First of all, the main causes of the noise is sound of vehicle. Since we all know that in this era
everyone has their own car or motorcycle and using their car frequently compare to the last decade.
Regarding it, the sound of their vehicle really gives a big impact in noise pollution in instance the
horn sound. People who ride a car or motorcycle always use their car’s horn for the signal or to
complain about how other people drive their car. It is really disturbing because they will use it
anytime, they want and will not consider about other people because we can even hear it in the
middle of the night. Secondly, the cause of the noise pollution is construction of the road. Not to
deny that the reason of the construction is to improve the road but the process of the construction
itself making a huge noise pollution to the society. For an example, the sounds of the tools that they
are using like excavator, bulldozer and etc.

However, we cannot totally solve this problem but we can reduce the causes of this problem. One of
the things that we can improve is using public transport like train and bus. In consequence, we can
reduce the noise from the car and motorcycle. By using a public transport like train will reduce the
noise because the quantity of people that can be fix it the train is more than enough to reduce
people for using their vehicle for daily basis such go to work. Hence, the less people use car, the less
noise pollution will be produced. Other than that, as we know that train is a new technology that do
not produce any noise. Thus, it will be a great idea to reduce some noise from the car. Besides, for
the road’s construction we cannot reduce it by our own effort. Thus, the management of the road’s
construction needs to play a role in this matter such as use a board as a divider between the
construction place and main road to reduce the noise.

Everyone needs to make an effort and play their own role to reduce this problem because we cannot
blame each other for this issue. In consequence, if everyone takes their own responsibilities it is not
possible to overcome this problem.

Task Achievement: 5
Ideas are partially developed and supported

Coherence and Cohesion: 5.5

information not organised appropriately. Cohesive devices lack in precision
Lexical Resources: 5.5

Limited Vocabs and repetitive words like sound, people,

Grammar Range And Accuracy: 5

Limited range of sentence structure. Attempt to use complex sentences but with less accuracy and

Overall score: 5+5.5+5.5+5= 21/4 = 5.25= 5.5

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