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Thank you, EB for the Recognization,

The MENA region, known for its complex history and diversity, is unfortunately riddled with numerous
human rights challenges. Yemen and Sudan, in particular, have been grappling with conflicts, instability,
and systemic human rights abuses, resulting in immense suffering for their populations.

Yemen's armed conflict births a cataclysm, causing countless civilian casualties, rampant food insecurity,
and mass displacement. The intentional assault on civilian infrastructure, encompassing schools and
hospitals, exacerbates the crisis, amplifying human rights transgressions and potential war crimes. This
Humanitarian crisis was taken place because of the Civil war happening in Yemen. This war is happening
because of Houthi Insurgency, Regional and International Involvement, and economic and Social

Turning our attention to Sudan, the country has faced its own set of challenges, including the Darfur
conflict and political instability. The people of Sudan have endured violence, forced displacement, and
various human rights abuses.

Here are some solutions to this problem:

UNSC Resolution 2140 (2014): The resolution supports Yemen's transition, and promotes inclusive
dialogue, and stability. This Resolution imposes sanctions on individuals and entities undermining
Yemen's political transition or threatening stability.

UNSC Resolution 1593(2005): This Resolution grants ICC jurisdiction to investigate Darfur crimes since
2003. The resolution seeks accountability for war crimes and human rights violations in Darfur.

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