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B.C.A. (3rd Semester) Syllabus, 2023-2024

Course Code: CS4015 Course Title: Essentials of Advanced Object Oriented Programming
Course Theory Credits: 04 Course Practical Credits : 02
Prerequisites: Fundamentals of Programming, Introduction to DBMS, Object Oriented Programming
Objectives: To design and develop a program using data structure and advanced Object-Oriented concepts namely
exception handling, interface, packages, multi-threading, generics, socket programming.
Course Outcomes: Upon completion of the course, students shall be able to
CO1: Demonstrate Exception Handling mechanism. Apply
CO2: Identify the need of Interface & Package and implement them. Apply
CO3: Describe and illustrate the applications of Data structures namely queue, stack, and linked list. Apply
CO4: Implement the multithreaded applications by applying priorities and synchronization mechanism. Apply
CO5: Design generic and utilize it with varied data types. Apply
CO6: Demonstrate the client/server communication using Socket Programming. Understand
Course Objective and Course Outcomes Mapping:
To make student design and develop program using data structure: CO3 Use of advanced Object oriented concepts : C01,C02,
CO4, CO5, CO6
Programme Outcomes and Course Outcomes mapping:
PO (Programme Outcomes) : The student will have :
PO1: Ability to understand the concepts of key areas in computer science.
PO2: Ability to design and develop system, component or process as well as test and maintain it so as to provide promising
solutions to industry and society.
PO3: Effective communication and presentation skill.
PO4: Ability to understand professional and ethical responsibility. PO5: Recognition of the need for life-long learning.

Course Programme Outcomes

Outcomes PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5
CO2 ✓
CO3 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO4 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO5 ✓
CO6 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

1 Exception Handling [15 %]

1.1. Introduction, Need and Benefits
1.2. Types of Exception: Checked and Unchecked Exception
1.3. Built in Exceptions: Usage, Arithmetic, Collection, Class, Object and Input-Output
1.4. User Define Exceptions: Creation and Extending
2 Interfaces and Package [15 %]
2.1. Interface: Declaration and Implementation
2.2. Extending Interfaces, Static and Default methods in Interface
2.3. Polymorphism in Interfaces
2.4. Creating and Defining Package
2.5. Accessing Classes from user define Packages and built in Packages: Language support,
input-output, utility, network
3 Strings and Collections [20 %]
3.1 String Class and String Manipulation
3.2 StringBuffer Class
3.3 StringTokenizer Class
3.4 Data Structure: Introduction and Types
3.5 Collection Interface: List, Set, Queue, Deque
3.6 Collection Class: ArrayList, LinkList
4 Multithreading Programming [20 %]
4.1 Introduction, Need and Thread Model Architecture
4.2 Thread Life Cycle : Overview, Importance
4.3 Thread Creation Approaches: Extending Class and Runnable Interface, Multiple
Threads Creation
4.4 Thread Priorities
4.5 Synchronization and Deadlock
5 Generics [15 %]
5.1 Fundamentals and Benefits
5.2 Generic type parameter naming conventions
5.3 Generic Class, Method and Constructor
5.4 Wildcards: Upper-bound wildcard, lower-bound wildcard
5.5 Restrictions on Generics
6 Socket Programming [15 %]
6.1 Basics of Network Programming
6.2 Types of Socket: Stream and Datagram Socket
6.3 Ports and Socket Address
6.4 Data Communication

Course Units and Course Outcomes Mapping:

Unit Course Outcomes
1 Exception Handling ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
2 Interfaces and Package ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
3 Strings and Collections ✓ ✓ ✓
4 Multithreading Programming ✓ ✓ ✓
5 Generics ✓ ✓
6 Socket Programming ✓ ✓ ✓
Computing Environment:

CE#1 JDK 1.8 or above and NetBeans IDE 8.2

Text Books:
1. Buyya, R. - Object-oriented programming with Java: Essentials and Applications – McGraw Hill[BR]
2. Herbert Schildt - Java The Complete Reference, McGraw Hill Education
Reference Books:
1. Uttam K. Roy - Advanced Java Programming – Oxford Higher Education [UR]
2. P Radha Krishna– Object Oriented Programming through JAVA – University Press
3. C Xavier – Java Programming A Practical Approach – Tata McGraw Hill Education

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