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Department: Computer Science and Engineering Course Type: Programme Core

Course Title: Object Oriented Programming Course Code: 18CS36

L-T-P: 3-0-0 Credits: 03
Total Contact Hours: 39 hrs Duration of SEE: 3 hrs
SEE Marks: 50 CIE Marks: 50

Course Description: This course provides an understanding of OOP Programming paradigm. The
course also provides the knowledge of application development for real-world problems in C++.

Course Objectives:

• To understand the difference between Procedure Oriented and OO Programming.

• To understand OOP features of C++
• To develop applications in C++

Course Contents:

UNIT – I 7Hrs

An Overview of C++ : object –Oriented Programming Principles, The origins of C++, C++
Fundamentals- Introducing C++ Classes.

Classes and Objects : C++ Classes and Structures, Class and object declarations ,Friend
Functions, Friend Classes, Inline Functions, Static Class Members, The Scope Resolution
Operator, Functions and Objects.

Arrays, Pointers, References, and the Dynamic Allocation Operators: Arrays of Objects, this
Pointer, References, C++’ s Dynamic Allocation Operators.

UNIT – II 8Hrs

Function Overloading and Default Arguments: Function Overloading, Constructor types,

Overloading Constructor Functions, Default Function Arguments, Function Overloading and

Operator Overloading: Creating a Member Operator Function, Operator Overloading Using a

Friend Function, Overloading Some Special Operators, Overloading the Comma Operator

UNIT – III 8 Hrs

Inheritance: Base-Class Access Control, Inheritance and Protected Members, Inheriting Multiple
Base Classes, Constructors, Destructors and Inheritance, Granting Access, Virtual Base Classes

Virtual Functions and Polymorphism: Virtual Functions, The Virtual Attribute Is Inherited,
Virtual Functions Are Hierarchical, Pure Virtual Functions, Using Virtual Functions, Early vs Late

UNIT – IV 8Hrs

Templates: Generic Functions, Applying Generic Functions, Generic Classes

Exception Handling: Exception Handling Fundamentals, Handling Derived-Class Exceptions,

Exception Handling Options, Applying Exception Handling

UNIT – V 8 Hrs

C++ File I/O: <fstream> and File Classes, Opening and Closing a File, Reading and Writing Text
Files ,Unformatted and Binary I/O, Detecting EOF, The ignore() Function, Peek() and
putback(),flush(),Random Access ,I/O Status, Customized I/O and Files.


1. The Complete Reference C++, Herbert Schildt, 4th Edition, TMH, 2005.


1. C++ Primer, Stanley B. Lippman, JoseeLajoie, Barbara E. Moo,4th Edition, AddisonWesley,


2. Object-Oriented Programming with C++, SouravSahay, Oxford University Press, 2006.


1. Programming in C++,

2. C++ Programming Video Lectures, Lessons & Tutorials,

1. Lecture using Black board and chalk
2. Presentations
3. Programming Assignments
4. Course Project


1. Three internals – 30 Marks each will be conducted and the Average of best of two will be
2. Programming Assignments for 10 marks.
3. Rubrics for the evaluation of Course Project for 10 marks.
4. Final examination will be conducted for 100 marks and evaluated for 50 Marks.

COURSE OUTCOMES: At the end of Course, Student will be able to

CO Description

CO 1 Design classes for the given application scenarios and apply the concepts of classes
and objects, friend functions, friend classes, Inline functions, static class members
and this pointer in implementation of solutions to problems.
CO 2 Analyze and apply the concepts of function overloading, default arguments,
constructors and operator overloading in designing and implementing solutions to
given problems.
CO 3 Apply the principle of code reusability using Inheritance, use the concept of virtual
base classes to prevent the possible ambiguity in multiple inheritance and analyze the
benefit of dynamic binding using virtual functions and inheritance.
CO 4 Design and use template classes that take generic parameters to support code
reusability principle in problem solving, understand and apply the concept of
exception handling to prevent run-time abnormal program termination error in
CO 5 Create text and binary files and use them in the applications to handle voluminous
CO6 Application Development in C++

Mapping of Course outcomes (COs) to Program Program Specific

outcomes (POs) Outcomes(PSOs)

Pos 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2 PSO3


CO1 3 S3Ss M 3

CO2 3 2 3 S 3

CO3 3 2 3 3

CO4 3 3 3

CO5 3 3 3
CO6 3 2 3 1 2 2 3 2

3 2 3 1 2 2 3 2

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