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Apple preservation


A plate

A knife

A lemon An apple
• To show people how certain substances can be used to preserve
• The primary objective of food preservation is to prevent food spoilage until it can
be consumed.
• Preservatives are added to foods to help prevent or slow spoilage due to bacteria,
molds, fungi or yeast, as well as to slow or prevent changes in the food's color,
flavor or texture, delay rancidity, and maintain freshness .
• This experiment consists of spreading the lemon juice all over the
fruit’s pulp so that it reaches the inner part of the apple in order to
delay the browning of the fruit, and so, there’s no oxidation of the
• When the apple is cut, its cells are damaged causing the release of
enzymes such as phenolic oxidase which when in contact with air it
oxidises and enzymatic browning happens, so, we use lemon juice
which has a compound called ascorbic acid that prevents this reaction
Background research
• This method of preserving the apple can also be used to preserve
other things we eat and this is not the only way of preserving food
there are many other ways of doing it .
• The earliest form of curing was dehydration or drying, used as early as 12,000 BC.
Smoking and salting techniques improve on the drying process and add
antimicrobial agents that aid in preservation.
• After covering the fruit with lemon juice, acid in the
lemon juice prevents or delays the reaction between
the oxygen in the air and the enzymes on the cut apple,
enzymatic browning of the fruit does not happen.

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