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I would like to tell you about person who inspires me.

Disney is a popular man due to his Disneyland in Paris.
Early on in his career, Disney proved to be a confident and
persistent,despite crashing his business In 1923, at age 20, Disney
started the Laugh-o-Grams company—an animation studio
supplying shorts to Kansas City movie theaters. Big Walt lacked
the finances to back up his active creativity. He soon found
himself virtually homeless, sleeping in his office (where he
befriended a tame mouse) and taking showers at the train
station. Just a year after opening his doors, he was forced to
declare bankruptcy.
Obviously, Disney didn’t let the setback knock him down. He
spent his last dollars on a bus ticket, headed out to Hollywood
and started the company that bears his name. Ad he created a
slightly obnoxious little cartoon character named Mickey, based
on that office mouse. He always claimed that his Laugh-o-Grams
experience, painful as it was, laid the groundwork for his later
success, and helped him avoid catastrophic mistakes.
Commenting on the benefits of failure, Disney once said: "All the
adversity I’ve had in my life, all the troubles have strengthened
me. You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the
teeth may be the best thing in the world for you."

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