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Group Discussion

1. Please discuss with your group mates about the comparison between the features in Clipchamp
( and Capcut for PC (
editor) video applications. Click on the provided link to access them. Explore the applications on
your own (not taking the features from any websites).
2. Compare the features and decide which video application that you think the most suitable for you
to use. Explain why.
3. Provide the features comparison in Table A. Besides comparing the features, you also need to
compare the excess and lack of both applications. Provide the comparison in Table B.

Table A. Put the features comparison in this table. Put the picture and the description of the
Features Clipchamp Capcut

Table B.
Clipchamp Capcut



Which application you think

the most suitable for you for
to use to create a video
Explain the reason for
choosing the video

B. Drafting a video learning

1. Discuss with your group mates and draft a plan for content for video learning.
2. Choose one of academic topic to create the content in the video learning.
3. Provide the draft in the following table.



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