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ALM Octane Demo Flow


This document details a typical end-to-end lifecycle flow to demonstrate ALM Octane and DevOps.
It is based on the video in the ALM Octane Demonstration course.
• Build Confidentiality requirement and relations as shown at 05:37.
• Configure Backlog->Overview graphs for Advantage Shopping Web as shown at 07:42.
• Configure Backlog->Overview graphs for Navigation features as shown at 07:45.
• Create a User Story template as shown at 08:15.
• Configure Backlog->Features tab to show WSJF columns as shown at 09:20.
• Add a Release Forecast widget to the Dashboard as shown at 11:36.
• Set default team in Team Backlog to be AOS_UI as shown at 12:13.
• Edit AOS_UI team and create future sprints as shown at 12:47.
• Create a code Commit for Sprint 2 using IntelliJ, DevOps as shown at 13:37.
• Add additional team members to AOS_UI team.
• Start and open IntelliJ with the AOS Source project as shown at 16:40.
• Start Jenkins from DevOps container and open AOS Web Root Module s shown at 18:32.
• Create a new pipeline based on the AOS_WEB_ROOT_Module_Pipeline in Jenkins and run it.
• In Quality, Test tab assign sa@nga to 4 tests. One of each type as shown at 30:55.
• Create proper, running LeanFT_Gherkin test as shown in 39:05.
• Create a Pipeline in Octane for the LeanFT_Gherkin test as shown at 39:15.
• Create an AOS_UFT_Test_Suite test suite as shown at 39:56.
• Import AOS_UFT_Regression and AOS_UFT_Sanity tests as shown at 40:05.
• Run the AOS_UFT_Regression test from Jenkins (restrict to run on nimbusclient_uft).
• Log in to ALM Octane as sa@nga and navigate to the Dashboard module.
1. Open the browser (logged in) to view the Dashboard module
2. 00:00 - Start in the Home menu.
a. Show the 8 core modules.
b. Discuss how Octane supports multiple methodologies.
c. Discuss Requirements and the type of requirements Octane works with.
d. Discuss the product Backlog and Team Backlog.
e. Discuss the Quality module, application modules and how Quality in Octane is everywhere.
f. Discuss Defects, Dashboard and My Work.
g. Discuss Pipelines and the jobs and steps that run in a CI system (Jenkins, Bamboo, GoCD, etc.).
h. Discuss Workspaces and isolated versus shared Workspaces.

Micro Focus

3. 05:20 - Start in the Requirements module.
a. Show the Confidentiality requirement or similar and select the Relations tab.
b. Discuss functional and non-functional requirements.
c. Show the traceability of this requirement to other entities.
d. Discuss regulated versus non-regulated organizations and their requirements structure.
e. Transition to cover prototypically agile organizations.
4. 07:07 - Start in the Backlog -> Epics module.
a. Discuss full backlog support and the three tier structure – Epics, Features and User Stories.
b. Discuss that Epics could be portfolio epics imported from PPM.
c. Discuss that features break down into user stories and defects.
d. Select the Advantage Shopping Web epic and Overview tab.
e. Discuss the sample Advantage Online Shopping application.
f. Select the Advantage Shopping Web Epic -> Navigation.
g. Discuss how the Navigation feature would contain the User Stories.
h. Select the Backlog Items tab and show the user stories list.
i. Select a user story and read its description.
j. Create a new User Story (AOS 1.0, Sprint 2, AOS_UI, 3 SP, sa@nga) named:
As a responsive Web user when I click the Speakers from the home page I am taken to the
Speakers category page
k. Discuss how the form can be customized and can use templates.
l. Discuss Story Points and estimated tasks, burnup, burndown, etc.
m. Click Add.
n. Click the Features tab.
o. Discuss WSJF columns and how WSJF is a prioritization model.
p. Select the Board View option.
q. Discuss how customers use the board view as a program Kanban to arrange and move features.
r. Discuss swim lanes and their customizability.
s. Select the Planning tab and open down arrow to show all sprints.
t. Discuss in summary that product backlog is where an agile shop breaks down Epic into Features
into User Stories and prioritizes activities.
u. Discuss how user stories can be dragged/dropped onto a release.
v. Navigate back to the created user story and drag/drop it onto AOS 1.1.5 and team AOS UI,
incrementing that sprint’s and team’s work.
w. Discuss historical data and the Release Forecast widget that can be added to the Dashboard.
If needed, show a static image of the Release Forecast from the ALM Octane Help.
5. 12:05 - Start in the Team Backlog -> Backlog Items module.
a. Discuss team work rates, retrospective and what velocity means.
b. Select the Edit Team option and edit the AOS UI team.
c. Discuss velocity and planning deadlines.
d. Select the Velocity tab.
e. Click the back arrow to return to the Backlog Team module.

Micro Focus

f. Select Sprint 2 and discuss the upper bar statistics and Kanban.
g. Select the Commits graphs to drill down into it.
h. Discuss the importance of tracking down code commits and show the file that changed.
i. Click the back arrow and discuss the team backlog grid view.
j. Select a backlog item and drag/drop it onto a user to show how story points get transferred.
k. Select board view and discuss configurable swim lanes and card time limits.
l. Select the In Testing swim lane and discuss WIP limits and swim lane item limits.
m. Select the Retrospective toggle and discuss what the retrospective is.
n. Deselect the Retrospective toggle.
o. Select grid view.
p. Select the Incomplete Items tab and discuss rolling an item to a new sprint.
q. Select a User Story and right click to select Split User Story and discuss this option.
6. 16:40 - Start in the IntelliJ IDE and AOS source project.
a. Select Settings from IntelliJ and discuss the plugin features.
b. Enter the username and password for Octane’s sa@nga user.
c. Select an assigned user story and select and discuss Start Work.
d. Edit code categoriesCtrl.js file and change Speakers to Audio.
e. Select to commit change and show the tagged commit message and commit and push.
f. Discuss that all commits done this way are flagged and tracked by Octane and nightly builds.
7. 18:05 - Start in Pipelines module in Octane.
a. Discuss the different supported CI systems.
b. Open Jenkins to AOS Web Root Module Pipeline and discuss pipelines.
c. Discuss different phases and how data is pulled back into Octane.
d. Switch back to Octane Pipelines and discuss how pipelines are tracked.
e. Discuss how Commits and Failure Analysis can offer information.
f. Select the Failure Analysis and pen the Test Runs tab.
g. Discuss testSpeakerLabel failure and LeanFT testing.
h. Select CustomBuild report and drill to LeanFT HTML report and discuss the failure breakdown.
i. Switch back to Octane and discuss adding “I’m on it” or directly adding a pre-populated defect.
j. Select Commits from right-side tabs and explain how to drill down from there.
k. Select the pipeline overview and discuss the charts, graphs and dashboards.
l. Discuss the Code Coverage capabilities with JaCoCo and the sunburst diagram.
8. 27:38 - Start in the Quality module in Octane.
a. Discuss that Quality is everywhere in Octane and show the modules having Tests.
b. Discuss Application Modules and what they represent in AOS.
c. Switch to AOS in Browser and show logical categories that correspond to Application Modules.
d. Switch back to Octane.
e. Select User Profile and open it to discuss the different parts.
f. Discuss the value of AM’s and the shift from project management to product management.
g. Select the Tests tab and explain the two types, manual and automated.
h. Discuss Manual tests and show the features and capabilities.

Micro Focus

i. Discuss Gherkin tests and show the features and capabilities including the Feature file.
j. Open a Gherkin test and select to Run it and show setting the Environment.
k. Select Let’s Run and run the test and when finished, change status to Ready for Automation.
l. Switch to IntelliJ and show that the test is not in the Octane plug-in.
m. Discuss how the test is linked to octane and could use Cucumber or SpecFlow to automate it.
9. 39:15 - Start in the Pipelines module in Octane.
a. Select the LeanFT Gherkin pipeline.
b. Discuss the Advantage Online Gherkin Test and drill into the test id.
c. Select the Report tab and discuss the expected versus actual results.
d. Switch back to the Quality Module and Tests tab.
e. Discuss how Octane also support functional tests from UFT.
f. Select the ID link for AOS_UFT_Regression and examine the Report and the different iterations.
g. Switch back to the Quality module and discuss the number of tests and the Testing Tool Types.
h. Search or filter for the AOS_UFT_Test_Suite and discuss how Octane support CI testing
10. 41:27 - Start in the Dashboard module in Octane.
a. Discuss measuring holistic product quality via the dashboard.
b. Discuss the heat map called Quality by Application Module.
c. Select Configure for this heat map and explain changing the criteria.
d. Discuss the current criteria setting for this chart.
e. Select and discuss the Run Status by Application Module chart.
f. Discuss importance of reporting and available and custom widgets.
g. Discuss that reporting can also be done in external tools like OData or Tableau.
h. Discuss and summarize overview of Octane and all that it can do.

Micro Focus

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