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Following are the Options in Access Group:

a) Password
b) Portal
c) Work Group
d) Work Basket
e) Work Pool

2.What is true about section/harnesses?

I chose the below 2 options :-
Sections are included in harnesses.
Sections and Harness need not be of the same class

3.Which tools are used for checking performance?Chose 3


4. Where can u mention html property?


5. What html property would u include for a calendar icon (DateTime-Calander)

6. It is a best practice not to work on locked rulesets in production.(T/F) : True

7. Declare pages are run at the following level? Node/Thread

8. Declare pages cannot be shared across requestors. (T/F) : False

9.In which stage is the Application Profiler used.( Inception)

10. In a assignment assign activity is Worklist and router is workbasket what happens to
assignment ( Flow suspends and control goes to FlowProblems flow)

11. When an integrator shape is selected in the flow, what type of activity is to be referred in it?
a) Utility
b) Activity
c) Trigger
d) Connect
e) Notify

.12. List, 3 PRPC predefined data classes that serve the purpose of work parties
a) Data-Party-Person
b) Data-Party-Operator
c) Data-Party-Group
d) Data-Party-Org

13.Class group should inherit from

a) @baseclass
b) Work-
c) Work- Object-
d) Work- Folder-
e) Work- Cover-

14.An operator enters through A rule LeaveAct belongs to Leave ruleset, is
checked out by the user. The rule is placed in which RuleSet?
a) Leave
c) LeaveAct
d) MyCo

15.Which of the following shapes describe ‘GOTO’

a. Integrator
b. Assignment
c. Ticket
16. Use case are (Choose three)
d. Are atomic, granular
e. Specify one or more actors
f. Can invlolve a change of ownership during processing
g. Do not involve change of ownership for processing
h. Interested
17. For the Node Scope of declarative pages, which of the following will be considered for
loading an activity.
i. Ruleset created for organization
j. Ruleset created for division
k. Specify the access group name in the declare page rule form.

18. Identify the phases of implementation Methodology

l. Development
m. Inception
n. Elaboration- Construction
o. Documentation
19. While choosing activities to trace , what are all displayed during tracing(Choose three)
p. Activities divided into steps
q. Fail Status is noted in Red
r. Fail Status is fixed using fix button
s. Activities are shown with a link to review rule.

20. A unique key for instantiated work object is given in which class form.
t. Work-
u. @baseclass
v. Class group(Not Sure)
21. MyAlert tool used to (Select the best option)
w. Viewing the processes exceeding the threshold limits
x. To set the threshold limits in prconfig.xml file. (Not Sure)

22. Rulesets referenced in ____________ referenced in ________ referenced in _________

Application , AccessGroup, Operator
Access group,Application, operator
Operator,Application, Access group
Application,Production , User pages
23. Which can provide a combined display of buttons and icons

24. How the smartshapes filter the activity type? (like notify,utility)
By specifying the activity type in the security tab of the activity form.

25. Which of the following can be defined in model

a. property reference
b. activity call
c. function call
d. Boolean expression
e. Literal Value

26. Which of the following is true about step pages.(choose 2)

a. Steppages define the default pagecontext during the step execution.

b. Step pages are removed when the activity ended
c. Steppage class is always equal to AppliesTo Key.
d. StepPage is not required on each step of an activity.

27. For loading the activity in the declare page, what should be selected in the security tab
of the activity in the activity rule?
a. Router
b. Connect
c. LoadDeclarativePage
d. Utility

28.Given one diagram

Assignment shape(work list)  flow/sub flow shape (esculate)  flow end shape(end).What
does the esculate mean??
a.Spin Off
b.Split Join
c.Flow/Sub flow
d.Flow start

29. Prefix of work object id.

a. F-
b. W-

30. Choose correct answers related to the concrete classes(choose 3)

a. It must end with dash(-)

b. It is a classgroup.
c. It belongs to the classgroup
d. It doesn’t belongs to the classgroup
e. It must inherit an abstract class
31. Page list should be used in one of the below classes.

.Embed- (Not Sure)

32. What is meant by build for change?

a. Application should be easily adaptable to make inevitable business changes

33. What a Work user can do with the clipboard?

a.Can update properties
b.Change the portal
c.Cannot access the clipboard

34. Which one of the following rules is used to specify the organizations,person,operators
involved in the work object processing?

a. Work Party
b. work group

35. Which of the following is used for creating multiple properties which have a common
“Applies To” class?
a. Quick create form
b. Define properties wizard
c. Application Accelerator.

36. Question related to overriding the html property.(Question is like whether A property has a
html as ‘Default’ ,if the same property is used in the section and the property has html
“CurrencyAmount” .Whether it can be overridden as ‘CurrencyAmount’ or remains as Default
Ans: It gets overridden .Property takes Currency Amount rather than default

37. Validation rule will be referenced in which one of the following rule?
a. flow action
b. section
c. harness

38. Decison shape can be used for which of the following decision rules?
decision table
decision tree
map value

39.What is the use of where am I icon?

Shows the work object’s status
Opens the flow diagram and points out the current assignment

40. If an end user is associated with a particular work pool, the access group should contain
which of the following?
Class group with work classes
A set of application ruleset associated with that work pool

41. Which rules generate the list used in dynamic select control?
Summary view
List view

42. What is the status of the work object specified in the process tab of the flow rule?

43. Tools used for services and connectors

a.Application profile wizard
b.Connector & metadata accelerator
c.Application accelerator
d.Service accelerator
44. Which of the following tools can be used to create one or more properties with a common
Applies To class?
A. Application Explorer
B. Define Properties Wizard
C. Class explorer.
D. Online Properties Wizard

45. Relation between cover & work objects--one to one & one to many

46. When PRPC acts as server, then it is Service

47. Characteristics of Primary page?

48. Decision table can be edited in excel ………T/F

49.What is the best practise regarding Auto-Generated HTML?

50.In Which portal u can see the dashboard where u can see the process of work ?

51.Given an Inheritance Diagram

52.Why Application rules should run atleast once before starting PAL?

53. Given 3 class structure diagrams and asked regarding direct parent ,pattern parent and which
approach does the rule resolution follow when a property is created in parent classes

56. Given an activity with a step having a Step Page as “Test Page “ and Page-New method

In pages and classes this TestPage is refered to a different class .If activity is executed in which
class a new page is created

57. (Question is like this) In order to circumstance a rule ,a “base” version circumstanced rule
should already exist?

58.(Question is like this ) If C is the Covered W.O and T is the Coverd Item .A covered W.O
contains one or more covered items .What is the default locking behavior of T when it is opened

59. Application Accelerator is used in which Stage?

60. Question on Spilt Join If A is the main flow .If B and C are sub flows ,what happen to Flow
A if B completes the flow before flow C

61. Where can we refer When Rule?

62. A Diagram is given where clipboard has pyWorkPage under pyWorkPage pagelist is
given .how to refer a property which is in first embedded page of that pagelist.
Ans: pyWorkPage.pagelist(1).propertyname

63. The portal layout for group of users can be generally controlled from which of the flowing
o Organization
o Division
o Unit
o Access Group 
o Workgroup
64. Declare pages are run at the following level? Node/Thread

65. Which Smart Shape is used to connect External system to PRPC

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