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Draft Basic/Block Pattern and Cutting Pattern

I. Learning Competency with Code

Draft and Cut Pattern for Ladies skirts (TLE_HEDM9-12SK-la-c-1)
1.3.Draft Basic/Block Pattern
1.4.Cut Pattern

II. Background Information for Learners

Drafting Basic/Block Pattern of the Skirt
Patterns are carefully drafted to give accurate results. They serve as valuable
guide in laying, cutting, and assembling the different parts during sewing.

Pattern drafting gives the dressmaker a blueprint of what a garment will look
like. It also serves as a guide for the dressmaker.

Two Kinds of Patterns

1. Foundation Pattern- is a simple pattern which contains the exact body
measurements and reflects no definite style.
2. Style Pattern- shows the style of the garment to be constructed. It contains the
necessary seam allowances that are found in the finished garment.

In drafting the foundation pattern, the following materials should be ready:

1. Pattern paper (positioned on its lengthwise grain)
2. Pencil with eraser
3. Tape measure
4. Ruler
5. Hip Guide
6. Scissors

Drafting the Fundamental

Lines for the Skirt
A. The Skirt Pattern (front and back)
In drafting the skirt (front and
back) pattern, locating the four major
lines will simplify your drafting activities.
1. On your pattern paper, draw a
perpendicular line T. Mark the
midpoint as 1.
2. From 1, measure 1 cm down to get
3. From 1, measure 1½ cm down to
get 3.
4. From 1, measure 18 cm to 25 cm
down to get 4.

5. From 2, apply the front skirt length down tom get 5F
6. From 3, apply the back skirt length down to get 5B.
7. Square 4 and 5B to the left.
8. Square 4 and 5F to the right.

Drafting the Back Skirt Pattern

1. On the basic back skirt pattern, from 1 to 6B, use one-fourth waist measurement
plus 4 cm. Connect 3 to 6B with a broken line.
2. From 4 to 7B, use one-fourth hip measurement plus 1.5 cm.
3. Connect 6B to 7B by using a hip curve.
4. From 5B to 8B, use one-fourth hip
measurement plus 1 cm.
5. Connect 7B to 8B.
6. From 3 to 9B, use one-half bust
point width minus 1.5 cm.
7. From 9B to 10B, measure 4 cm.
8. Get the midpoint of 9B and 10B,
and mark this 11B.
9. From 11B to 12 B, measure 15 cm.
Connect 9B, 10B, and 11B to 12B
to form the waist dart.
10. Fold 9B over 10B. Connect 3 to 6B
with a slight curve.
11. From 6B to 13B, use the back skirt
side length.
12. Connect 5B to 13B with a slight

Back Skirt Pattern

Drafting the Front Skirt Pattern

1. On the basic front skirt pattern, from 1 to 6F, use one-fourth waist
measurement plus 2.5 cm. Connect 6 to 6F with a broken line.
2. From 4 to 7F, use one-fourth hip measurement plus 1.5 cm.
3. Connect 6F to 7F with a slight curve.
4. From 5F to 8F, use one-fourth hip measurement plus 1 cm.

5. Connect 7F to 8F with a straight
6. From 2 to 9F, use one-half bust
point width minus 2 cm.
7. From 9F to 10F, measure 2.5 cm.
8. Get the midpoint of 9F and 10F and
mark this 11F.
9. From 11F to 12F, measure 8cm to
13 cm. Connect 9F, 10F, and 11F
to form the waist dart.
10. Fold 9F over 10F. Connect 2 to 6F
with a slight curve.
11. From 6F to 13F, use the front skirt
side length.
12. Connect 5F and 13F with a slight

Front Skirt Pattern

Pattern for the Waistband

1. A-B Get the waistline measurement and make a line. Mark this A-B.
2. C From B, add 3 inches (8cm.) for closure allowance. Mark this C.
3. D From A, go down 1 and ¼ inches (3cm.) for the thickness of the waistband.
Mark this D. The thickness of the waistband may vary depending on the thickness
4. E From C, go down 1 and1/4 inches (3cm.) for the thickness of the waistband.
Mark this E. Make a line from D to E. The line will eventually be folded.
5. F From D, go down 1 and ¼ inches (3cm.) for the thickness of the waistband.
Mark this F.
6. G From E, go down 1 and ¼ inches (3cm.) for the thickness of the waistband.
Mark this G. Make a line from F to G. Connect all points with a straight line.

Techniques in Cutting Final Pattern

Before cutting out, sort out all the pattern pieces that are required for the item
you are making. Check them to see if any have special cutting instructions. If there
are no more alterations to be made, just trim patterns to your size.

1. Identify which size to be used for different areas of your body. Use a colored pen
and trace the cutting lines.
2. Use a sharp pair of scissors in cutting the pattern. If you slip and make a cut where
you should not have, simply tape it back into place. The important thing is that the
shape is retained and that you can still read the markings. Cut carefully along the
cutting lines.
3. Use long, even stroke about 1 inch from the end of the blades of the shears. If you
close the blades with each stroke, the result cut edge will be choppy and uneven.
4. As you come to the notches (diamond-shaped marks) on the cutting line, cut them
around away from the pattern.
5. Trim multi-size pattern pieces. Single-size pattern pieces do not need to be cut to
shape just cut around them roughly if there is excess tissue.

III. Accompanying DepEd Textbook and Educational Sites

Aida H. Rondilla, et al, Dressmaking, TVL Track: Home Economics Strand Volume II,
Adriana Publishing Co., Inc.,2017, 33-34.

Scribd, Learner’s Material in Dressmaking 10, uploaded by Asher Dave Sumalpong,

accessed May 30, 2021, 85-93.

IV. Activity Proper

Activity 1 - Identification
Directions: Identify the following tools used in drafting pattern.

1. ____________________ 2. ____________________

3. ____________________ 4. ____________________

5. ____________________

Activity 2 – Drafting and Cutting a Pattern. You will be graded based on the given
Rubrics below.

Direction: Draft the basic pattern by following the given body measurement. Observe
the step-by-step procedure.

Materials to be used: Body Measurement:

1. pattern paper Waistline: 25 inches
2. pencil Hip: 35 inches
3. Tape measure Skirt Length: 20 inches
4. L-square/ ruler 12”
5. Hip Curve

Draft the following foundation patterns:

a. Front skirt
b. Back skirt

Rubrics in Drafting the Front and Back of Basic Skirt Pattern.

5 3 1
1. Use of Tools were Lack of one tool, Lack of two or more
Tools complete, some were tools, some were
appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and not
correctly used. correctly used. correctly used.

2. Procedure Used the correct Used the correct Failed to use the
method. method. correct method.
Procedures Procedures Procedures not
correctly partly followed. followed.
3. Pattern All pattern Some pattern All pattern details
details were details were were not drafted
correctly inaccurately correctly and
measured and drafted. accurately.
4. Speed Finished the Finished the Finished the pattern
pattern ahead of pattern on time. more than the
time. allotted time.

Guide Question:

1. Why is it necessary to draft the pattern carefully?


V. Reflection

1. I have learned that _________________________________________________


2. In this lesson what I liked most is the ___________________________________


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