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Procedure for

checking urine
protein with 20%
sulfosalicil acid

RISA SAPIYANTI:(2320221020)
A. urine
Urine is the remaining liquid
from the results of metabolism
in the body which is formed in
the kidneys through 3 (three)
processes, namely filtration by
the glomerulus, reabsorption
and secretion by the tubules.
Urine is the result of glomerular
filtration and is accompanied by
a certain amount of water
excreted by the body
definition of
urine protein

Protein urine is defined as the

presence of protein in human urine
that exceeds the normal value,
which is more than 150 mg/day.
Usually, proteinuria is said to be
pathological if the level exceeds
200 mg/day on several
examinations at different times.
urine metabolism
The walls of blood vessels and surrounding
tissue structures play an important role as a
barrier to the passage of macromolecules such
as globulin and albumin. This occurs because of
the role of endothelial cells in the capillaries,
the basement membrane of the glomerulus and
the visceral epithelium.
This is due to heparan sulfate proteoglycans
which are present in the glomerular capillary
walls causing a negative inhibitory effect on
macromolecules such as albumin.
urine protein test

Examination of protein is a
routine examination. Most
routine ways to determine
the presence of protein in the
urine are based on the
appearance of turbidity.
The principle of the sulfosalicil acid
examination is the presence of protein in
the urine can be expressed by the addition
of sulfosalicil acid to get closer to the
isoelectric point of the protein, where the
turbidity that arises is assessed
semiquantitatively. The test with sulfosalicil
acid is very sensitive ie the presence of
protein in a concentration of 0.002 % can
be detected by this test. If the results of this
test are negative, there is no need to think
about the possibility of proteinuria
Procedure for checking
urine protein with 20%
sulfosalicil acid:

1. Tools:
a. Test tube.
b. Spiritus.
c. Tube clamp.
2. Material: g. If tubes 1 and 2 are the same,
a.Sulfosalicil acid 20%. the protein in the urine is
b. Urine negative.
3. How it Works:
h. If turbidity appears in tube
a. Prepare 2 reaction tubes.
2, it is stated that protein in
b. Fill tube 1 with 2 ml of urine.
the urine is positive.
c. Fill tube 2 with 2 ml of urin and
add 8 drops of sulfosalicil acid.
d. Shake and heat over the flame
until it boils.
e. Cool 1-3 minutes.
f. Observe by comparing to tube 1.
4. How to evaluate:
a. Negative (-): no turbidity at all
b. Positive there is light turbidity with no grains in the Turbidity
c. Positive 2+: turbidity can easily be seen and visible grains in the
d. Positive 3+: the urine is clearly cloudy and the turbidity is in pieces
e. Positive 4+: very cloudy urine with large pieces of turbidity, clots
and solidify.

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