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Lesson 3


Nervous system serving as the activator of the body system, the nervous system thus
the brain and all the nerve tissues, receives, evaluates, integrates and stores any
stimulus brought to the body from the environment; and at the same rate the system
sends out messages to the various part and organs for a specific response; Panganiban

Nervous system operates in the body, one of the examples of this simple lay-out of the
chain reaction process. A stimulus is given by way of pricking a needle into the finger
the brain serving as the highest headquarter for the system, is now activates and thus,
awakened; in pricking it start with finger, such stimulus are immediately received by the
receptor, and this receptor CALLED as the human sense in which converts into
energy in order to receive and transmit to the so called effector's, Calang (2000).

Nervous System

(Internet Photo)

Activator of the body mechanism

The BRAIN: as Chief of Staff

The Nervous/ Neurological System

The Nervous/ Neurological System

Central Nervous System (CNS)


Spinal Cord

Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

Somatic Nervous System

Autonomic Nervous System

Sympathetic ANS

Parasympathetic ANS

Central Nervous System (CNS) Brain










(ppt File Academy)

Central Nervous System (CNS)Brain

Thinks -is responsible for your memory, intelligence, your thoughts

 Controls your autonomic functions - heart rate, breathing, homeostasis
 Controls your immune system - protects you from viruses
 Receives information- within a fraction of a second, too minuscule to measure
 Acts on the external universe - allows you to cry, walk, play a musical instrument
 Utilizes language - one of your most advanced functions
 Possesses emotions- creates your affective universe

Central Nervous System (CNS) Brain

Physiological Effector Mechanism / Autonomic Nervous System

The autonomic nervous system is the main effector mechanism which the
polygraph are concerned. The autonomic nervous system is the one responsible for
regulating mechanism that corrects the slightest deviation from a particular standard
within very fine limits.

Sleeps oxygenation of the blood temperature levels of potassium, sodium,

calcium, magnesium and all the essentials chemicals substances that maintain the
activity of all cells membrane are finely adjusted. And this is found at the center of the
brain and its central control in the "hypothalamus" as a group of the nerve cells of the
brains that controls the entire endocrine hormonal system. All Involuntary reflexes those
that we cannot control consciously such as the heartbeat, pulse rate, increase and of
the blood pressure and the expansion and constriction of arteries of arteries are
governed by the autonomic nervous system.

(Encarta Photo)

When one of the senses of the human detects a threat to our well-being it will
sends a message or give a signal to the autonomic nervous system in which activates
its sympathetic divisions regardless whether the threat are physical or psychological.
In polygraph examination the receptor is the ear of the subject, which receives
the threatening question or known as the stimulus from the polygraphist. The stimulus
transmitted from the ears via sensory neurons into the brain on where the hypothalamus
analyze, evaluates, and resolves the particular question it will makes a decision for the
subject as to whether the stimulus is a threatening or not a threatening situation Calang

Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

Autonomic Nervous System - Sympathetic Three Foundation of the Polygraph



 You perceive the sensory stimulus.
 The gland two hormones: epinephrine and nor-epinephrine.
 They activate the sympathetic nervous system.
 That produces a state of arousal or alertness that the body with the energy
to act (the pupils dilate, the heart beats faster, and breathing speeds up).

Base on the instructional module of Calang Veronica (2000), the polygraph techniques
has a three foundation or three legal basis as to wit:

a. Mechanical legal basis- The polygraph instrument is a mechanically capable

of making records containing reliable information regarding physiological
b. Physiological Legal Basis- Among the physiological basis that maybe
recorded and identified are those that automatically occur only on the
stimulation of an specific nervous system component and from with
stimulation of the nervous system components can be a reliably diagnosed.
c. Psychological Legal Basis- Under the polygraph legal premise, the specific
components whose stimulation nervous can system thus, be diagnosed are
so stimulated by the involuntary mental and emotional processes of the
individual who is consciously attempting concealment of deception specially
when an individual has something at stake and the prevailing circumstances
lead him to believe that exposure to detection is a quite possible although
Theory of Polygraph Examination

The conscious mental effort of a mentally normal person to lie causes

physiological changes within his body that could be recorded by the polygraph
instrument and diagnose or evaluated by the polygraph examiner.



The principle of operation of a polygraph is based on the matter that when the
person lies he makes violence over own mentality since yourself you will not deceive. At
the person at the moment of lie subconsciously and irrespective of its will, desire and
efforts physiological reactions of an organism which he cannot constrain and supervise
sharply amplify, the person therefore wants it or not, and reactions of its organism give
out the truthful information about him. irrespective of its will and desire. Thus the person
can keep an invariable look, seem easy, is direct look in the face, smile, laugh, assert,
that he speaks the truth and not to give a sign in any way that he lies, but to constrain
activity of the brain and physiological reactions of an organism it not in a condition,
because they are not under control. Reactions appear even after reception of super
strong doses of soothing preparations, in a condition of a dream, hypnosis and a
posthypnotic amnesia when the interrogated does not experience any excitement or
fear. The impossibility meaningly to supervise and operate reactions occurring in an
organism, their close interrelation with the actual information stored in memory, has
made a method of interrogations with polygraph use scientifically proved, recognized in
many countries of the world, very reliable and effective way of revealing at the person
information probably hidden by him. When polygraph sets the device accurately fixes all
changes of physiological parameters occurring in a human body at its answers, and on
the basis of the received reactions to them, the conclusion is made on what questions
the interrogated has lain.

Preliminary Preparation

In order to conduct satisfactory polygraph examination, it is necessary for the examiner

to obtain first accurate information regarding all the available facts and circumstances
that will be a basis of suspicion or accusation directed against the person to be
examined. When all other possible person available for interview, Whenever the several
investigators the examiner may obtain only garbled version of facts of the case. One
information that must be obtained by the examiner is the investigative report of the
investigator who handles the case of the subject prior to the test.

One of the important things to be observed in any investigation or interrogation the law
enforcement officer should follow the basic procedure; in polygraph examination the
examiner should observe the following before he/she conducts the test:

 Appraisal of the basic constitutional right of the person

 Obtains subject consent to undergo polygraph test.
 Taking of personal data of the subject Evaluating the psychological preparations
 Determine the suitability of the subject of the subject prior to the test and
 Inform the subject of his involvement with the case

(Instructional Module on polygraph PCCr, 1996)

Preparation of the subject prior to the test

 One of the important things to be observed in any investigation or interrogation

the law enforcement officer should follow the basic procedure, in polygraph
examination the examiner should observe the following before he/she conducts
the test.
 The appraisal of the basic constitutional right of the person.
 Obtains subject consent to undergo polygraph test.
 Taking of personal data of the subject.
 Evaluating the psychological preparations.
 Determine the suitability of the subject and
 Informing the subject of his involvement with the case.
 Is instructed to sit down properly;
 listens carefully to all the questions asked;
 answers all the questions truthfully;
 must answer all the questions definitely with either "YES" or "NO"
(Internet Photo)

(Internet Photo)

Figure 8 shows the actual appraisal of the

constitutional rights

The ideal Polygraph Examination Room

In the conduct of polygraph test it must be free from any distraction, the
polygraph room must be:

 The room must be spacious for two persons

 The room must be well ventilated
 The room must be will lighted
 Not be decorated
 The room must be 90 percent soundproof and
 The room should be equipped with a one-way mirror.
 Condition of the Subject before the Polygraph Test

It is to determine first the physical condition of the subject before he/she undergo
the examination the polygraph examiner must observe the following:

 Subject must have a good night sleep prior to the test

 Subject must refrain from smoking at least two hours prior to the test
 The subject must not be interrogated for a prolonged period of time prior to the
 Subject must not be physically and mentally torture prior to the test
 The subject must not be suffering from any temporary illnesses prior to the test
 The subject must not be hungry.
 Limitations of Polygraph Instrument

It is not new to everybody that all the things in this world either life or a thing has its
limitation and the polygraph is not exempted on the said sayings. The imitations of the
polygraph are:

 It is a Valuable investigative aid but never substitute for any investigation

 It is not a lie detector, it is a scientific diagnostic instrument
 It does not determine facts, it only records responses to which subject knows to
be true and
 It is only accurate if the examiner is competent (PCCr 1996).

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