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Survey Questionnaire

Problem Encountered by Barangay Sarmiento Tricycle Operators Regarding the

Operation of Colorum
Dear Respondent:
The Third Year Criminology students of Illana Bay Integrated Computer College,
Inc. would like to request your support and cooperation by answering the questionnaire
honestly. The researchers will assure that your responses will be treated confidentially.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Part I. Demographic Profile of the Respondent.
Directions: Please put a check ✓or provide information in the following questions.
1. Age [ ] 18-25 years old [ ] 36-40 years old
[ ] 26-30 years old [ ] 41-45 years old
[ ] 31-35 years old [ ] 46 and above
2. Civil Status [ ] Single [ ] Married [ ] Widow [ ] Separated
3. Years in Service __________________
Part II. Problem encountered on the Operation of Tricycle Colorums by the
Direction: Please put a check ✓ to the appropriate box to indicate your perception on
the questions above. Choose your answer in the scales below.
5- Always 3- Sometimes 1- Never
4- Often 2- Rarely
Statements Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
1. Fewer passengers
due to more
2. The colorum
tricycles earn more
than the registered
tricycle operators.
3. Shortage of
passengers and
oversupply of
tricycle operators.
4. Heavy flow of traffic
due number of
5. Forced to find
another job because
of the number of
operating in the
same area.
6. Poor control
measure against
colorum vehicles.
7. Colorum vehicles
are more patronized
by commuters due
to alternate routes
they know to avoid
heavy traffic.
8. Prone to a road
accident due to
traffic congestion
(with number of
colorum vehicles).
9. Vying for a space in
the road with
colorum tricycle
10. Overcrowding of
waiting sheds due to
the increase in
colorum drivers.
Part III. Strategies Applied on the Operation of Tricycle Colorums by the
Direction: Please put a check ✓ to the appropriate box to indicate your perception on
the questions above. Choose your answer in the scales below.
4- Highly Effective 2- Less Effective
3- Effective 1- Least Effective
Strategies Applied Highly Effective Less Least
Effective (3) Effective Effective
(4) (2) (1)
1. Inform the
passengers about the
risk of riding a
colorum motorcycle
instead of franchised
2. Drive/operate earlier
to than usual to get
more passengers.
3. Operate/drive in a
place with a little
motorcycle driver to
secure the
passengers alone.
4. Report the colorum
tricycles to the
(LTO/TMU), to
prohibit them from
5. Ask the authorities
(LTO/TMU) to
monitor the private
and public roads
where colorrum
motorcycles possibly
6. Eliminate colorum
tricycle operators by
giving them warning
that they will be
reported to the
7. Implement an
orientation together
with the LTO/TMU
about the illegal
operation of colorum
8. Ask the LTO/TMU to
enforce the existing
traffic laws against
colorum vehicles.
9. Ask the LTO/TMU to
monitor the public
and private roads
and prohibit the
colorum tricycles to
10. Provide clear
signage to define
specific areas, and
routes that can only
be operated by

Thank you and Godbless !

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