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Could ChatGPT and other AI Chatbots replace human jobs | DW Business Special

1- List the main ideas presented in the video (Each point in the form of one sentence).
2- Summarize the sixth chapter of the video (5:38-8:16) in not more than 250 words
[1]-The potential for Al to take over positions in documentation.
-Adverse effects of business intelligence
and chatbots on Google's search engines,
Al is demonstrating to be a speedy alternative by giving a succinct response, as opposed to
the time-consuming process of Google site search.
-The veracity of the information these chatbots deliver is in doubt. It will be difficult
to overcrowd the internet with false information since it will obscure reliable facts.
Users of these Chatbots may be put in danger as a result of potential misuse and theft of
personal data because their
confidentiality may be disregarded.
[2] An Al specialist emphasizes how fantastic
ChatBotGPT and similar Al technologies may be to use and how users can gain knowledge and
experience from them, but then goes on to discuss the drawbacks of these technologies and
their dangers.
Burchardt challenges the effectiveness of chatbots in corporate settings when dealing with
sensitive material like confidential data because these AI models are unfamiliar with it
because their primary focus is on “factual” data rather information that is relevant to
business settings.
Burchardt continues by stating that a quality control task is required because the knowledge
produced by Al may
be dubious or even dangerous.
The veracity of these data has generated a significant deal of worry. The information we see
on the internet in modern times is offered exclusively.

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