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WORLD History Mr.

Kassube Room #5

Mr. Kassube’s World History – Early River Valley Civilizations: Mesopotamia

Directions: Using information from our class discussion, the video and Ancient World History Textbook
(pages 29 -34) answer the following questions using a complete sentence about ancient Mesopotamia. How
the fertile land of Mesopotamia and the knowledge to cultivate it was a fortuitous recipe for wealth and
civilization. Today, we learn how this "land between two rivers" became the birthplace of the world's first
cities, advancements in math and science, and the earliest evidence of literacy and a legal system.

1. What are some characteristics of a civilization and where is the first civilization found?

2. Mesopotamia is referred to by many as the Fertile Crescent. Explain why scholars call it this

3. Mesopotamia is a small strip of land situated between what two rivers? Explain the importance
these rivers had on the land

4. What factors led to and allowed for Mesopotamia to become the ideal place for agriculture to
develop and thrive, as well as civilizations

5. Mesopotamia flourished for about 12,000 years and allowed for the world’s first cities to
develop. Despite all the factors that led to its success, there were also some drawbacks. Create a
chart that identifies the Environmental Problems and the Solutions used to fix them

6. The earliest cities found, originated in an area of Mesopotamia known as Sumer. The Sumerians
were a group of people who lived there, with their governments controlled by temple priests.
As time passed, the power of the priests changed in Sumer. Who eventually replaced priests as
the ruler of governments and how was this power passed down (within a single family)?
WORLD History Mr. Kassube Room #5

7. The Sumerians were polytheistic. What does this mean and why would polytheism be common
to people who lived during this time

8. With the birth of civilizations came the beginning of what we call social classes. Explain what
social classes are, then create an illustration of a pyramid (caste system) that depicts the social
classes of Sumerian society. Make sure to label each level. This question is worth 4 pts

9. The Sumerians are thought to be responsible for many key inventions we take for granted
today. List some of those inventions, and select ONE you feel is the most important and explain

10. For nearly 1000 years, the city-states of Sumer were constantly at war with one another. This
led to the creation of the world’s first empire, under Sargon of Akkad. Explain what an empire is
and if this is still found today

11. Around 2,000 BCE, a nomadic tribe called the Amorites invaded Mesopotamia and established
their capital along the Euphrates River, naming it Babylon. The Babylonian Empire experienced
its greatest period of success under the reign of Hammurabi (pictured at the top of this sheet).
Hammurabi’s greatest achievement was his code of laws. Select ONE of these laws, explain what
it says and why might the punishments for the crimes be based on social class?

12. In regard to the Code of Hammurabi, briefly explain the importance of these laws and how did
they advance civilization?

13. The land in which makes up modern-day Mesopotamia includes what three countries? Explain if
these countries offer the same things today, that they did over six thousand years ago

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