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World History Mr.

Kassube Room #5

World History – Plague and War: The Middle Ages End

Life in Medieval Europe (during the 1300s) was filled with disasters, both natural and human-made. The
church seemed to be thriving but soon would face a huge division. A deadly epidemic claimed millions of
lives. So many people died in the epidemic that the structure of the economy changed. Claims to thrones
in France and England led to wars in those lands and eventually a change in their governments. By the
end of the century, the medieval way of life was beginning to disappear.
Directions: Using the information provided in class, from the video and information from the textbook,
answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper

1. What is an epidemic? How is this different or similar to pandemic?

2. Was the Bubonic Plague an epidemic or pandemic? Are there similarities or differences to Covid
19? Explain

3. A constant struggle for power between the pope and kings existed during the Middle Ages. Pope
Boniface VIII was the last to force a monarch to obey him when he enforced papal authority.
Explain in your own words what happened between the pope and King Philip IV of France

4. What was the Great Schism and explain what happened as a result of it

5. Summarize the main ideas of John Wycliffe

6. Who was Jan Hus and what role does he play in history? What was he accused of?

7. Where did the Bubonic Plague occur and during what time period?

8. Did the Bubonic Plague pull communities and people together or separate them? Explain

9. What was the nickname for the Bubonic Plague and how did it achieve this (nickname)?

10. How did the Bubonic plague spread?

11. What were some of the symptoms associated with the Bubonic Plague?
World History Mr. Kassube Room #5

12. Looking at the chart on page 400, how many people died from the Bubonic Plague? Which
country or continent was impacted the most?

13. What are some consequences the Bubonic Plague had on Europe and its people?

14. What impact did the Hundred Years’ War have on Europe and its people?

15. The Hundred Years’ War was fought between who and over what? Who won?

16. The time known as the Middle Ages in Europe is often referred to by other names, such as
Medieval Times, Dark Ages and even The Age of Faith. The Hundred Years’ War unofficially
marks the end of these time periods. There are 3 key things that led to The Age of Faith ending
during the mid-1400s. Create an illustration for each reason, accompanied by a brief description
for each. This question is worth 3 points

17. Looking back at the previous question, which reason do you feel had the biggest impact on
ending The Age of Faith? Explain why

18. The image below comes from a European artist in 1493. Based on your knowledge of the Middle
Ages, explain what you think the artist is trying to express in this image. Support your response

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