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WORLD History Mr.

Kassube Room #5

Mr. Kassube’s World History – Early River Valley Civilizations: Egypt

Directions: Using information from class discussion, video and Ancient World History Textbook
(pages 35 - 41) answer the following questions using a complete sentence about Ancient Egypt, which
grew along the banks of the Nile River. Early on, Egypt was united into a single kingdom, which allowed
it to enjoy a high degree of unity, stability and cultural continuity over a period of 3,000 years.

1. What significance did the Nile River play in ancient Egypt?

2. Long before it was an empire, ancient Egypt was a series of small independent city-states that
developed along the Nile River. The city-states were divided into two regions known as what?

3. Egyptian history is often divided into three major periods. What were these THREE periods
(place in chronological order) known as? AND provide a few facts for each time period

4. There were TWO periods of instability in ancient Egypt. What were they called and when did
they occur?

5. In Mesopotamia, kings were considered to be representatives of the gods. To the Egyptians,

kings were gods. The Egyptian god-kings were called _____________________ and this term
means what?

6. The Pharaoh stood at the center of Egypt’s religion as well as its government and army.
Egyptians believed the Pharaoh caused the sun to rise and the Nile River to flood, and crops to
grow. The type of government in which rule is based on religious authority is known as what?

7. During the time period of the Old Kingdom, immense structures called pyramids were built.
What was the purpose of pyramids?
WORLD History Mr. Kassube Room #5

8. The ancient pyramids are still a modern marvel. How did a civilization construct magnificent
engineering monuments without the use of the wheel. What did the creation of the pyramids
signify to the rest of the world (both in the past and today)?

9. Much like the Sumerians, religion played a large role in the lives of Egyptians. Explain what these
people were (monotheistic or polytheistic) and who did they worship (name of a god or gods)?

10. We know that the Sumerians buried their dead and usually with items of value. This tells us that
they believed in a version of an afterlife. What about the Egyptians? Explain what they believed
in regarding death, burial and the afterlife.

11. Explain the name and purpose of the 4 jars on the front of this sheet

12. Draw a pyramid that explains the social class system found in ancient Egypt (make sure to label
each level)

13. What dictated a persons positioning in the social class system? Could it change? If so, how?

14. What role (if any) did women serve in ancient Egypt? How were they treated?

15. Although Egypt depended on the Nile, it was surrounded by the desert. How and why do you
think being surrounded by massive amounts of sand benefited the Egyptians?

16. Explain what hieroglyphics are and the importance they played in Egyptian society

17. Much like the Sumerians of Mesopotamia, ancient Egypt had numerous achievements. List some
of their main achievements and select ONE you feel is the most significant (explain why)

18. What happened to Egypt’s Old Kingdom? And who (if anyone) was responsible for their future?

19. Explain who is depicted (in the picture on the front side) with the body of a human and head of
an animal. What are they holding and also explain its significance

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