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To our esteemed Public Schools District Supervisor Dr. Melinda R.

Camacho, to our respected Head

Teacher/Officer in Charge Mam Dorren M. Villanueva, to our dear teachers, beloved parents, guests and fellow
completers. Good afternoon to all of you.

Today, our hearts are overwhelming with joy and satisfaction. Today, we have achieved another
significant milestone in our lives - our moving up day. While I am grateful for this moment, it also brings a
sense of sadness as it means saying goodbye to friends who have inspired me and teachers who have been
my mentors. These individuals, along with many others, have had a profound and lasting impact on my life, as
well as the lives of my fellow students. Our time in junior high school has been filled with unexpected twists and
turns, much like a roller coaster ride. We have shared laughter, tears, and unwavering support through thick
and thin. Together, we have learned, grown, and transformed into the individuals we are today.

This moment may mean farewell to some us. As some of us will leave CNHS and pursue their career
paths in other Schools. However, to our classmates who will stay and search further learning in our beloved
Alma Mater, CNHS, this moment may mean a continuation of the usual heart to heart chats, small fights, food
trips and many more of the usual things that bind us together.

But no matter where we are heading, we know that we are strong, for we are K to 12 Learners:
Molded through a Resilient Educational Foundation. We have faced innumerable challenges and
surpassed all of them because we possess the immovable will to succeed. In the face of stormy days, we may
have contemplated giving up, but our aspirations were greater than our challenges . The good thing is, we are lucky
to have our friends, teachers, our parents and our God almighty right behind us.

So, let me take this opportunity to express the warmest words of gratitude to these people who fought
alongside us in this never-ending struggle we called life. For without all of you, we have accomplished nothing.

To my incredible classmates, throughout our time together, you have gifted us with countless treasure-
worthy experiences that will forever remain etched in our memories. We have faced numerous uphill battles as
a team, conquering them with unwavering determination and a collective spirit. Each and every one of you has
consistently exerted tremendous efforts for the betterment of our class, showcasing your dedication and
commitment towards our shared goals. Amidst all the hard work and academic pressure, we have always
managed to find moments of joy and merriment. Our classroom has been a place of laughter, friendship, and

Thank you, my dear classmates, for being an integral part of my educational journey and for creating an
environment that has been both enriching and enjoyable. I will forever cherish these precious memories we
had and will always have a special place in my heart.

To our exceptional teachers and advisers who serve as constant sources of knowledge and inspiration
for all of us, thank you for your unwavering commitment to integrity in everything you do. I am grateful for your
extraordinary dedication in ensuring that our Junior High School life would provide us the kind of learning
experience that will forever benefit us. You go above and beyond your designated working hours to
meticulously perform your teaching duties and even non-teaching duties sometimes. You have bestowed upon
us the value of believing ourselves during moments of self-doubt. You have consistently believed in our abilities
and have encouraged us to always strive for greatness. Your unwavering support has played a pivotal role in
shaping our educational journey. I am privileged to have had the opportunity to learn from such exceptional
individuals, and I am certain that your guidance will continue to shape our path long after this moving-up
ceremony. Your commitment to fostering a love for learning has left an indelible mark on my life, and I will
forever be grateful for your tireless efforts. For all of that, I am eternally grateful to you, my dear teachers.

To my dear parents, Estelito and Alma Total, you are kind decent unfailingly generous people. You are
my twin pillars. Without you, I could not stand.

Any expression of gratitude would not even equal all the support you have given me throughout this
incredible journey. From the very beginning, you have been my greatest supporters, standing by my side
through thick and thin. Your love, guidance, and unwavering belief in me have been the driving force behind
each and every little success I made. Your unwavering presence and constant encouragement have meant
the world to me. I am truly blessed to have such amazing parents like you.

To all our dear parents, your untiring support has given us the strength and confidence to keep pushing
forward. Words cannot express how grateful we are for everything you have done for us, your children. Your
love and encouragement have been a constant source of inspiration to us, motivating us to reach new heights
and pursue our dreams with passion and determination. Your love and support mean the world to us. Indeed,
we are truly blessed to have you in our lives. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.

Above all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to our God Almighty, for His eternal guidance
and support throughout this journey. It is through His divine intervention that I have been able to surpass every
challenge, both personal and school-related that came along the way. It is through Your divine intervention that
I am here, we are here, to celebrate this occasion. You Lord is the only epitome of love. And so I thank you for
blessing me with the kindest and most loving people around.

Once again, my warmest gratitude to all of you. Thank you very much and congratulations everyone!

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