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hi welcome back to Impossible next up I

have Gemini as well my possible Gemini

is that you know that this is going to

be your weekly motivation where I give

you your Oracle messages guys okay uh

I'm gonna be uploading a new Gemini

video possibly by tomorrow

um yes so let's see what comes out for

you today the time now is 2 2 42 which

is eight so you may be seeing a lot of

twos a lot of fours okay

but eight is unfinished business

infinite abundance manifestation but

let's see what Angel come out for you

guys okay let's see what this week's

Oracle messages is

25 some guys maybe 25 52 7. okay so you

embarking on a New Journey your Warrior

okay you leaving the chaos behind okay

you've been through hell and back all

right but now it's a New Journey all

right ahead some of you guys may be

security guards military

um the law some type of law enforcement

Secret Service bodyguards all right so

many guys may have Rising Moon Venus or

the North Node and Pisces but Pisces is

all about uh being Elusive and following

your intuitions okay but getting down to

the bottom of the truth as well you're


okay yes but hadrio guardian of the

gates of the East Wind awakens love

so somebody love is Awakening for you

but loving yourself okay Enlightenment

yes aha moments brings Joy so again

leaving the chaos behind and and doing

what you love

finding Joy again within you okay yes

identifies fears so it's like

how can I say when identifies fears is

like what are you scared of are you

scared of the camera are you scared of

this are you scared of what people say

about you so it's like you identifying

your fear and facing your fears that's

what you're doing you're facing your

fears listen attentively so listen to

more than speaking okay I will help you

awaken the the three Ascension attitudes

within you love gratitude and surrender

so you're surrendering at this time you

love yourself and you know you're

showing gratitude for what you have life

the most important thing Life Health

food right Carnelian summer and hold the


okay so hold the line but you're not

holding the line for anyone

okay you're on the go you're on the move

all right

let me get your affirmation

I love support and I believe in myself

you see it's all about you I love

support and I believe in myself so if

nobody believes you you believe in

yourself this is all about your

Independence okay and leaving people

behind if they're not on the team

they're just not on the team it's not

working out guys I'm sorry and you're

not even saying that you're just cutting

ties and doing your own thing okay hey I

love supporting but I believe in myself

when nobody else does right that's

that's the that's the right attitude


I got this can't save so some of you

guys may um have a piggy bank or a money

jar okay but this is all about saving up

money right panties nickels dimes

quarters all right

but can't save so let's let's see what

it says it says let go of the need to

spend okay so be careful with spending

money Geminis put change in a jar each

day it says I save money and it grows

I save money and it grows I save money

and it grows yes

I do that I have a piggy bank and I and

I any spare change I put it right in



politicians some of you guys may be

politicians um work for the government

okay yes somewhere in the government but

it says politician these are your gifts

some guys are public speakers or Google

public speakers or in the public eye but

identifies fears so what are you scared

of okay but it says gifts desire to work

for a greater cause so you could desire

to work for a greater cause you don't

really give a damn what you say or what

people think about you right education

both for Learning and teaching Gemini's

are you know for how you're learning

Geminis are like one of the most

intelligent people okay so some guys are

students going back to school

researching you know yes doing your

homework but you know some of you guys

are professors teachers but education

both for Learning and teaching so you

you School others you're very

knowledgeable so what you learn in life

you School others and it says

integrity and honesty you're very honest

with oneself okay Integrity yes all

right but it's like

it's like you don't really give a damn

what anybody says that's how honest you

are all right but challenges fear of


okay so these are your challenges fear

of rejection

uh you know what rejection is protection

people pleasing behaviors

okay well you can't please everyone

right and argumentative well I agree

with that right you know I could be

argumentative but instead of your ground

with people okay yes

that's it we call it a debate not really

an argument but a debate right but

argumentative standing around with

people but now it's leaving that chaos

behind you don't have time to be arguing

with people you don't have time for he

said she said you don't have time for

any of that crap okay but listen you

learned that one person can influence

the lives of money

yes so

it's something that you're doing or that

you're gonna do that you're gonna

influence the lives of money whether

it's music social media politics

whatever you do you're going to

influence the lives of money words are

very powerful okay

and knowledge and wisdom all right


trustworthy guidance so Spirit wants you

to trust them they're guiding you some

of you guys are writers out there

writing your own books okay again


speak different languages with some of

you guys but you're being divinely

guided okay your ancestors are watching

over you at this time some of you guys

are painters work in a museum of some

sort okay love antique things love

history but trustworthy guidance you've

received a wonderful idea as an answer

to your prayers

this idea is real and trustworthy you

can safely move forward with it knowing

that we are with you every step of the

way ask for and be open to receiving our

support for anything that you need

related to this idea

okay so whatever idea spirit is saying

you know pray on it and ask for more

guidance okay but they have your back

just go for it all right


it says hold lightly you see hold

lightly so we hold lightly you know that

everyone that comes into your life is

for a reason or season right but it's

not holding on to people or you know

things that is out of your control

everybody has their own personal life

and journey you know this

so even with relationships you know if

it's not working out or you have to let

that good person go with love

so hold lightly even your children going

away to school or whatever the case may

be or you know somebody passing away

that you love but you know that you know


Everybody Must Go someday so as you

um acknowledging that and and knowing

that okay I take the things and people

that come into my life lightly not

holding on too tight so that when it

comes time for them to go they may go

smoothly this does not mean I love any

less or not value but that I am open to

the changes of life exactly because you

are evolving okay into a better version

of yourself so if you're not drinking

and smoking and they still drinking and

smoking in 3D and you're vibing on a 5D

hey guys

I I don't do that anymore you know I

don't drink I don't smoke I'm on a

different level that's it


birds of a feather flock together right

you don't want to be a part of that

because all they're going to do is set

you back

okay even family

all right

eight okay so you may be seeing a lot of

eights eight eight but again we started

off with eight

all right so abundance is coming guys an

unexpected gift from the universe is on

the way you are being rewarded for your

good deeds of the past

what I said okay so your blessings are

coming in guys

7 25.

all right

your hard work is gonna pay off guys but

save that money

hearts love and relationships I do see a

new love coming for you guys but this is

loving yourself uh working on your heart

chakra healing okay and

um again hold lightly send people away

with love

okay yes but do it what you love

doing what you love and build in

healthier relationships for yourself and

Partnerships okay yes

but working on your heart chakra


and no

so spirit is saying no some of you guys

are not Ready For Love or to open up at

this time some of you guys feel you're

not ready your projects are not ready

or but you're just still under

development at this time okay but if

anything comes

again like in terms of love it's not

working out or a job don't be afraid to

say no

okay spirit said don't be afraid to say


okay but everything is happening in

Divine timing so whatever you're waiting

for uh spirit is saying no this is not

the right time you're still under

development but don't be afraid to say

no to people as well okay


all right so let's get into your energy

really quick

Temperance Spirit wants you to take your

time with everything right now working

on your heart chakra trying to balance

yourself out

okay trying to do everything in


all right but this is all about


and spiritually grounding yourself and

getting your spiritual food

okay because you're evolving

all right Sagittarius

but doing things in moderation and stay


again if it doesn't feel right it's not

right say no

okay six of cups in reverse

with the six of cups in Reverse some of

you guys are stuck in the past okay this

could be kids as well

all right Spirit wants you to release

the past

uh childhood trauma what other people

did to you

friends backstabbing you


this is also about your Independence

okay releasing what no longer serves you

these karmic friends karmic family

release it the past Spirit wants you to

release it

yeah nine of Cups because of which

fulfillment of yours of yours is coming

some of you guys are quitting drinking

and smoking or you know bad habits

codependent but with the nine of Cups

here I do see material success and your

blessings are definitely coming in okay


yeah Spirit wants you to gain A New

Perspective at this time don't make any

hasty decision but right now you're

still under Spiritual Development okay

what else but this is all about release

of the past queen of wise in Reverse you

may have who you may have somebody

jealous that every is around you okay

pushy demanding and I do see an argument

taking place here

yes an end of a friendship here all

right choose being revealed about a


okay no this is not the person for you

so that's why you have to work on your

heart chakra all right but there's some

type of insecurities and somebody that's

vengeful around you at this time be

careful my Geminis

yeah because they're they're they're

jealous of your success you're going to

be very successful which is coming true

for you what you did in the past is

coming back around but this is all about

healing as well

okay but I do see you got into an

argument with somebody here

all right this may be a areas of

Sagittarius this may be your

sister-in-law a brother-in-law a

ex-friendly you as a co-worker a boss of

some sort but whatever it is I do see

they are jealous of your Independence

Okay this may be a same-sex relationship

as well all right but this person you

got rid of okay but some of you guys are

still stuck in the past and spirit wants

you to release this once and for all

this may have been physical as well but

with the what what whatever it is you

stood your ground with this person

okay yes this person this person uh was

low vibrational 3D smoking drinking

uh we could say a whole uh

somebody that's out there all right

yes but this could be you transforming

as well evolving into a better version

of yourself okay I'm just saying okay

I'm just saying it all right but I do

see you guys looking good

nine of Pentacles but I do see a lot of

jealousy surrounding you as well all

right people that you need to get rid of

that is fake friends that is not really

um happy for your success all right

what I said

jealousy you may be dealing with a

Taurus Taurus got this as well but watch

who you trust with your personal secrets

and plan spend time outdoors with nature

to reconnect and replenish I just told

you that right no these are not your

friends this is not your family this is

not Lou okay yes

hold lightly and manifestation because

you're manifesting eight

a bountiful time awaits you your wishes

could manifest right before your eyes

like I said wishes coming true yes and

these people are jealous because I see


doing your thing I'm just saying okay

let me get one more and I'm closing out

your reading Gemini

well you work hard for this you work

hard for this

it says if

a magic wand and could have anything I

desired in life what would I choose

so if I had a magic wand and could have

anything I desired in life what would I


it says burn with desire there is power

in your desires let them be your fuel

today your desires are your Soul's wings

and it's time to take flight

okay do what you love don't wait are you

leaving these people high okay this week

go inward your answers lie within what

do you desire choose what makes you

happy and do that

other people basically


all right Gemini that's all I have for

you your new reading will be posted

tomorrow okay I have to go I have

possible you're possible you girl Tosh

I'm out

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