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Here are some crucial Android operating system commands:

1. adb devices - Lists all connected Android devices.

2. adb shell - Opens a shell on the connected device, allowing you to run commands
directly on the Android device.
3. adb install <path-to-apk> - Installs an Android application.
4. adb uninstall <package-name> - Uninstalls an application.
5. am start -n <package-name>/<activity-name> - Launches a specific activity in an app.
6. pm list packages - Lists all installed packages.
7. pm install <path-to-apk> - Installs an Android application.
8. pm uninstall <package-name> - Uninstalls an application.
9. input keyevent <keycode> - Simulates pressing a specific key.
10. settings get <namespace> <key> - Retrieves the value of a specific setting.
11. settings put <namespace> <key> <value> - Sets the value of a specific setting.
12. dumpsys <service> - Dumps detailed information about a specific system service.
13. getprop <property> - Retrieves the value of a system property.
14. am broadcast -a <action> - Sends a broadcast intent with a specific action.
15. logcat - Outputs log data from the device.
16. svc wifi enable - Enables Wi-Fi.
17. svc wifi disable - Disables Wi-Fi.
18. svc data enable - Enables mobile data.
19. svc data disable - Disables mobile data.
20. reboot - Restarts the device.
21. reboot recovery - Reboots into recovery mode.
22. reboot bootloader - Reboots into bootloader mode.

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