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If I had to elaborate on a time when someone gifted me a thing that I yearned for, I
would like to mention an up – to – date ipad I was given from my mother.
I’d like to kick start by prefacing that back in a couple of years ago, when I was a
junior student, possessing the ipad was what I aspired to because I pictured myself
making the most of it and becoming resourceful. It’s not an exaggeration to say that
it’s a pipe dream to college students because it sets me back a lot of monthly salary.
I’ll go straight to what took place then.
First things first, instead of sitting still and doing nothing, I applied for a job as a part
– time vendor in a well – known clothes store and stuck to a saving plan. After six
months, slogging in the store, I realized that the money I earned was equal to one –
fifth price of the ipad which daunted me a lot, but never will I relinquish it.
You know, it’s my privilege when having a mom who silently roots for me and reads
me like a book. So to speak, after monitoring how I spared no effort for 6 months, my
mom copped it, making me feel thrilled to bits. At that time, I didn’t fathom why she
did so until she aired her thoughts.
Long story short, stuff isn’t a matter to parents because they afford to raise me 18
years or more. So what she expects to see is the way I become financially disciplined
and the way I manifest to earn money to purchase what I need instead of waiting for
my parents' allowance

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