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Even though we hadn’t make it to our destination yet, the train slowed to a halt.

All the
passengers were wondering what happened. Did we break down? Why we are in the middle
of nowhere? I looked outside the small train window and saw nothing. I looked to see if my
son, Ollie, was okay. He was sleeping on my shoulder, fast asleep like a bear during
hibernation. Suddenly, a deafening sound overcame the silence.
We then heard screams from the other carriage in front of us. Nervously, I stood up
and crept to the next carriage. Grabbing the handle of the door, shaking in fear of what I
might find behind it, my mind went through many scenarios: perhaps it a snake? After all,
we were in the Texas desert. As soon as I was opening the door, I was greeted by the barrel
of a gun. It was a train robbery.
I was hit by the butt of the gun and dragged out of the carriage, leaving my son who
was still asleep. As we got outside, I felt the heat of the roaring sun on my skin. I saw that
there were horses and about seven people in masks surrounding a mixed group of poor and
rich people giving up their belongings. The man who dragged me out violently said in a deep
toned voice, “Give me everything and anything you have on you or else!” With the gun
pointed at my head, I surrendered everything I had: $50.66, a silver pocket watch, my
wedding ring and my monocle.
Luckily, he didn’t know I had a secret pocket pistol. “Don’t hurt anyone please. My
son is still asleep in that carriage,” I said, trying to protect everyone. We were on our way to
Valentine from Saint Denice to see my family. We should have arrived by now, so the police
were probably on their way to see what has happened. This was an important train as there
was a private carriage of a wealthy oil owner. He was my boss and I was in charge of getting
the bonds to him.
“There is a private vault carriage at the back of the train. It is owned by a man called
Arthur J. Simpson. I can get you in but you have to let me and everyone go,” I said trying to
protect everyone. He said with a smirk, “We already know. We’ll be in it in five… four…
three…” How can they get in? I’m the only one who knows the code. Then it hit me:
A massive explosion rocked the train and I fell to the ground. Screams filled the hot
air. I was able, while everyone was distracted, to roll under the train. I reached for my
hidden gun, but then the police just arrived and a shootout happened. The robbers saddled
their horses and retreated. I even took some pot shots at them before going back to my son.
“I was woken by a huge noise and the train shook. What happened?” He asked, with
fear in his pale face.
“Nothing son. You’re safe now.”

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