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individually can be strong, but the real magic happens when you take your time and go through the
excercises and tasks from start to finish.
Make a copy of this document and add, change, delete what makes sense to you. Every tab has
examples included to help you understand how it can be used but feel free to give it your own twist.

Questions? Ask the community and us anything in our LinkedIn Group.

Brand Story
On-Page SEO
Set up your Content Marketing Strategy to be sure that the content you
create makes sense.
Communicate from your why instead of what you do. Start creating your
Set up Story.
your Content Marketing Goals and KPIs to make sure you're
Have youryour time
Brand andGuide
Style resources
at theontipthe
of right
your actions.
fingers. No more searching
for color codes, typography and other rules.
Before writing an article, check the Storytelling guideline to make sure your
Do youevokes an emotion.
know which keywords people search for the most? Do your research
and find the best opportunities.
Come up
Before with effective
publishing content
an article, runideas based
it through onOn-Page
the your Keywords research.
SEO Checklist to
improve the chances your article will rank for the desired keywords
Don't are and
publish not created
pray. Useequal. Use the right
the Distribution mix to gettothe
Framework best reach.
promote your content.
Full resource with explanation
Content Marketing Strategy
Create your Brand Story
Content Marketing Goals
Brand Style Guideline
Storytelling Framework
Keyword Research Template
Come up with effective Content Ideas
On-Page SEO Checklist
Hashtags Template
Distribution Strategy Framework
Setup Your Content Marketing Strategy
Full resource

1. Identity and value proposition


2. Audience and needs

actually is — this helps you create a better strategy and better content as well.

3. Connect your goals to those of your audience

audience’s needs?

4. Make it measurable

5. Build your messaging

this way, leading up to a (paid) offer.

6. Select the right channels

your research, talk to people, and test the response you get on various channels.

7. Gather feedback
experiencing your content. Is it helpful? Is it relevant? What could you do to improve it?

8. Improve your storytelling and strategy

and repeat. And that’s it.
Create your Brand Story Full guide
Goals Full guide
January February March April
New SEO pages 5 6 10 15
External links 10000 12000
Internal links 2000 2100
Number of domains linking to us 200 250
SEO traffic 5000 6000
SEO views 500000 55000
Avrg position 30 29
Total Website Traffic 8000 10000
DA (Moz) 54 55

Social Media
New Tweets 60 60 65
Twitter followers 3000 3200
New Insta posts 25 25 25
Instagram followers 3000 3300
Social Media traffic 2000 2500

New email subscribers 300 380 400 450
CTR to email subscribe 3.75% 3.80%
Email subscribers from SEO 200 220
Email subscribers from Social 80 90
Email subscribers 3000 3300

Product 1 sold 200
Product 2 sold 100
Product 1 sold from SEO 100
Product 2 sold from SEO 50
Product 1 sold from Social 50
Product 2 sold from Social 10
Product 1 sold from Email 50
Product 2 sold from Email 30
Total earnings € 10,000
Earnings p/visitor € 1.25
May June July August September October November
December Actual 2022 Goal end 2022January February March April

36 120

185 800

75 300

1530 6000
May June July August September October November
December Total 2021
Set Up Your Brand Style Guid
1. Introduce your brand

2. Important keywords that describe your brand

3. Proper use of logo

4. Tagline(s)
5. Color palette

6. Typography

7. Proper use of images

8. Use of shapes and corners

Full guide
The Seven-point Storytelling Structure
Article 1
Article 2
Article 3
Article 4
Article 5
Article 6
Article 7
Full resource
about? them?
connected emotion? Intro?
supporting thoughts? to-action (CTA).
social sharing purposes]
Keyword research Full guide
Keyword Volume Difficulty
blog title generator 6200 60
blog post title generator 750 57
blog title generator online 280 54
best blog title generator 150 56

blog title ideas 2000 57

blog title examples 1700 58
catchy blog titles 970 49
best blog titles 1100 49
blog title best practices 360 51
how to choose a good blog title 90 56
blog post titles that work 140 39
blog title capitalization 210 36
great blog titles examples 200 49
sample blog titles 670 41
Sub topic Close to core business Content type Commercial intent
High Product Transactional
High Product Transactional
High Product Transactional
Comparison High Blog posts Commercial

Ideas Medium Blog posts Informational

Ideas Medium Blog posts Informational
Medium Blog posts Informational
Medium Blog posts Informational
Medium Blog posts Informational
Medium Blog posts Informational
Medium Blog posts Informational
Medium Blog posts Informational
Medium Blog posts Informational
Medium Blog posts Informational
Content ideas
blog title examples

catchy blog titles

blog title tips from some of the most successful writers of

Full guide
How idea
to come up with unique blog titles: a 7-step tutorial on how can generate a list of potential and original blog pos
or website titles.
9 content ideas for popular blog post titles: a round-up of potential blog post titles, with the best one not yet selected
5 tips
10 tipsfor
howtitles wethe
to pick should
title a
articleyou can have
or essay: to write better
a collection title. doing to writing the best
of advice
possible title.
64 blog titles examples: a list of 64 possible ideas for your next blog post, with links to certain companies

Create a Memorable Headline that Pulls People In: A guide to catchy blog titles.
5 Influencer
blog Ideas
titles -for
is atitles: a roundup
blog about of influencers
the most importantand
thingcatchy headlines.
for your blog. You need a good tittle to attract new
readers and now you can find it here!
catchy titles to get people to hear you: a blog on how to create the right title for your blog.
catchy blog
"50 Best titles:
Titles to aSubmit
list of examples
a Blog Post":froma Content
100+ funnyMarketing Institute,
but always Buzzfeed
serious etcwill make people enjoy your title
titles that
yoursee the value
content title: aincollection
chosing you as type
of the theirof
source of information.
blog titles you should use for your articles (along with some best
practices along the way)
10 headline tips: a blog with 10 headline writing tips from some of the most successful writers of today.

5 of the most successful blog titles in recent years: a list written by bloggers which have received more than
hundreds of thousands
8 catchy blog titles fromoftop
writers today: a blog with popular and successful writers that share what leads to their
catchy titles. A chart could be published showing how many visitors said they read/did not
These 10 Successful Bloggers Used these tips to write their most successful post. And it could be for you too!
Content Idea Generator
On-Page SEO Full resource keyword and create
better content
Article Main
on-page keyword
seo Search intent
can use when writing keywords
start seo optimizing
checklist articles content
These may change Entice people to place. Only use
overtime. Have the main keyword atclick
the start of the title, one
H1people to click on it, use powerwords or
per article.
Url Title
– Don’t tag
Miss Out On tag
better results H1
Miss Out On
Organic Traffic starting today. Organic Traffic
and try to include main resources. Always
Get people excited to read the article to
or secondary reduce the
keywords Compress
of people
with clicking
for in
open instance
to Google + use main keyword
tab. make sure
Introduction Sub headings Images links
1 1 1 1
people to take a next
Internal links
Hashtag research Full guide
Hashtag Volume Instagram Volume TikTok

#ContentMarketing 5500000 61000000

#ContentMarketingTips 488000 7200000
#ContentMarketingTipsAndTricks 4500 3388
#ContentMarketingIdeas 5287

#ContentCreation 1700000 67600000

#ContentCreationTips 104000 26000000
#ContentCreationForBusiness 6800 108
Volume Twitter Volume LinkedIn

186000 651000

111000 4500
x 66
x 0
36500 54300
358 1122000
Content Distribution Framework Full resource Use our Social Media Cap
Article / idea Topic links sent SEO 14 1-5-2022 Storytelling 6 1-20-2022
se our Social Media Caption Generator
#ContentMarketing 1#ContentMarketing business 2 business 3 business 4
#ContentMarketing #ContentCreation
personal business group 1 group 3 group 4 Pinterest Medium
1-5-2022 1-5-2022 1-5-2022 x x
1-20-2022 1-20-2022
SubStack Reddit 1 2 Quora Refind
x x x x x x

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