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Name: Julie Ann S.

Year and section: BSN-2M
Course code: NCM 104

Activity 2: Library/Online Research

Search for an article, research abstract or journal in relation to the Philippine health care delivery
system. Write the reflection as a future beginning nurse practitioner in not more than 500 words
(individual activity).

The Philippine Health Care Delivery System is large, complex, multi-level, and multidisciplinary,
consisting of policies, facilities, equipment, products, human resources, and services that address
the health needs, problems, and concerns of the people. It includes the full spectrum of essential,
quality health services, from health promotion to prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and
palliative care. The vision is for Filipinos to be among the healthiest people in Southeast Asia by
2022, and Asia by 2040, and the mission is to lead the country in the development of a people-
centered, resilient, and equitable health system.

One article that discusses the Philippine health care delivery system is "Developmental Changes
in the Philippine Health System: Accomplishments, Successes and Challenges" by Seposo. As a
future nurse practitioner, this article provides valuable insights into the current state of the
Philippine healthcare system and the challenges it faces. Some key takeaways from the article

• The Philippine healthcare system has undergone significant developmental changes in

recent years, with improvements in maternal and child health, infectious disease control,
and health financing.
• Despite these improvements, the healthcare system still faces challenges such as
inadequate health service information, weak community and patient participation, and
geographical constraints in service delivery.

• The decentralization of healthcare services has led to fragmented health service delivery,
and the lack of coordination between different levels of the healthcare system remains a

• The introduction of health technology assessment (HTA) by PhilHealth has helped to

identify priority problems in the use of medical technologies needing systematic
assessment, but HTA was yet to be fully established.

• The scarcity and maldistribution of health facilities in many parts of the country remain a
major challenge, with about 50% of the population not having access to primary care
facilities within 30 minutes.

• Open source data can make it easier for different local government units to access,
evaluate, modify, and employ methods for optimizing health facility locations.

As a future nurse practitioner, it is important to be aware of the challenges facing the Philippine
healthcare system and to work towards addressing them. This may involve advocating for better
health service information, promoting community and patient participation, and working towards
improving the accessibility and distribution of health facilities. Additionally, staying up-to-date
with developments in health technology assessment and utilizing open source data can help to
improve the efficiency and effectiveness of health care delivery.

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