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Name : Imam Mujahid

NIM : E1D020102

Class : 5TP3

"The Role of English Language Proficiency in Supporting Job Interviews"

The world language known today is English; this language is used in almost every country as a
means of communication between different regions. It serves to facilitate communication
between two different languages and area. Therefore, everyone is very enthusiastic about
being able to speak English. English language proficiency is highly essential in the office or the
working world because it serves as a crucial assessment or benchmark., everyone is very
enthusiastic about being able to speak English. English language proficiency is highly essential in
the office or the working world because it serves as a crucial assessment or benchmark. English
is one of the languages used for global communication, as described by Crystal (1995) in his
book, which receives statements from most people stating that English is a global language
because you hear politicians from around the world speaking English on television, wherever
you travel, you see signs or symbols and advertisements in English, whenever you enter foreign
hotels and restaurants, they understand English, and English-language menus will be available.

Therefore, in the current era of globalization, English seems to have become a mandatory
language to master in order to keep up with the times. Nowadays, we realize that language
plays a crucial role and has a central role, especially in one's intellectual, social, and emotional
development and in the pursuit of in-depth study in all fields. Language is expected to help an
individual, in this case, a learner, to get to know themselves, their culture, and the cultures of
others, to express ideas and feelings, to participate in a society that uses that language, and to
discover and utilize analytical and imaginative abilities within themselves. Now, we see that the
adequate and extensive use of vocabulary plays a crucial role in communication. Therefore, all
supporting aspects of this should be carefully considered.

English is one of the languages with highly varied pronunciation across different parts of the
world. It has also become an international language, meaning it's one of the languages used in
international communication. As an international language, English has already influenced
many aspects of life related to international or cross-border interactions. In order to become
proficient quickly and accurately, students should make it a habit to speak or communicate in
English. This communication should be conducted continuously, both orally and in writing. In
learning or aiming to master the English language, there are four skills that must be understood
and mastered: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. All four skills should be
comprehensively mastered because they are all necessary for communication in English
(Phoenna Ath Thariq, 2020).

However, the low level of English language proficiency in society has become a new issue. This
is evident in the implementation of several job interviews or language lessons aimed at
enhancing English language skills, where the research team must guide participants carefully
and patiently, providing guidance in Indonesian at the beginning, and then proceeding to the
next stage in English. Furthermore, when practical exercises are given, the team must assist
with vocabulary and English grammar usage, but it still feels inadequate considering the results
obtained. Therefore, there is a need to enhance English language proficiency to support the
working world, especially during initial assessments in interviews (Imelda Darmayanti Mnurung,

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