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Psychology of Modern Leadership as an Important Phenomenon of Effective Management, 577

Murotmusaev Komiljon Buribaevich, Sheryigit Ergashevich Yuldashev, Shovkiev Lukmoniddin

Boynazar Ugli. (2022). Psychology of Modern Leadership as an Important Phenomenon of Effective
Management. International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE),
14(1): 577-584. DOI: 10.9756/INT-JECSE/V14I1.221071

Received: 30.09.2021 Accepted: 16.12.2021

Murotmusaev Komiljon
Psychology of Modern
Sheryigit Ergashevich Yuldashev2
Shovkiev Lukmoniddin Boynazar
Leadership as an Important
Ugli3 Phenomenon of Effective


The article deals with contemporary understanding of the phenomenon of leadership.

The authors analyze the distinctive features of a leader and his behavior, the specifics
of leader's image representation. The paper touches upon the problem of choosing a
motivation to be/to become a leader and not only to choose him/her and follow him/her
in modern society. The authors of the article analyze the psychological types of
personality of the modern leader. An overview of modern research, theories,
leadership concepts is given. The issues devoted to the problem of leadership as a
mechanism necessary for effective management of the organization are considered.
Interdisciplinary understanding of leadership phenomenon within sociology,
philosophy, political science, pedagogy and psychology is presented. The similarities
and differences of such concepts as leader, manager, authority are revealed. The
definition of such concepts as premiums and disadvantages of leadership is given. The
characteristics of an effective leader are presented. The article deals with the types of
groups, the personality of the leader, the traits of his character that contribute to his
becoming a leader, the relationship between the leader and the rest of the group, the
theories of leadership and types of leaders are studied. The relevance of this topic is
due to the necessity of the presence of a leader in any group that solves the task set
before it.

Keywords: Leader, Leadership, Effective Management, Leader Characteristics,

Followers, Types of Leadership.

Introduction philosophers, political scientists, sociologists -

study the patterns of formation and functioning of
Throughout history, leaders, sovereigns and
leadership, causes and factors of its
presidents, leaders at different levels have
effectiveness. Practicing psychologists and
inspired and guided people's actions, made them
management specialists develop various
show their energy and responsibility for the fate of
techniques for identifying potential leaders and
their country. It could be said that in its infancy,
technologies for improving leadership qualities.
the study of history was a study of the activities of
Those who want to become leaders themselves
leaders. "Leadership is one of the most obvious
strive by all means to develop in themselves the
and least understood phenomena on earth"
qualities necessary for this, to develop the
(J.M. Burns). As the most important societal
required skills. And those who follow a leader are
phenomenon, leadership has always been and
interested not only in what makes them submit to
still is of universal interest. Scientists - historians,

Murotmusaev Komiljon Buribaevich1, Jizzakh Branch of the Mirzo Ulugbek National University of
Uzbekistan, Department of Psychology, Associate Professor, PhD. Republic of Uzbekistan, Jizzakh,
Sheryigit Ergashevich Yuldashev2, Jizzax Branch of the National University of Uzbekistan named after
Mirzo Ulugbek chair of "Psychology", Senior Teacher, Republic of Uzbekistan, Jizzakh, Uzbekistan.
Shovkiev Lukmoniddin Boynazar Ugli3, Jizzakh Branch of the Mirzo Ulugbek National University of
Uzbekistan, Psychology Department, Trainee Teacher, Republic of Uzbekistan, Jizzakh, Uzbekistan.

International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE), 14(1) 2022, 577-584
DOI: 10.9756/INT-JECSE/V14I1.221071
Psychology of Modern Leadership as an Important Phenomenon of Effective Management, 578

his power and influence, but also in how they can French name President Ch. de Gaulle. In South
in turn influence the leader and influence the America, Bolivar is an idol, a legend and a teacher
actions he takes. for many Latin American politicians. (The
However, there is also a "negative" categorical nature of the statement by the famous
approach to assessing leadership and its role in British public figure E. Powell, who, hinting at the
the modern world. There is an opinion that the inevitability of leaving power at the end of any,
belief in leaders and their special role in the life of even the most brilliant, political career, is
society is based on irrational aspirations of the questionable: "All political lives, unless they are
masses, which leads to the mythologisation of interrupted at takeoff, end in failure. Such is the
leadership. It is argued that leadership cannot nature of politics and of human nature.") However,
provide a significant managerial effect, it is difficult one cannot but admit that the existing "theories"
to establish a link between the specific actions of of leadership do not provide an exhaustive picture
the leader and the effectiveness of his or her of the nature of this phenomenon, nor do they fully
performance. Moreover, some argue, the very reflect the changes that are taking place in
concept of leadership is an artificially invented political leadership these days. Political leaders
concept. For example, Australian management are forced to see domestic politics in their own
and coaching expert F. Ralph in "Leadership countries as part of a worldwide, global process
Without Silver Bullets: A Guide to Leadership and must increasingly focus their efforts on socio-
Development" substantiates the position that at economic issues. This is especially true as there
present leadership for a variety of reasons does is a growing demand for social justice around the
not "work" at all. Scholars, he argues, cannot world. The training of political leaders is gaining in
unequivocally define what qualities are necessary importance, and their awareness and knowledge
to be an effective leader, what is the reason that are becoming more and more important. Under
some people are able to inspire others and bring the conditions of rapidly changing situations,
out their best qualities, while others prefer to wait accelerated social development, new challenges,
and be patient. it is more necessary than ever to be well informed
In this line of thinking, G. Gemmill and J. in different spheres of social life - economic,
Oakley (Syracuse University, Greece) developed political, socio-cultural (Gemmill and Oakley
a kind of 'theory' of leadership as a social myth of 1992); (Adair 2004). The ability of leaders to
alienation. Leadership as a social phenomenon create an "image of the future", i.e. to have a
does not exist at all, they argue, and people's "vision", is of great importance. Effective leaders
belief in its necessity is based on their can only be leaders who are able to change in
extra-rational feelings. It is the desire of response to conditions and realities, who are
individuals and social groups to create protective knowledgeable and highly professional, who
mechanisms, "whose main task is to suppress show responsibility and integrity, generating trust
needs, emotions and desires that are and recognition among their followers. These are
unacceptable when people live together", and to qualities that are sorely lacking today, urging the
act in accordance with rituals that leads, formation of radically new approaches to
according to these authors, to the construction of leadership and leaders. All this clearly
virtual constructions, the creation of the myth demonstrates the need to "reflect on and find a
called "leadership" (Evtikhov, 2007). From our fundamentally new leadership paradigm
point of view, leadership is not a myth. It really adequate to modern realities".
exists, moreover, it is a catalyst and indicator of The appeal to reveal the image of modern
the sociopolitical activity of society. Without leader, to understand the value and purpose of
leadership, social groups and communities, leadership, what gives leadership to a person in
organizations, political parties, society as a whole society and who is a leader nowadays is due to
become less effective. The role of leadership is the relevance of the research of the phenomenon
especially great when new political circumstances of leadership in the modern world. Understanding
arise that are unprecedented in the past; when the the essence of leadership, the content, nature and
situation is complex and contradictory; when there direction of the leader's activity, the distinctive
is a choice between different political solutions. features of the leader, his influence on others, role
National leaders are symbols of community, functions, socio-economic status in society, and
models of political behaviour. It is no coincidence motivations in the leader's activity invariably
that entire eras in the life of different countries and attract interest. Since society is made up of many
peoples are inextricably linked in the minds of individuals, each with their own personality,
people with the names and activities of certain psychological type, values and ideals, but not all
leaders. When asked which leader can be of them can and do become leaders. If we talk
considered great, the first names in different about the uniqueness of the personality of the
countries are those who brought freedom and leader, his spirituality, the disclosure of man, his
independence to their people. The US citizens formation as a leader in the spiritual aspect was
name Presidents J. Washington and A. Lincoln, considered in the works of R. Descartes, A.
the British name Prime Minister W. Churchill, the Bergson, F. Nietzsche, N.A. Berdyaev, B.P.

International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE), 14(1) 2022, 577-584
DOI: 10.9756/INT-JECSE/V14I1.221071
Psychology of Modern Leadership as an Important Phenomenon of Effective Management, 579

Vysheslavtsev, A. Toynbee, K.M. Kantor. L.B. more and more urgent and significant. The notion
Zubanova presents the spiritual side of leadership of leadership is a subject of research in
in opposition to the views of C. Jaspers and L.N. psychology, pedagogy, sociology, political
Gumilev, highlighting the typology of "spiritual science and a number of other human and social
leadership" based on the disclosure of the sciences. Leadership is an integral part of any
uniqueness of personality. But leadership is a civilised society.
multidimensional phenomenon; it encompasses Thus, in studies of sociology the main
socio-philosophical, psychological, economic and emphasis in understanding the phenomenon of
other discourses. If we refer to the original leadership is placed on the status of an individual
meaning, the leader is a leader, a leader, an in a social group, class, party, state, due to the
authoritative person, who has the central role of more effective results of its activities (economic,
an organizer of joint activity, whose duties also political, scientific, sports, etc.). The psychology
include the regulation of relations in a society, a literature in understanding leadership focuses on
group, a collective (Gemmill and Oakley 1992); the art of influencing people, the ability to inspire
(Ralph 2010). This leads to the fact that with the them to strive to achieve desired goals. It is worth
passage of time, socio-economic changes in noting that the characterisation of leadership in
society, improvement of the quality of life, political science (J. Openheimer, N. Frohlich)
scientific and technological progress, the image of includes two aspects.
the leader is constantly changing, filled with new The first one is the formal-potential status of
content, which is reflected in the worldview and a person associated with the possession of
culture. In modern society this is influenced by power, his subjective activity to implement a
many factors, one of which is a person's desire for social role; the second one is the presence of
success, awareness of oneself as successful, personal qualities and behaviour in accordance
regardless of the chosen field and type of activity, with the position occupied. Thus, leadership in
specialty, etc (Karpenko et al., 1999). political science is defined as the influence of one
In the current situation of global competition, or more persons holding positions of power on an
globalisation of the economy, and compulsory entire society, organisation or group. In
economic efficiency, it is the leaders who achieve philosophical studies, leadership is seen as a
success. Leadership issues are nowadays manifestation of the human "creative instinct".
considered comprehensively in connection with Representatives of the philosophical trend (R.
the needs of management, big business, and the Greenleaf, F. Nietzsche, T. Carleyle, C.
economy. Leadership is the position of a certain Hodgkinson and others) believe that morality is a
individual in a group or in society as a whole, hindrance in the pursuit of leadership and that the
which is characterized by the ability of the person very process of history depends on great
occupying it to influence other people, directing personalities striving for power.
their efforts to achieve certain goals (Semenov Many books have been written on
and Nabokov 2006). In order to study leadership, leadership, both by academics and by established
it is necessary to develop an understanding of leaders themselves. Robb Goffey and Garret
how the leadership process takes place and what Jones have taken an unusual approach. They
it is that enables a leader to become a leader spent five years asking leaders in a wide variety
(Belyatsky 2006). Despite the fact that scientific of fields the same question: "Why should people
and empirical research on leadership was follow you? An analysis of the answers of leaders
conducted throughout the twentieth century, not and their followers formed the basis of the book
only is there no unambiguous definition of (Robb and Gareth 2008). So, what is the concept
leadership, but there are different perceptions of of leadership? A natural question arises. Goffey
the nature and essence of this phenomenon. One and Jones suggest "that leadership is something
of the most common conceptions of leadership is we do together with people". They write that there
its identification with influence. Bass sees are no universal leadership characteristics.
leadership as positive influence. According to him, Everyone striving to become a leader has to figure
in case a member of a group aims at changing out what qualities they need and in what situation.
another member's behaviour, the former's efforts But to become an effective leader, according to
are an attempt at leadership. If a member of the the authors, three fundamental axioms must be
group actually changed his behaviour as a result clearly understood:
of the former's efforts, then it is successful
leadership (Bass 1960); (Goleman 2005). • Situationalism. Leadership is situational,
There is great interest in the problem of the demands placed on a leader depend
leadership in our country because management on the circumstances. You have to be able
of different social structures, from various groups to adapt to shifting priorities and keep
to the state depends on the actions of leaders, leading people.
managers, executives, administrators. • Non-hierarchical. Leadership is non-
In this connection, the problem of leadership hierarchical. The essence of leadership is
as a tool for effective management is becoming

International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE), 14(1) 2022, 577-584
DOI: 10.9756/INT-JECSE/V14I1.221071
Psychology of Modern Leadership as an Important Phenomenon of Effective Management, 580

the persistent misconception that people • Knowledge of the features of

in high positions are leaders. Leadership organisational and organisational work,
is not the destiny of a select few, there are the ability to manage people, motivate and
genuine leaders at all levels of great stimulate them to work, the ability to work
organisations. with a group.
• Relationality. Leadership manifests itself • presence of specific managerial personal
in relationships. There is no leader without qualities, etc (Rozhkov 2020). General
followers. "Leadership is always a social and specific qualities of a leader are given
construct, which is always recreated in the in the works of A.L. Umansky. By general
relationship between leaders and those qualities are meant qualities that
they undertake to lead. nonleaders may also have, but that
"An effective leader is one who knows his increase the effectiveness of the leader.
individual characteristics (whatever they may be) Specific qualities of a leader include.
that can be useful to him as a leader, and uses • Organisational discernment is a subtle
them wisely. And it's not just his strengths that mental selectivity, the ability to understand
need to be used, but also his weaknesses. On another person, to penetrate into his inner
how to adapt to a situation while still being world, to find his place for each person
yourself. depending on the individual
Leaders and followers: characteristics.
"Subordinates do not decide who will be their • Ability to influence people psychologically
boss, but in who will be their leader, the followers - a variety of means of influence on
have the last word," the authors state. - people, depending on their individual
Successful leaders identify with those they lead. qualities and the situation.
But what do leaders expect from their followers? • Propensity to organizational work,
After analyzing a wide range of opinions, necessity to take the responsibility.
Goffey and Jones formulate an answer to this
question: The list of qualities that are treated by
different researchers as leadership qualities can
1. Followers want authenticity - a be continued for a long time. However, the longer
manifestation of the leader's personality their list becomes, the less useful it is. There is no
traits. They want to feel valued and want doubt that the leader must still have some
their merits to be noticed and recognised. qualities that distinguish him from the other
2. Followers want excitement and members of the group. However, a list of these
excitement, and they want community, a qualities should be compiled on the basis of
sense of belonging to something bigger. situational variables, among which stand out:

Dedicated followers are needed by every 1. The social and demographic features of
leader. But there are at least two types of the group.
followers to be wary of. For example, a leader can 2. The specifics of the tasks to be solved.
be ruined by sycophants and those who impose
the will of the majority. Now let us consider such The specifics of professional interaction, etc.
qualities of a leader as an organiser, a manager Based on the analysis of scientific literature
and what socio-psychological qualities he should and empirical research of leadership qualities
possess (Robb & Gareth 2008). Evtikhiev O. singled out a generalized structure of
M.I. Rozhkov singles out the following main leadership qualities of an organizational leader.
qualities of a leader-organiser:- ability to manage
oneself, fully use one's time, energy, ability to
overcome difficulties, get out of stressful 1. Individual and Personal Qualities
situations, etc. Knowing and feeling themselves. A leader
needs to know himself or herself well, to be able
• The ability to have clear goals, to to listen to himself or herself, his or her feelings
understand the reality of the goals and and emotions. A person's feeling of him- or
evaluate progress towards them. herself, knowing what he or she likes and does
• The ability to solve problems, to not want, are important elements in forming an
distinguish between the essential and the adequate self-concept, to help him or her navigate
secondary, to assess options, to predict life's path and understand other people. This idea
the consequences, to evaluate and was developed by W. Bennis, noting that the
distribute resources. knowledge of their strengths and weaknesses,
• Creative approach to the solution of loyalty to their principles are important qualities of
administrative tasks, ability to generate a leader.
ideas, readiness for innovations.

International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE), 14(1) 2022, 577-584
DOI: 10.9756/INT-JECSE/V14I1.221071
Psychology of Modern Leadership as an Important Phenomenon of Effective Management, 581

Self-confidence. Adequately high self- The ability to organize a group to solve a

esteem of a leader combined with self-confidence given problem. This is one of the fundamental
boosts his or her resolve in critical situations and qualities of the leader. It includes the ability to
helps to take risks if necessary. Self-confidence distribute functions between the members of the
enables a leader to push the boundaries of his or group, the ability to motivate and inspire them to
her abilities and to gain new experiences. This solve the task, to coordinate the work, etc.
idea was justified by B. Base2, who in 1981 The ability to monitor the results of
analyzed ten leading studies of leadership and collaborative work, to thank and reward. This
confirmed that the sense of self-confidence, as quality also ensures that the organisational leader
well as the level of self-esteem of the leader was is able to perform his or her management
significantly higher than that of his followers. functions successfully.
An active life attitude and a drive to lead. Willingness to support in times of need.
An active life attitude allows the leader to be at the The leader's reluctance to support his follower
centre of events, which is necessary for an when it is very important and he is able to do it,
adequate orientation in the situation. The pursuit usually deprives him of his leadership status and
of leadership and achievement is a necessary followers. This effect is derived from the
factor for] self-development and self improvement previously mentioned phenomenon of F. Hader,
of the leader. This idea is supported by Stephen according to which if a leader is perceived as
Covey. someone who is able to achieve results but does
Moral normativity, reliability, consistency not do so due to apparent lack of will or desire, he
of actions. Leader is a bearer of norms and is more likely to lose followers than a leader who
values of the group, so his behaviour and outlook is unable to do so but is taking obvious steps to
should be consistent with the norms of public achieve the goal.
morals, such as fairness, honesty, responsibility,
reliability and consistency of his actions. B. Nanus
3. Socio-psychological Qualities
called this quality of a leader "high integrity and
integrity of character". Interpersonal sensitivity, the ability to
A developed leadership self-concept. A understand the needs of others. Leadership is
leader's world outlook and the nature of his a social phenomenon and is people-oriented, so
interaction with his followers is largely determined seeing other people, feeling their aspirations,
by his leadership concept, which includes a problems and concerns, as well as understanding
system of ideas about himself as a leader and his the relationship of "leader-follower" largely
own leadership role in his interaction with others. determines the success of the organizational
leader. James O'Toole pointed out the importance
of this quality.
2. Organisational-managerial Qualities
Communicative competence. The ability to
Future-oriented and forward-looking. He quickly establish contacts with people, feel
has to know himself where he is going if he is to confident in a team is an important quality of the
lead the group. In order to do this he has to have leader and ensures the success of his
a perspective of the group's activity. This is what organizational and managerial activities. A similar
W. Bennis calls a 'guiding vision'. quality John Gardner called 'people skills'.
Situational sensitivity and flexible The ability to create the conditions for the
behaviour. The leader is often a participant in a self-actualization of followers. The ability to
complex process and is located in the 'arena' create the conditions for the self-actualization of
where a large number of forces are at work, many followers is the basis for the trust to the leader and
of which are sometimes beyond his knowledge, the willingness of followers to follow him or her.
understanding and control at the moment. The Fairness. A leader coordinates relationships
organisational leader therefore needs sensitivity and must be objective and fair in assessing the
to the situation, the ability to navigate through it actions and deeds of others.
quickly and make the right decision. Max DePre The ability to represent and defend the
called this quality "situational acumen". interests of the group in external instances
The ability to build a team. The important and to take responsibility for group activities.
quality of the individual, determining the success Leader is a representative of the group, so the
of its formation in the role of the leader, is the ability to represent and defend the interests of the
ability to attract others to him (creative programs, group in external instances, to take responsibility
ideas, ideals) and to create a team of like-minded for the activities inside the group is an important
people. Formation of corporate goals and values, quality of an organizational leader (Gemmill &
as well as control of the followers' commitment to Oakley 1992); (Evtikhov 2007).
them, are among the leader's most important What are the main advantages and
tasks. A similar quality of leader in a broader disadvantages of a leader?
sense is described by B. Nanus called it 'the ability Here are some different characteristics:
to build an organisation'. However, don't think that our conversation is only

International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE), 14(1) 2022, 577-584
DOI: 10.9756/INT-JECSE/V14I1.221071
Psychology of Modern Leadership as an Important Phenomenon of Effective Management, 582

about executives. By no means. In fact, the issue tasks and expectations for each team member.
is much broader than it appears at first glance. The disadvantages, however, are a rigid
After all, each of us performs one role or another atmosphere as well as the complete suppression
in our lives. And not just one, but hundreds, of creativity and innovation. Be realistic and
perhaps even thousands. Take a mother, for patient: How to change jobs in difficult times You
example - she is the leader of her own child, which are a transactional leader if you often use the
can be very difficult to cope with at times. One way threat of staying late to motivate your
or another, but when we talk about different types subordinates and if your head is constantly
of leaders, there is a temptation to divide them inventing new tasks for your team members even
into only 2 categories: good and bad. But it is far during the corporate party.
from that simple. Leadership may not always be Transformational leadership. Such
so black and white (Murotmusaev K.B. Boboqulov leaders strive to transform, or in simple terms,
S. Sh 2021). change their subordinates by inspiring innovation
There are in fact several basic types of and creative ideas. The best quality of such
leaders. And in this article we will try to reveal the leaders is that they truly inspire others and
advantages and disadvantages of each of them. empower them to act on their own. As a result,
Ask direct questions, send surveys: How can we such a leader's team gushes new ideas and
better understand the customer What is unconventional solutions, simplifying and
leadership really about? Try to answer one modernizing all work processes as much as
seemingly uncomplicated question: "Who can be possible. The advantage of transformational
a leader?" I wonder what your answer will be? leadership is a high level of trust between him and
Someone who is an official representative of his staff, as well as amazing cohesion of the team.
authority? Someone who is above you in rank? Or The disadvantage of this type of leadership is that
is it simply someone who has a higher salary than in some organisations established traditions are
you? Pretty traditional notions, aren't they? valued above all else, and the desire of an
Actually, absolutely anyone can be a leader. And employee to change the situation can meet with a
so can you, by the way. Essentially, a leader is fairly aggressive reaction from the superiors. You
someone who influences or directs others through are a transformational leader if you take a critical
his or her own actions and behaviour. This being look at every existing process and believe that it
said, having seniority is not a prerequisite at all. can be improved, and always try to reward others
Why is it so important to understand what type of for stepping outside their comfort zones and
leader you are? Before we discuss specific types pushing their own boundaries.
of leadership, we need to understand the specific A servile leader. Leaders of this type
reason why it is so important to differentiate operate on the principle: serve first, then lead.
between them. However, it is fairly obvious - Instead of thinking about how they can inspire
understanding how you lead or want to lead will people to follow their example, they devote most
give you a better sense of control over the size of their energy to finding ways in which they
and scope of your reach and influence. themselves can help others. They are true
Psychologically speaking, leadership can be seen altruists and put the needs of others before their
as a kind of maelstrom of our inner values, natural own. Such leaders do not value their own status
strengths, abilities, beliefs and experiences. or power. Instead they focus on uplifting and
Awareness and acceptance of your own developing the people who follow them. On the
leadership style can help you connect this vortex plus side of this type of leader is high employee
to your vision of the purpose of the organisation morale and a high level of trust, which generally
you work for. Simply put, to be a leader, you need leads to increased productivity of a particular
to be effective. And to be effective, you need to team and a more positive climate throughout the
understand exactly where you are coming from company. The main disadvantage of this
and where you are going (Murotmusaev et al., approach, however, is its difficulty for the leader
2021). himself. Fourth month in a row: the UN tells us
Let's now begin to explore a few basic types about the rise in global food prices Differing
of leaders and their pros and cons. financial priorities: Six signs of money problems in
Transactional leadership. The best way to marriage Lagging behind others: Signs that you
understand this type of leadership is to think of a don't fit into the office work culture You are a
typical transaction: I give you something and you servant leader type if you ask others more than
do something in return. Such leaders distribute three times a day how you can help them,
tasks to their team members and then use various prioritise removing obstacles and helping others
reward or penalty methods to either approve or achieve their goals and always come to the
punish them for what they do. It goes without rescue, leaving your own affairs behind.
saying that this approach is very directive. The Leader-democrat. Leaders in this category
advantage of transactional leadership is that it manage whole teams or projects. However, even
eliminates all confusion and misunderstandings if they are in a leadership position, they still
due to the fact that the leader clearly defines all emphasise teamwork, actively involving their

International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE), 14(1) 2022, 577-584
DOI: 10.9756/INT-JECSE/V14I1.221071
Psychology of Modern Leadership as an Important Phenomenon of Effective Management, 583

teams in decision-making. Democratic leaders at project status update meetings and only
value ideas and input. They do not give orders. actually participate in most tasks and projects at
Instead, they use a collaborative approach to two key moments: at the beginning and at the
getting things done. The virtues of such leaders end.
are the encouragement of creativity and Charismatic leader. Rounding out our
innovation, which in itself increases job overview of the main types of leaders are quite
satisfaction among employees and team extraordinary personalities. Charismatic leaders
members. The downside is constantly trying to have their own charisma at the forefront. Instead
build consensus among the team, which can be of regulating the functions of their team members
very inefficient and costly. You are likely to be a through strict instructions, such people use their
democratic leader if you think it is best to have an eloquence to bring employees together for a
equal opportunity to achieve a common goal and common task. This type of leader is able to clearly
cannot remember the last time you made an articulate their vision and get others interested.
important decision yourself without listening to at The virtue of charismatic leaders is that they are
least one other person's opinion on it. ideal instigators and are extremely effective in
Autocratic leader. The opposite of a captivating the whole group to a common goal.
Democratic leader. Such people see themselves The disadvantages, however, include a limited
as having absolute power and make decisions on vision that makes other important issues or tasks
behalf of their subordinates. They dictate not only get overlooked. You are a charismatic leader if
what needs to be done but also how exactly these you feel at ease when speaking in front of large
tasks are to be accomplished. The plus side of numbers of people, and you are the one who
this type of leader is that decisions are most often makes the best toasts during corporate events.
made quickly and constructively, but the Here are some recommendations that can
downside is a decadent morale within the team. help develop leadership qualities?
You are definitely an autocratic leader if you think Developing leadership skills requires
that group discussions and brainstorming only constant work on yourself. Planning at this stage
slow down the process, and it would be better if is essential. A few important guidelines should be
you made important decisions alone, and if you followed in order to do so:
don't like it when employees question your
decisions because when you say something, it is • Not everyone can set a goal correctly. The
not discussed. end result is poorly and very vaguely
A bureaucratic leader. This type of leader presented to many. This is one of the main
has a hierarchical power defined by a formal obstacles to success. The clearer the
position or title, rather than the unique traits or goal, the better the chance of achieving it.
characteristics they possess. They also have a • Don't miss out on opportunities! The ability
defined list of responsibilities and clearly defined to recognise and exploit them is the
rules for managing others and making decisions. hallmark of any leader. Passively waiting
They always and everywhere follow their own for the right opportunity is not for those
road map. The advantage of a bureaucratic leader who are truly motivated to succeed.
is above all stability because the overall situation • Don't be afraid to take risks! One should
remains unchanged even in the case of personnel not forget such a notion in psychology as
reshuffles and any other changes. The main "comfort zone". In it a person feels habitual
disadvantage of this type of leader is the trap of and comfortable, he feels good in
"We have always done it this way". You are a everything. But often the "comfort zone" is
bureaucratic leader if you often ask how your an obstacle to development, because you
predecessor handled certain scenarios to make can easily get "stuck" in it. One should not
sure that you are following the correct procedure. be afraid of new situations, unexpected
In addition, you always ask for confirmation that turns and events. Without them, personal
you are doing things correctly when you are given growth and development of leadership
something new to do. skills is impossible.
Non-interference leader. Leaders of this • Always be open to learning. Don't think
type provide the team with all the tools and that once you get your university degree,
resources they need and then step back into the you won't have to open any more
background, allowing employees to make their textbooks. One should never neglect the
own decisions, solve problems and do their jobs theoretical part of any issue. It was said
without having to worry about their leader long ago by a classical scholar that
controlling their every move. The undeniable plus knowledge is power.
side of this type of leader is a high level of trust in • Observe others and learn from their
the autonomy of the whole team, and the positive experiences. Since childhood,
disadvantage is that chaos and confusion are very there are people who are more successful
likely to ensue very soon. You are more likely to and successful in business before their
be a non-interventionist leader if you barely speak

International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE), 14(1) 2022, 577-584
DOI: 10.9756/INT-JECSE/V14I1.221071
Psychology of Modern Leadership as an Important Phenomenon of Effective Management, 584

eyes. One should not envy them, as it is and wants change (Murotmusaev K.B. Boboqulov
much more beneficial to adopt their S.Sh 2021).
experience and professional qualities.
Thus, leadership development requires
knowledge of the theoretical foundations, Bass, B.M. (1960). Leadership, psychology and
maximum focus on practice and analysis of the organizational behavior, N.Y.
results in order to improve the techniques and Gemmill, G., & Oakley, J. (1992). Leadership: an
methods used. alienating social myth?. Social Relations,
45(2), 114.
What Obstacles Can Stand in the Way of Adair, J. (2004). The Psychology of Power. М, p.
Leadership? 285.
Some people believe that if they are not Belyatsky, N.P. (2006). Fundamentals of
leaders, they cannot develop such qualities. This Leadership: Textbook / N.P. Belyatsky.
is a major mistake that prevents success. In Minsk: BSEU, p. 268.
addition to this, there are other barriers that Goleman, D. (2005). Emotional Leadership: The
prevent progress in personal self-development. Art of Managing People based on Emotional
Intelligence. Moscow: Alpina, p. 301.
Among the most popular are: Evtikhov, O.V. (2007). Strategies and Techniques
of Leadership: Theory and Practice. SPb:
1. Inability to clearly define goals and Rech, p. 19.
objectives. Ralph, F. (2010). Leadership without silver
2. The hustle and bustle of life and small bullets: a guide to exercising leadership.
problems that take too much time to solve. Bloomington, p. 19.
3. An inability or unwillingness to take Robb, G., & Gareth, J. (2008). Why should people
responsibility for one's decisions. follow you? A book on what it means to be a
4. Fear of making changes in one's life. true leader. M: Mann, Ivanov & Ferber.
5. An unwillingness to leave one's comfort Rozhkov, M.I. (2020). Education of a free man : a
zone. monograph / M.I. Rozhkov, L.V.
6. Over-tiredness, nervous breakdown. Bayborodova. - Moscow; Berlin: Direct-
7. Lack of motivation. Media, p. 264.
Karpenko L.A., Petrovsky A.V., Yaroshevsky
In fact, most of these problems are easily M.G. Brief Psychological Dictionary.
remedied by setting a goal and a willingness to Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 1999. 512 p.
work on yourself. Murotmusaev K.B. Boboqulov S. Sh. Certificate in
the international scientific-practical
competition "The best article - 2021",
organized for the first time in the
"The demand for authentic leadership is Commonwealth of Independent States
there, and it is growing. Genuine leadership has "Correct decision-making system and
become the most valuable of organisational and psychology"
personal assets," write Goffey and Jones. But to Murotmusaev K.B., Erkinboeva X., Yuldashev Sh.
become a leader, one prerequisite must be met - “Management Psychology: Principles of
you have to want it badly. Many talented people Leadership and Leadership” International
don't want to take the risk and responsibility scientific journal “global science and
associated with leadership. They prefer to devote innovations- 2021: Central Asia” Nur-Sultan,
more time to their personal life than to their work. Kazakhstan, june 2021.
If leadership is your thing and you are willing to Semenov, A.K., & Nabokov, V.I. (2006).
put in a lot of effort to become an effective leader, Fundamentals of Management: Textbook.
be prepared to answer the question, "Why should 3rd ed. Мoscow: Publishing and Trading
people follow you?" on a daily basis. You cannot Corporation Dashkov and К°, p. 556.
succeed in politics without being a leader. But you
can succeed in business without being a leader. liderov-vyi-otnosites-harakteristik-ih-plyusyi-
A leader can be nurtured, and predisposition, i-minusyi.html
natural gifts and skills can either help you become
an outstanding leader or shorten the time to
become one. Most mature companies do not
need leaders. They may be needed only when it
is necessary to move the company to a new round
of development, because the hallmark of a leader
is that he is not satisfied with the current situation

International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE), 14(1) 2022, 577-584
DOI: 10.9756/INT-JECSE/V14I1.221071
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