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Mata Kuliah : Metodologi Penelitian
Sesi : 14


1. Bacalah tugas dengan teliti dan berdo’alah sebelum mulai bekerja.

2. Jawaban menggunakan online teks atau File Submission
3. Periksalah jawaban saudara sebelum diuplaod.
4. Dilarang keras mencontek jawaban mahasiswa lainnya (plagiat).
5. Pelanggaran terhadap ketentuan di atas diberikan nilai 0

Human resources are considered as the most important factor which affects the sustainably
of hospital management. It is find difficult for hospital management to compete in these
competitive era without loyalness and Qualities from its human resources. This research has
purposed to determine the role of perceived organization support and work environment on
employee retention rate through work satisfaction as an intervening variable. This research
type was included in quantitative research approach with assist of an explanatory causality
approachment. The population and sample in this research were all employees at XYZ
Hospital who worked for at least one year with total numbered of 75 employees. The
sampling technique used was purposive sampling. Data analysis method was utilized the
multiple linear regression analysis to check if there has an reaction between the research
variables. The results showed if this work satisfaction did not play a perfect role as an
intervening variable in affects of perceived organizational support and work environment on
employee retention rate. Perceived organizational support has a positive and significant
affects on work satisfaction. Work environment has a positive and significant affects on work
satisfaction. Perceived organization support has a positive and significant affects on
employee retention rate. So with the work environment it also has a positive and significant
affects on employee retention. Work satisfaction has a positive and significant affects on
employee retention. Based on these results, hospital management is advised to take a note of
those flexible right or authority and concern about the physical work environment, improve
internal communication systems and training competencies which are adjusted to the
employees' work field.

Keywords: Perceived organizational support, work environment, work satisfaction,

employee retention.

Tugas : Berdasarkan abstrak tersebut di atas jawablah pertenyaan tersebut di bawah

1. Apa judul yang cocok dari penelitian tersebut diatas
2. Varaibel apa saja yang diteliti (sebut dan jelaskan masing-masing boleh di
kembangkan penegertian dari teori-teori)
3. Bagaimana rumusan masalah penelitian di atas dan bagaimana hipotesisnya
4. Metode analisis apa yang digunakan
5. Apa kesimpulan atau temuan dari penelitian tersebut

Universitas Esa Unggul

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