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Greeting Лист починається із Hi Jane,

звернення Hello James,
Dear James,
Introduction На початку листа Вступні розмовні формули:

 Використовують How are you?

вступні фрази How’s it going? How’s everything going? How is everything?
загального характеру I hope you are well. I think of you very often.

 Дякують адресату за Many thanks / Thanks (a lot) for your letter/e-mail…

раніше отриману It was great to hear from you.
кореспонденцію Your last letter/ e-mail was a surprise.
How nice of you to … .
I was awfully glad to get your letter / e-mail...

 Згадують якийсь I was happy to hear that…

факт з отриманого I’m glad you passed your History test!
листа Sounds like you had a great time in London!
It was really nice to read about…
Great news about your… !

 Вибачаються, що не I must apologise for not writing.

писали раніше I really should have written sooner.
Sorry I haven’t written for so long.
Sorry I haven’t been in touch for so long.
Sorry, I’ve taken so long to put pen to paper, but I was really busy …
(preparing for my exams)

 Мета написання Anyway, I’m writing to tell you about …

листа The reason I’m writing is ...
You asked me to recommend … (some places to stay in my country).
I’ve managed to find out some information about … for you.
Main Body  Тут повинні бути Перехід до основної частини:
(3 абзаци) розкриті всі умови,
 Для повного розкриття змісту листа ви можете використовувати
зазначені в завданні.
стійкі фрази, кліше. Так, для повідомлення позитивної або
негативної інформації в листі можуть стати в нагоді фрази:
 Обов'язкове
структурування по Fortunately / Luckily, … / Unfortunately… – На щастя, … / На жаль, …
абзацах! I’m afraid… – Боюсь, що …
I am sorry, but… - Мені шкода, але …
 Кожну умову I’m glad/happy to tell you… - Я радий(-а) повідомити вам …
розкривають в The good (bad) news is… - Хороша (погана) новина полягає в тому, що…
окремому абзаці. I have some bad (good) news for you… - У мене для тебе погані
(хороші) новини …
 Допустимо
об'єднання двох  Для вираження власної реакції на отриману інформацію ви можете
близьких за змістом використовувати в листі наступні фрази:
умов в один абзац.
I was glad (sorry) to hear that…– Я зрадів (засмутився) дізнавшись, що ...
I was worried about… – Мене схвилювало те, що ...

 Якщо вам необхідно попросити про щось свого друга по

листуванню, то можете зробити це так:
I’d like to ask you to… – Я б хотів попросити тебе ...
Could you please …? – Не міг би ти, будь ласка, ...?
It would be great if you could … – Було б чудово, якби ти зміг ...

 При необхідності, навпаки, відповісти у листі на питання, можна

As for your questions about … – Що стосується твоїх питань про ...
Concerning ... – Стосовно ...
Coming back to … – Повертаючись до ...
If you want me to … – Якщо ти хочеш, щоб я ... (що-н. зробив)
I will be happy to … – Я буду радий .... (що-н. зробити)
I’ll do my best to … – Я докладу всіх зусиль, щоб ...

Conclusion У кінці листа слід:

 пояснити причину, Well, that’s all my news.

чому ви закінчуєте Well, I must finish now because I have to walk the dog.
лист Well, I’d better go now as I have to do my homework.
I’ve got to go now. It’s time for my favourite TV show.

 сказати про те, що ви I look forward to hearing from you. or I’m looking forward to … –
чекаєте продовження З нетерпінням чекаю від тебе листа.
листування, чи Let’s keep in touch. – Давай підтримувати зв'язок.
згадати про подальші Hope to hear from you soon. – Сподіваюся скоро отримати від тебе лист.
контакти. Send my love to … – Передавай привіт …
Give my (best, warmest) regards to… – Передавай привіт/вітання…
When I get back I’ll tell you more. – Коли я повернусь, я розповім тобі
Write soon! or I’ll write again soon.
Drop me a line when you can.
I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.
I can’t wait to hear from you!
Take care and keep in touch.
Kisses and hugs.
Ending Ця фраза залежить від Можливі варіанти (від найменш формального до більш формального):
ступеня близькості
автора і адресата, Love / Lots of love / Much love / All my love,
після неї завжди All the best,
ставиться кома. Best wishes,
(з нового рядка) With best wishes,
Your friend,
Signing off Особисті листи Anna
підписують без David
зазначення прізвища.
Крапка після імені не
(з нового рядка)

Опрацювання пунктів комунікативного завдання

 З’єднувальні формули

Firstly, secondly, to begin with, in addition, furthermore, lastly,

moreover, besides;
on the one hand... on the other hand, however, still, in spite of/despite,
all in all, to sum up, in conclusion тощо.

 Використання розмовних зворотів:

Guess what?
You know…
Another thing,
Can you imagine …
If I were you, I’d…
By the way,

 Використання слів-зв'язок:

And, but, because, so, that’s why, who, which, that, if…

 Вживання фразових дієслів:

take up a hobby, my friends come round…

Приклади написання листів на ЗНО з англійської мови
Лист, який був написаний під час ЗНО та оцінений у 14 максимальних балів

Write a letter to your pen-friend in which you tell him/her:

 whether your parents influence your choice of books to read;

 what is your favorite literary genre and why;
 where you usually get books you'd like to read.

Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not use any personal information

Dear Helen,

It is sad to hear about your parents’ influence on your reading preferences. If they like classical authors, it does not
mean that you must be fond of reading them too. Try to talk and persuade them. They must understand you.

As for me, my parents have never told me what to read or what music to listen to. They always teach me to be
independent and make any choice myself.

Speaking about literature I must say that my favourite genre is fantasy, too. I adore reading about events or places
which cannot be seen in real life. Reading fantasy gives me enormous portion of ideas and emotions. It inspires me to
be creative.

Although there is one little problem. As usual, I borrow books from our school library, but I have already read almost all
of them, and nothing interesting is left there. So, I made up my mind to search for something fresh and exciting on the
internet. Unfortunately, reading online turned out to be not so useful for my eyes. They get tired quickly.

Maybe you have got some nice books. I would be grateful to you for those you liked most of all and your reasons why.

I am looking forward to your letter.

Best wishes,


Особистий лист, який був написаний під час ЗНО та оцінений у 14 максимальних балів
You’ve got a letter from your English pen-friend in which he/she wrote to you about his/her future plans. He/she wants
to become an actor/actress and your friend is sure that this profession will give him/her an opportunity to become
famous and make a lot of money. Write a letter to your pen-friend in which tell him/her
 about your thoughts regarding his/her career plans and what you are going to do after leaving school
 how you prepare yourself for your future profession
 what you think is necessary to be successful in your future job
Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not use your real name or any other personal information.[1] Start your letter in
an appropriate way.

Dear Emily,

I am sorry I haven’t written for such a long time but I was very busy with my exams. How are you? I like your choice to
be an actress. And I know that you are very talented and you’ll become a famous actress.

As for my plans I always wanted to be a singer. You know that I love singing. But unfortunately I often have a sore
throat, and the doctor said that it was impossible. So I decided to be a teacher of English.
I study English and German and this is what I like as much as singing.

To be ready for my future profession, firstly, I listen to English songs and watch English movies. Secondly, I learn words
when I’m walking along the street or even cycling. But the most important thing is language practice. I try to speak to
native speakers if I have such an opportunity wherever I am.

If I want to be a successful teacher I have to be communicative. Moreover I must love children and love to work with
them and, of course, I have to understand children’s behavior.

Hope to hear from you soon. Drop me a line, please. And give my regards to your family.
Best wishes,

Лист, який був написаний під час ЗНО-2014 та

оцінений у 14 максимальних балів.

Ось як звучало завдання:

Write a letter to your pen-friend in which you tell him/her:

whether your parents influence your choice of books to read;
what is your favorite literary genre and why;
where you usually get books you'd like to read.
Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not use any personal information

А ось і відповідь на нього:

Dear Liz,

It is sad to hear about your parents’ influence on your reading preferences. If they like classical authors, it does not mean that you
must be fond of reading them too. Try to talk and persuade them. They must understand you.

As for me, my parents have never told me what to read or what music to listen to. They always teach me to be independent and
make any choice myself.

Speaking about literature I must admit that my favourite genre is fantasy, too. I adore reading about events or places which cannot
be seen in real life. Reading fantasy gives me enormous portion of ideas and emotions. It inspires me to be creative.

Although there is one little problem. As usual, I borrow books from our school library, but I have already read almost all of them,
and nothing interesting is left there. So, I made up my mind to search for something fresh and exciting in the Internet.
Unfortunately, reading online turned out to be not so useful for my eyes. They get tired quickly.

Maybe you have got some nice books. I would be grateful to you for those you liked most of all and your reasons why.

I am looking forward to your letter.

Best wishes,

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