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24 12th Grade

Favors - 2

For questions 1- 6, choose the best word or expression 4. Philip : Do you want to play hide and seek?
to fill in the blank(s).
Jack : Yes, but I’ve never played that game before.
How do you play it?
1. For the past five years, I - - - - for my father to come,
but he hasn’t returned yet.
Philip : It is easy. Everybody knows that game.
A) wait
Jack : - - - -.
B) waited
C) will wait A) Your favourite team will lose the match

D) am waiting B) Well, first tell me what to do, please

E) have waited C) I think you can do the job perfectly

D) Don’t tell anyone about our secret
Ölçme, Değerlendirme ve Sınav Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü E) You mustn’t touch any of the balls

2. We mustn’t be late for the flight, so let’s - - - - a taxi 5. David : Do you do any extreme sports?
and be there on time.
Robert : - - - -.
A) take
B) ride David :If you try once, you will become an
adrenaline addict.
C) put
D) go A) No, I think they are so dangerous
E) fill B) I did rafting once but I didn’t like it
C) Yes, I have tried many of them so far
D) Sure, bungee jumping is my favourite
E) Of course, I do. I am a keen windsurfer

3. Our rival football team - - - - that they are more 6. Michael : I’m looking for a holiday resort by the

successful than us, and they will be better in the seaside where I can do scuba diving.
next match.
Travel Agent :- - - - It is one of the most popular
A) promise places in Türkiye.
B) request
Michael : Can you give me some details about
C) prefer
that place?
D) claim
A) You are in the wrong place.
E) invite
B) But it is an expensive activity.
C) You should wait until summer.
D) Why don’t you find something else?
E) What about going to Kaş then?
24 12th Grade
Favors - 2

For questions 7- 9, choose the best word or expression Answer questions 10-12 according to the text given.
to fill in the blank(s) in the text.
Many of us dream of spending a great holiday abroad
Fish are often said to have a three-second (7) ----, after a long tiring year. Usually, it is time to relax and
but the brain power of them has been considerably enjoy yourselves, but that’s not always the case. You
underestimated. (8) ---- the scientists, some fish can should also be ready for some unexpected events and
recognise themselves in the mirror. During the mirror cope with the holiday “blues”. If you lose your passport
test, the researchers placed a mark on the fish in a or someone steals it, go to the embassy and ask for
location that could only be seen in a mirror reflection. help. If you have a double-booking problem, calm
Initially, the fish reacted aggressively and repeatedly down and talk to the hotel manager. However, it is
tried to bite their (9) ----. But over the next few days, they possible to avoid such problems by taking some simple
stopped biting and started “behaving weirdly” in front of precautions. For instance, you can buy travel insurance
the mirror, swimming upside down, for instance, or doing that covers all kinds of risks, or you may give copies of
repeated bursts of acceleration past the mirror. all your important documents to your family or friends.
Meanwhile, don’t forget to research the country you will
7. visit and take a dictionary with you.
Ölçme, Değerlendirme ve Sınav Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü

A) life
10. What is the best title for the text?
B) journey
A) Working Abroad
C) memory
B) Importance of Insurance
D) breathing
C) Enjoying the Extreme Sports
E) eating time
D) How to Deal With Problems on Holiday
E) The Best Holiday Spots Around the World

8. 11. What is the meaning of the underlined word “blues”

in the text?
A) According to
B) In spite of A) Unfortunate situations

C) Although B) An extreme sport

D) However C) Colour of the sky


E) Despite D) A kind of music

E) A type of hotel

9. 12. According to the text, - - - -.

A) behaviours A) you don’t need to go abroad for a holiday

B) scales B) you must be ready for holiday difficulties
C) parents C) you can find cheap hotels on the Internet
D) reflections D) travel insurances are extremely expensive
E) animations E) double-booking is generally caused by hotel

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