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Affirmations to reprogram your subconscious mind

Affirmations are powerful tools that can help you reprogram your subconscious mind and
change the way you think and feel about yourself.
They work by repeating positive statements to yourself, which can help to counteract
negative thoughts and beliefs that may be holding you back.

Here are a few examples of "I AM" affirmations that you can use to reprogram your
subconscious mind:

"I AM confident in my abilities and worthy of success."

"I AM strong and capable of overcoming any obstacle."
"I AM in control of my thoughts and emotions."
"I AM surrounded by love and positivity."
"I AM grateful for all of the abundance in my life."
"I AM able to achieve my goals and live my dreams."
"I AM constantly improving and becoming the best version of myself."

It's important to personalize the affirmation to your own specific situation, so you can relate
to it more, that way it can be more effective.

It's also best to repeat them every day, ideally, in the morning, and before going to sleep.
That way, you can start and end your day with positive thoughts.

It's also important to note, Affirmations are not magic and don't produce instant results, it's a
gradual process that requires patience and consistency in order for them to be effective.

Also, believing in your affirmations is important, and not just reciting them as empty words.
The best affirmations are the ones that you can visualize and feel as if they are already true.
Here are some additional affirmations that you can use to help cultivate a positive mind:

"I am capable of achieving my goals."

"I am strong and resilient."
"I am surrounded by positivity and love."
"I am grateful for all that I have."
"I am worthy of happiness and success."
"I am confident in my abilities."
"I am making progress towards my dreams."
"I am deserving of abundance in all areas of my life."
"I am filled with peace and tranquillity."

It's important to remember that affirmations can be a powerful tool for self-improvement, but
they are most effective when used in combination with other techniques, such as
visualization, goal-setting, and action-taking.
Additionally, make sure to choose affirmations that resonate with you personally, and focus
on the positive in the present moment, as this will help make the affirmations more
believable to yourself.

Affirmations are a tool to use along with others to develop a more positive mindset.
Remember that it takes time and consistent effort to reprogram your mind. So, be patient
with yourself and continue to use affirmations as part of your daily practice.

I hope this is useful for you, follow me on social media so you can get more free guides in
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