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Which theories (that you have learnt during this academic year) do you think are most
relevant to the people you met on your community engagement experience? Why? (750)

Maslows Hierarchy of needs

2. Think back to an event/experience that happened during the Community Engagement


 Give a brief description of what happened. Helped with cooking duties and clean up,
sometime even sat down and interacted with some of the service users
 What did you do/think/feel during this incident? No incidents happened during my
hours at soup kitchen
 What impact did this have on you? Made me appreciate more of what a have and
develop a sense of gratitude, also enforce my wish to help those in need and treat
everyone equally regardless of their life experiences
 What are those issues and dilemmas that were highlighted by this incident? No
incidents happened during my hours at soup kitchen
 What did you learn from this experience? Made me appreciate more of what a have
and develop a sense of gratitude, also enforce my wish to help those in need and treat
everyone equally regardless of their life experiences


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