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List of nutritional products subject to the Ministry of Public Education.

The Good Food Plate was established by the Ministry of Health in conjunction with
the Ministry of Public Education and complies with NOM-043 Basic Health
Services, Promotion and Education, its use is intended to facilitate:
 Identification of the three food groups.
 The combination and variation of foods.
 The selection of daily menus with the three food groups.
 The contribution of energy and nutrients through the correct diet.
As can be seen, the main function of the good eating plate is to classify foods into
three basic groups; first vegetables and fruits, second cereals and tubers and third
legumes and foods of animal origin. Then, through this division, a correct diet can
be integrated that promotes and combines foods in order to provide the body with
the necessary nutrients to avoid eating disorders.
Below is a list of the basic products that will be offered to the students of the
List of products to be sold
Tlacoyos with cactus Prepared toast
Soy cubes Wrapped chicken
Oatmeal pancakes with beans and Composite cakes
Potato pancakes with beans and salad Taquitos with flour tortilla
Whole Wheat Bread Horns Panela cheese and chicken
Fruit water Seasonal fruit with Tajín.
With the aforementioned relationship, the objective is to offer the school community
complete foods that include at least one element from each group, that is balanced
and that contains the nutrients required to cover nutritional needs in a varied way,
in addition to doing so hygienically by preparing and serving cleanly and also
adapting to the tastes and availability of your environment.
Physical space conditioning
For educational institutions it is important to have the collaboration of all the
members that comprise it, and therefore it is very important for my work team to
participate in the development and growth of this institution.
Our objectives are totally focused on improving spaces and contributing to the
necessary conditioning for the preparation and consumption of food in order to
offer better quality of service. Our initial commitments are:
First , regarding the conditioning of the school store, we have noticed that it lacks
electrical energy, which is important for the preparation and especially for the
immediate conservation of the food offered. Our goal is to provide the electrical
installation to this space before starting the School Year.
Second, regarding the physical space, students need to enjoy their food because it
is a fundamental part of eating to provoke pleasant sensations when eating so that
the body functions harmoniously; doing so comfortably is a way to contribute to
this. Our goal is to place 4 tables with umbrellas and 4 chairs each throughout the
School Year , for the use of students during recess.
Compliance with Mexican Health Standards for the processing of food,
beverages and food supplements.
Every process needs certain regulations instituted by the official secretariats, so
that products and services can be offered that adhere to Mexican quality
standards. The current conditions of the School Store allow the application of the
following rules:
NOM-251-SSA1-2009 Hygiene Practices
According to this official standard, the following activities will be carried out:
Regarding the Facilities, we will keep clean, especially the areas that come into
direct contact with food preparation. Keeping the floors, walls and ceilings painted,
ensuring that they receive the maintenance they need. In relation to the
Equipment, such as the stove, display cases, tables and sink, we will take care of
its daily cleaning. For maintenance and cleaning, mainly of drinking water, we will
make sure that the cistern remains protected and we will also maintain ventilated
spaces for free circulation of air. Regarding pest control, we will carry out periodic
fumigation to avoid any type of proliferation of animals or insects. Waste
management, we will place bins for the children around the school store, so that
they can deposit their garbage. Health and hygiene, we will be careful to exclude
any type of actions or physical conditions that contaminate the products, hence the
importance of personal care, each member must appear clean, and before and
during the break they must wear a cap, face mask and apron. We will also put
antibacterial gel within reach of children and staff. Transportation, we will ensure
that the transportation of food avoids contamination, that it is not for long periods
and that a standard temperature is maintained. Training, we will hold periodic
meetings to let the staff know about each of the hygiene practices that must be
applied in the School Store and we will also inform them of any modifications.
NOM-026-STPS-2008 Colors and Safety Signs
We will place signs inside the school store and also within sight of the children,
about the safety measures to be taken in case of contingency, following the
pattern: Green for evacuation routes, Red for instructions in case of earthquake or
tremor, fire extinguishers and Yellow to signal toxic or corrosive substances.
NOM-002-STPS-2010 Fire Prevention and Protection
We will keep flammable products away from fire. Regarding the use of the stove,
we will ensure that it is covered with materials that could cause fires or explosions,
we will inform the staff of the materials or actions that cause fires and the types of
fires that exist.
NOM-154-SCFI-2005 Fire Fighting Equipment, Fire Extinguishers,
Maintenance and Recharging Service
We will keep a fire extinguisher within reach, which must be perfectly identified with
a label indicating the year of verification. In addition, every 5 years we will carry out
its stamping for hydraulic tests. And we will make sure that it receives maintenance
of its other parts.
NOM-001-SEDE-2012 Electrical Installations
Currently the School Store lacks an electrical installation, so the standard
requested so far cannot be applied. However, it is important to mention that once it
is decided to implement it, it will be necessary to respect the design and the
installation guide provided by this standard, in relation to the aspects of general
application, special equipment or other special conditions and complements.
NOM-004-SEDG-2004 LP Gas Use Installation (applicable to the physical
space where the school store operates).
To keep the space safe in terms of gas installation and in accordance with NOMS,
we will make sure that the tubes are made of copper to facilitate the conduction of
LP Gas. We will also verify the low and high pressure regulation outdoors. And we
will keep the installation away from risk situations.
Ethical care for consumers
As human beings we all deserve dignified and fair treatment wherever we operate.
When children enter secondary school, they face a series of challenges and
changes that will be part of their personality, so their environment affects what they
will become. The school store offers a service by nature, so it is necessary that it
be in coordination with the directors and teachers to work responsibly and together.
The values that we interpret below are like this:
Respect , the seller-student interaction basically depends on this value, the school
store is focused on satisfying the nutritional needs of the students and if both show
a willingness to collaborate, a pleasant environment is created.
Honesty , as a dealer we are responsible for offering integrity products with fair
prices, so that everyone receives what they pay for.
Cordiality , there is a certain time tension in school breaks, due to their short
duration, this sometimes affects the treatment given to students. However, this
must be put aside and the necessary adjustments made so as not to lose formality.

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