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Borbe, Patrick John E.



First aid can be provided by anyone who has undergone basic training in first aid
techniques. The first aid can be life-saving and essential in emergencies, it is not a
substitute for professional medical care. Therefore, it is crucial to seek medical attention
as soon as possible, especially for serious or life-threatening conditions and
First aid refers to the immediate and initial care provided to an injured or ill person until
professional medical help arrives or the individual can receive proper medical treatment.

The primary goals of first aid are to preserve life. The immediate priority is to ensure
the person's safety and well-being. This may involve removing them from a dangerous
situation, assessing their consciousness, and establishing an open airway and also to
prevent further injury or harm first aid aims to prevent the condition from worsening.
This may involve immobilizing fractures, controlling bleeding, or stabilizing the person's

Promote recovery basic first aid techniques can help alleviate pain, reduce the risk
of infection, and improve the chances of a faster recovery. This includes cleaning and
dressing wounds, applying cold packs to reduce swelling, or providing comfort and

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