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Although it is true that soccer is a fantastic sport and full of emotions, where people

enjoy live matches, they do not always have the best sports experience.
Well, this time I'm going to tell you about a negative experience I had in a soccer
It was September 18, 2020 when my friend and I were at the Monumental Stadium
watching the Alianza Lima vs Universitario Peruvian Classic. Everything started very
well, people cheered their team respectively; but as the minutes passed, many fans
began to throw insults and very dangerous objects at each other, and the worst thing
was that I was in that grandstand. That grandstand was the most crowded in the
Well, it didn't take long for many fans to fight, I was really scared, but I managed to
escape as quickly as possible, I didn't want to get hurt, much less be an accomplice in
an embarrassing fight. Because of this, the game was postponed to the following week.
But the good thing about all this is that I was able to get out of that violent situation
unscathed. It really is an experience that I honestly don't want to live again.

Although it is true that soccer is a fantastic sport and full of emotions, where people enjoy live
matches, they do not always have the best sports experience.

Well, this time I'm going to tell you about a negative experience I had in a soccer stadium.

It was September 18, 2020 when my friend and I were at the Monumental Stadium watching
the Alianza Lima vs Universitario Peruvian Classic. Everything started very well, people cheered
their team respectively; but as the minutes passed, many fans began to throw insults and very
dangerous objects at each other, and the worst thing was that I was right in that grandstand.
That grandstand was the busiest in the Stadium.

Well, it didn't take long for many fans to fight, I was really scared. The only thing I wanted was
for this to stop. I managed to escape as quickly as possible, I didn't want to get hurt, let alone
be an accomplice in an embarrassing fight. Due to this, the game was postponed to the
following week. But the good thing about all this is that I was able to get out of that violent
situation unscathed. It really is an experience that I honestly do not want to live again.

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